Sunghwan Yi

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- Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
- MBA, Seoul National University, Korea
- BBA, Seoul National University, Korea
- The use of choice architecture (nudging) and other micro-environmental changes to induce the choice of fruits, vegetables and legume-rich food in institutional food contexts
- Environmental impacts of diverse methods of adding pulses into food offerings in institutional food service contexts: Collaboration with CCUFSA
- Factors contributing to successful self-control versus self-control failure in gambling and excessive buying
- Automatic determinants of addictive, impulsive and compulsive consumer behaviour (e.g., excessive buying, gambling)
- Affective motives of engaging in excessive consumption behaviour: Coping with aversive self-related emotions
Open to advising MSc students: YES
Open to advising PhD students: YES
MacDonald, Jessica., Brauer, Paula., & Yi, Sunghwan. (2023). Meat reduction among post-secondary students: Exploration of motives, barriers, diets and preferences for meals with partial and full meat substitution. Appetite, 106977.
Yi, Sunghwan, Goldstein, Abby, Luo, Hai & Haefner, Sasha. (2022, September). A Daily Diary Investigation of Self-Regulation in Gambling. Psychology of Addictive Behaviours, 37(3), 533–544.
Yi, Sunghwan, Kanetkar, Vinay & Brauer, Paula. (2022, June). Nudging food service users to choose fruit-and vegetable-rich items: Five field studies. Appetite, 173, 105978.
Yi, Sunghwan, Kanetkar, Vinay & Brauer, Paula. (2022, April). Customer support for nudge strategies to promote fruit and vegetable intake in a university food service. BMC Public Health, 22(706), 1-20.
Maraz, Aniko & Yi, Sunghwan. (2022, March). Compulsive buying gradually increased during the first six months of the Covid-19 outbreak. Journal of Behavioural Addictions, 11(1), 88-101.
Erb, Sandra, Barata, Paula, Yi, Sunghwan, MacLachlan, Kaitlyn & Powell, Deborah. (2022, July). The Shame and Guilt Distinction: Addressing the (Mal)Adaptive Nature of Guilt. Traumatology. Retrieved from
Maraz, Aniko, Katzinger, Eva & Yi, Sunghwan. (2021, September). Potentially addictive behaviours increase during the first six months of the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 10(4), 912–919.
Baines, K, DeMarco, N, Brauer, P & Yi, S. (2021, January). Post-Secondary Food Service Manager Perspectives on Fruit and Vegetable Nudging Strategies. Current Developments in Nutrition, 5(9).
Holligan, S, Yi, S, Kanetkar, V, Haines, J & Brauer, P. (2019, September). Preferences for vegetables among university foodservice users: a survey to inform nudge-based interventions. British Food Journal, 121(12), 3338-3349.
Hudson, A, Gough, K, Yi, S, MacNevin, D & Stewart, S H. (2017, September). Examining the effects of gambling-relevant cues on gambling outcome expectancies. International Gambling Studies, 17(2), 236-250.
Yi, S, Kanetkar, V & Brauer, P. (2015, September). Assessment of heterogeneity in types of vegetables served by main household food preparers and food decision influencers. Public Health Nutrition, 18(15), 2750–2758.
Yi, S, Goldstein, A & Haefner, S. (September, 2022). A Daily Diary Investigation of Self-Regulation in Gambling. European Association of Study in Gambling conference
Yi, S, Brauer, P & Kanetkar, V. (Aug. 2021). Customers' Support for Nudge Strategies to Promote Fruit and Vegetable Intake in a University Food Service. European Health Psychology Society annual conference
Shen, Y, Yi, S, Joppe, M & Choi, C. (Jan. 2021). Why is gamified travel information more effective? An experimental investigation. Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) International Conference
Yi, S & Huang, S. (Mar. 2019). What drives tourists to engage in value co-creation in creative tourism? Evidence from a cooking workshop in Lisbon, Portugal. International Research Conference for Hospitality and Tourism
Yi, S & Brauer, P. (Sep. 2018). Nudging young adults to choose more vegetables in mass eating context: Findings from field studies. EGEA Conference on Nutrition and Health
Yi, S. & O'Connor, R. (May 2018). Validation of Pathological Buying Scale with English-speaking Canadian samples. International Conference of Behavioural Addiction
Under way:
"Canadian campus food service operators' serving pulse-centred meals: Current practices, barriers and potentials for further environmental sustainability", Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Partnership Engagement Grant (Primary investigator)
"Optimization of campus food services’ reformulation of mixed dishes for environmental sustainability, nutrition and customer satisfaction", Guelph Institute for Environmental Research (GIER), Small Grant
“Nudge-based approaches to increasing vegetable consumption among young adults in Ontario”, Ontario Agri-food Innovation Alliance funding (Primary investigator)
“A daily diary investigation of self-regulation in gambling”, Manitoba Gambling Research Program, Small Grant (Primary investigator)
"The Activation of explicit and implicit gambling outcome expectancies in response to gambling cues and anti-gambling messages" Manitoba Gambling Research Program, Small Grant (Co-investigator)
“Assessment of affective buying motives in compulsive buyers and buyers with excessive buying tendencies”, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Standard Research Grant. (Primary investigator)
“Consumers' perception, purchase, and intake of vegetables in Ontario”, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), OMAFRA/UG partnership grant. (Primary investigator)
“The Investigation of Automatic Activation of Gambling Outcome Expectancies”, Ontario Problem Gambling Research Center (OPGRC), Level II Research Grant (Primary investigator)
Nudging Vegetables: Promising Research Results - Nutrition Connections
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Early pandemic stress saw increased shopping, gaming: study | CTV News
Strategies needed to keep gamblers within limits: U of G prof - CityNews Kitchener
Nutrition, Plant-foods, and Planetary Health workshop - Arrell Food Institute
Study nudges college students to eat more fruits, veggies | Great Lakes Echo
Dark Vegetables Find Wary Consumers: Study | Lab Manager
Finding Ways to Increase Vegetable Consumption