Scott R. Colwell

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Potential Graduate Student Information:
Accepting MSc Students: Yes (only in the area of applied statistical methods)
Accepting PhD Students: Yes (only in the area of applied statistical methods)*
* interested students will be required to take additional coursework over an above the requirements of the doctoral program.
Scott R. Colwell, PhD., has been an Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies since 2003 and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychology since 2013. Prior to joining the University of Guelph, Dr. Colwell was a lecturer at Acadia University for 3 years and an executive in the financial services industry for 10 years.
Dr. Colwell has a PhD in Management and a post-graduate diploma in research methodology from the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom. His master's (MBA) and undergraduate work were both in strategy and finance. He holds the accreditation of Chartered Statistician (CStat) with the Royal Statistical Society and Professional Statistician (PStat) with the American Statistical Association.
Dr. Colwell's research interests include applied statistical analysis and social issues in management. He teaches courses in research methods and statistical analysis and consults in data analysis with researchers and students in a broad range of disciplines including the social, behavioural and health sciences.
Dr. Colwell's research interests include:
Applied Statistical Analysis:
1. Measurement invariance issues
2. Multivariate correction for attenuation
3. Latent variable modeling
4. Scale development
Social Issues:
1. Ethical decision making
2. Social issues resulting from institutional decisions
3. Role of education in promoting ethical decision making
Dr. Colwell's primary teaching interests are in the area of applied statistics and research methods. Courses he has taught over the last ten years include:
PSYC*1010 Making Sense of Data
PSYC*2040 Research Statistics
MCS*3030 Research Methods
PSYC*3370 Experimental Design and Analysis
MCS*6050 Research Methods
MCS*6070 Structural Equation Modeling
MGMT*6830 Applied Univariate Statistics
PSYC*6380 Applied Multivariate Analysis
In addition, Dr. Colwell has taught a number of summer workshops for the University of Guelph in areas such as introductory and intermediate statistics, structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling, and growth modeling.
Sandomierski, M. C., Morrongiello, B. A., & Colwell, S. R. (2019). S.A.F.E.R. Near Water: An Intervention Targeting Parent Beliefs About Children’s Water Safety. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsz042
Kim, S., Colwell, S. R., Kata, A., Boyle, M. H., & Georgiades, K. (2017). Cyberbullying Victimization and Adolescent Mental Health: Evidence of Differential Effects by Sex and Mental Health Problem Type. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47(3), 661–672. doi: 10.1007/s10964-017-0678-4
Vidaver-Cohen, D., Gomez, C., & Colwell, S. R. (2015). Country-of-Origin Effects and Corporate Reputation in Multinational Firms: Exploratory Research in Latin America. Corporate Reputation Review, 18(3), 131–155. doi: 10.1057/crr.2015.7
Schmidt, S., Morrongiello, B. A., & Colwell, S. R. (2014). Evaluating a model linking assessed parent factors to four domains of youth risky driving. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 69, 40–50. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2013.08.028
Wood, M. O., Noseworthy, T. J., & Colwell, S. R. (2012). If You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees, You Might Just Cut Down the Forest: The Perils of Forced Choice on “Seemingly” Unethical Decision-Making. Journal of Business Ethics, 118(3), 515–527. doi: 10.1007/s10551-012-1606-x
Kimber, M., Boyle, M., Lipman, E., Colwell, S., Georgiades, K., & Preston, S. (2013). The associations between sex, immigrant status, immigrant concentration and intimate partner violence: Evidence from the Canadian General Social Survey. Global Public Health, 8(7), 796–821. doi: 10.1080/17441692.2013.814701
Colwell, S. R., & Joshi, A. W. (2011). Corporate Ecological Responsiveness: Antecedent Effects of Institutional Pressure and Top Management Commitment and Their Impact on Organizational Performance. Business Strategy and the Environment, 22(2), 73–91. doi: 10.1002/bse.732
Teed, M., Finlay, K. A., Marmurek, H. H. C., Colwell, S. R., & Newby-Clark, I. R. (2011). Sympathetic Magic and Gambling: Adherence to the Law of Contagion Varies with Gambling Severity. Journal of Gambling Studies, 28(4), 691–701. doi: 10.1007/s10899-011-9280-y
Colwell, S., & Carter, E. (2016). Introduction to statistics for social sciences. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Custom Learning Solutions.
Colwell, S. R., Zyphur, M. J., & Schminke, M. (2011). When does ethical code enforcement matter in the inter-organizational context? The moderating role of switching costs. Journal of Business Ethics, 104(1), 47-58.
Reed, L. L., Vidaver-Cohen, D., & Colwell, S. R. (2011). A new scale to measure executive servant leadership: Development, analysis, and implications for research. Journal of business ethics, 101(3), 415-434.
Colwell, S., Hogarth-Scott, S., Jiang, D., & Joshi, A. (2009). Effects of organizational and serviceperson orientation on customer loyalty. Management Decision, 47(10), 1489-1513.
Colwell, S. R., Aung, M., Kanetkar, V., & Holden, A. L. (2008). Toward a measure of service convenience: multiple-item scale development and empirical test. Journal of Services Marketing, 22(2), 160-169.
Mills, J. H., Weatherbee, T. G., & Colwell, S. R. (2006). Ethnostatistics and sensemaking: Making sense of university and business school accreditation and rankings. Organizational Research Methods, 9(4), 491-515.
Colwell, S. R., & Hogarth-Scott, S. (2004). The effect of cognitive trust on hostage relationships. Journal of Services Marketing, 18(5), 384-394.