MCS 6950 - Kelley Main
Date and Time
Kelley Main (Asper School of Business)
Dr. Kelley Main
Acting A.D.R., Associate Professor of Marketing
Asper School of Business, University of Manitboa
Seeing Things in a Different Light: Agent versus Consumer Responses to Persuasion Attempts
Wednesday October 16th
MACS 121
The current research examines how an individual’s role influences their responses to persuasion attempts. In particular, we focus on how agents and consumers differentially respond to persuasion attempts. We find that agent (consumer) responses to persuasion attempts are more consistent with accuracy (defense) motivated processing and trust judgments of the salesperson involved in a persuasion attempt are more (less) responsive to information concerning ulterior motives. We also demonstrate the role of construal in the accuracy and defense motivated processing.
For further information or a copy of the paper, please contact the Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies, Cori Wells at, 1-519-824-4120 x52725.