Dr. Steven RothsteinAdjunct Professor; Professor EmeritusDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: 58524 / 54841Email: rothstei@uoguelph.caOffice: SSC 4469
Dr. Scott RyanAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: 52919 / 58584Email: sryan03@uoguelph.caOffice: SSC 3456
Dr. Shaun SandersAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyEmail: ssande03@uoguelph.ca
Dr. Angela ScottAssistant Professor Department of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: (519) 824-4120, x58524Email: angela.scott@uoguelph.caOffice: SSC 3446
Dr. Stephen SeahProfessorDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: 56750 / 53026Email: sseah@uoguelph.caOffice: SSC 4250
Dr. Rebecca ShapiroAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: 53390Email: shapiror@uoguelph.caOffice: SSC 4459
Dr. Frances J. SharomProfessor EmeritaDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyEmail: fsharom@uoguelph.caOffice: SSC 4446
Dr. Matthew SorbaraAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: 519-824-4210 x53577Email: msorbara@uoguelph.caOffice: SSC 3255
Dr. Roselynn M. W. StevensonProfessor EmeritaDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: 53577 / 54385 / 52517Email: rstevens@uoguelph.caOffice: SSC 3255
Dr. Ian TetlowProfessorDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: 52735 / 58852Email: itetlow@uoguelph.caOffice: SSC 4471