The International Congresses of Dipterology website
Jim O'Hara was thanked for his excellent work in setting up and maintaining the ICD website.
Council members
In the absence of a quorum, it was not possible to elect a new member to the ICD Council.
Honorary Members of the International Congresses of Dipterology
It was suggested that Monty Wood and Ev Schlinger should be approached for election as Honorary Members of ICD.
Report from Junichi Yukawa on the preparations for ICD6 in 2006
ICD6 is being held in the International Conference Centre of Fukuoka, Japan, 23-28 September 2006.
Arrangements are well in hand, and the First Announcement had been circulated. Junichi is searching for
additional Japanese government sponsorship. There is little accommodation available at the Conference
Centre, and most delegates will be in hotels about 10 minutes drive from the Centre. Buses will be
needed to ferry delegates to and from the Centre, and some concern was voiced about the logistics.
Proposal from Marc Pollet
The meeting considered Marc's suggestions as outlined in the Agenda, and considered it useful for Marc to
present a prototype of his idea at the next Congress.
Any other business
There was some discussion about ICD7 in 2010. Brazil and Germany are likely candidates, and
should be encouraged to present bids at the next Council meeting in Fukuoka.
There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all those who had attended, and closed
the meeting at 17:10 hours.
In the absence of the Secretary, these minutes were prepared by the Chairman.
Adrian Pont
November 2004