International Congresses of Dipterology
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Council Minutes from midterm meeting 1996
The meeting of the Council was held on Sunday 25 August 1996 at 1430 hours in Room 104 of the Palazzo dei Congressi, during the International Congress of Entomology (Florence, Italy).
Present: |
Milan Chvála (Chairman), David Henshaw (Vice-Chairman), Adrian Pont (Secretary-Treasurer), László Papp,
Rudolf Rozkošný, Chris Thompson, and Hans Ulrich. |
Items |
As there was no quorum, the Chairman pointed out that a postal ballot would be required
for a number of items on the agenda.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes, already distributed, of the meetings of 14 and 18 August 1994 at Guelph and of the Oxford meeting of 25 September 1995 were approved.
Secretary/Treasurer report
The Secretary/Treasurer presented a brief report of Council business since the 1994 meetings.
Location of the Fourth International Congress of Dipterology, 1998
The proposal from Agra was not renewed, and it was reluctantly accepted that the organisers now wished to
withdraw their bid. Discussion focussed on Oxford and Curitiba.
Several points were raised concerning these proposals and the Dipterology Congresses generally. The Congresses had
originally been intended as "little brothers" to the International Congresses of Entomology, and it was felt that there
was still scope for expansion in the scientific bases of the Congresses. The location of Congresses was discussed
in detail: an alternation between Old World / New World and Northern Hemisphere / Southern Hemisphere was essential,
though concerns were expressed about the costs of travel and registration. Would financial assistance be available
for Third World delegates? Would the economic climate in Europe improve sufficiently for former Eastern bloc delegates
to obtain grants for travel? Could sufficient numbers of key-note speakers, whose presence guarantees the scientific
status of the Congress, obtain support for travel? Could a Congress be sustained financially if the number of delegates
fell far below what was expected?
The Curitiba proposal had originally been for ICD5 in 2002, with Oxford put forward as a standby for 1998 if the Agra
proposal fell through. Both Oxford and Curitiba are popular locations.
The Chairman called for a vote, with the following result:
For Oxford: Chvála, Henshaw, Papp, Pont, Rozkošný, and Ulrich.
For Curitiba: Thompson.
The views of five Council members had already been communicated in writing, as follows:
For Oxford: Griffiths, Owaga, Stoffolano, and Zaitzev.
For Curitiba: Kurahashi.
The Secretary was instructed to undertake a postal ballot to secure the opinions of the remaining Council
members (Chao, Ipe). It was proposed, seconded, and agreed unanimously, that Dr. Carvalho and his colleagues
should be thanked and congratulated on their most professional and attractive proposal, and should be
invited to re-submit a proposal to host ICD5 in 2002.
Emendments to the Constitution
The following amendments and additions were proposed and were accepted without dissent.
A few suggestions submitted by post by Graham Griffiths were also accepted without dissent.
III.3. After "International Congresses", add: "of Dipterology".
IV.2.(a) After "members of the Council in attendance", add: "at the Congress".
(b) After "if no candidate", add: "for a particular contested office".
IV.6. After "at each Congress", add: "(see Article VI.3). In consultation with the Chairman, the Secretary-Treasurer
shall prepare and distribute a tentative agenda for the meetings of the Council before the time of each meeting."
VII.1. Replace "with this section of the Constitution quoted" with "quoting this section ...".
VII.2. After "each nomination", add: "whether for postal ballot or for election during a Congress".
VII.4. After "between the two candidates", add: "for that position".
VIII.1. After "four (4) years", add: ", midway".
X.1. At the end, after "elected", add: "and the appointment shall take effect upon such announcement".
X.2. Replace "dipterologists" with "dipterists".
X.3. Delete ", as of the date of ratification,".
X.6. The following additional article is to be inserted:
"If any member of Council has been nominated a candidate for Honorary Membership, the election of Honorary Members
shall precede any election of Council members and officers."
A new version of the Constitution will be prepared and distributed by the Secretary.
ICZN representation
At the ICSEB meeting preceding the International Congress of Entomology, László Papp was elected as a Commissioner.
Chris Thompson pointed out that given the size of the order Diptera there was a good case for the election of a
second dipterist to the Commission. A motion was proposed that Council should, as a body, support the proposal of
another dipterist to the ICZN. Council considered that Graham Griffiths and Neal Evenhuis are strong candidates for
this post. The Secretary was instructed to canvas the views of other members of the Council.
New Members of the Council
It was decided to fill the existing Council vacancy and to proceed with the election of Claudio Carvalho so that he
can begin his term on Council immediately. All seven members present supported his election, and the Secretary was
instructed to carry out a postal ballot among other members of Council.
Possible replacements for those due to retire at the next Congress were discussed. The names of Bela Darvas (Hungary)
and Junichi Yukawa (Japan) were mentioned.
Honorary Congress Members
The Secretary was asked to prepare short statements from the c.v.s submitted by D.E. Hardy and J.A. Downes,
for consideration at the next Council meeting.
Other business
Chris Thompson spoke about the World Wide Web and the information on Diptera, dipterists, collections, names and
related information that is available on the Smithsonian Institution web site. He requested that Council provide
a letter to show its support for the work of the nomenclatural committee. He referred to the next IUBS meeting at
Taipeh in 1997 and offered to represent Council there. He also spoke about the Species 2000 project and the funds
that are becoming available for a programme to complete and amalgamate all the regional databases of Diptera names.
As John Stoffolano was unable to attend this meeting, discussion of how to raise the public perception of Diptera
and dipterology was postponed.
Hans Ulrich proposed a modification to the Oxford logo for ICD4 if that location is finally approved.
The Secretary was instructed to inform all members of Council of the results of the several ballots proposed
during this meeting.
There being no further business, the Meeting was closed at 1700 hours.
Adrian C. Pont
29th August 1996
The results of the three postal ballots undertaken by the Secretary are as follows:
Location of the Fourth International Congress of Dipterology, 1998
No additional votes were received.
Final Council vote:
For Oxford: 10
For Curitiba: 2
Abstentions: 2 (Chao, Ipe)
ICZN representation
That Council should, as a body, support the proposal of a second dipterist to ICZN:
Yes: 3 (Griffiths, Kurahashi, Zaitzev)
No: 0
Final Council vote:
Yes: 10
No: 0
Abstentions: 4 (Chao, Ipe, Owaga, Stoffolano)
That Graham Griffiths or Neal Evenhuis should be proposed by Council:
Yes: 3 (Griffiths, Kurahashi, Zaitzev)
No: 0
Final Council vote:
Yes: 10
No: 0
Abstentions: 4 (Chao, Ipe, Owaga, Stoffolano)
Election of Claudio Carvalho to Council
Yes: 3 (Griffiths, Kurahashi, Zaitzev)
No: 0
Final Council vote:
Yes: 10
No: 0
Abstentions: 4 (Chao, Ipe, Owaga, Stoffolano)
Adrian C. Pont
24 October 1996
First published on the Internet on 5 March 2013
J.E. O'Hara |