International Congresses of Dipterology
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Council Minutes from ICD3
Provided here are the minutes of the Council meetings held during
the 3rd International Congress of Dipterology, Guelph, Canada, 15-19 August 1994. |
First Council Meeting
Minutes of the first Council Meeting at the Guelph Congress, held in Graharn Hall, University of Guelph,
on 14 August 1994 at 1300 hours.
Present: |
Graham Griffiths (Chairman), Milan Chvála (Vice Chairman), Chris Thompson (Secretary), David Henshaw,
László Papp, John Stoffolano, Hans Ulrich, and Vadim Zaitzev.
Three members of the Guelph organizing committee also attended for Items 1-3: Stephen Marshall (Chairman), Terry Wheeler
(Secretary), and Monty Wood (Treasurer).
Items |
Approval of Minutes
The minutes, already circulated, of the meeting of June 28 and July 4, 1992 were approved.
Constitutional Amendments
The proposed amendments to Articles VIII, IX and XI of the Constitution, circulated by the Chairman, were
adopted with certain modifications (see below). The revised Constitution incorporating these amendments
will be printed and distributed to all Council members following the Congress.
Suggested Timetable for Congress Organization
This document was adopted in principle, subject to correction of "Entomology" to "Dipterology" in line 19 on
page 3. David Henshaw was authorized to work on producing a revised version of the document for consideration
at the Florence meeting. Stephen Marshall indicated that the organizers of the Guelph Congress had some
comments which they would send to him.
Financial Report
The Chairman's indebtedness of $173.06 to the Council was forgiven as a contribution towards his travel
expenses (Art. VI.2).
Following his verbal presentation, the Treasurer/Secretary was asked to type and present a formal financial
statement at the second Council meeting. Copies of this Statement will be circulated with these minutes, after
the Congress.
Election of Honorary Members
The death of Lars Brundin was noted with regret. Brian R. Stuckenburg was elected an Honorary Member
of the Congresses. Motions to elect Tibor Jermy and Fan Zi-De were defeated, but it was suggested that these
nominations could be resubmitted at the next Congress after "guidelines" for the nomination of Honorary
Members had been prepared. David Henshaw was asked to work on preparing such a document.
It was decided to ask dipterists at large to submit possible candidates for nomination as Honorary Members.
Milan Chvála agreed to draft such an announcement for the current Chairman to read at the closing Plenary
Election of Council officers
Milan Chvála was elected Chairman, David Henshaw Vice-Chairman, and Adrian Pont Secretary-Treasurer.
Graharn Griffiths, Chris Thompson, Ipe M. Ipe, László Papp, Hans Ulrich, Vadim Zaitsev, Hiromu Kurahashi
and Rudolf Rozkonŭ were reelected as members of Council. Regretfully it was decided not to reelect G.C. Unnithan.
While he had been an effective member of Council in its early stages, he had been unable to attend
meetings since resigning from his position in Kenya. Samir Abu-Halawa, Chao Chien-ming, Mary Ogawa
and John Stoffolano continue in office until the end of the next Congress. The total number of Council
members remains at 15.
The motion to elect Park Soung-Ho as a Council member was tabled for consideration at the next Congress,
since he was not in attendance at the Guelph Congress and there are currently no vacancies on the Council.
The Chairman reported that no response had been received to any Council communications sent to Abu-Halawa's
last known address. Chris Thompson was asked to draft a constitutional arnendment to allow
retirement of inactive members without having to wait for their appointments to expire after eight years.
Financing of Council
Only abstract volumes would be available from the Guelph congress, which would not provide sufficient
revenue for funding Council expenses. A possible constitutional arnendment to allow the Council to receive
revenue from the Registration fees for future Congresses will be considered at the second Council Meeting.
There being no further business the Meeting was closed at approximately 17:50 hours.
Graham Griffiths
David Henshaw
Second Council Meeting
Minutes of the second Council Meeting at the Guelph Congress, held in Graharn Hall, University of Guelph,
on 18 August 1994 at 1600 hours.
Present: |
Graham Griffiths (Chairman), Milan Chvála (Vice Chairman), Chris Thompson (Secretary), David Henshaw,
László Papp, John Stoffolano, Hans Ulrich, Vadim Zaitzev, Hiromu Kurahashi, and Mary Owaga.
Terry Wheeler (Secretary of Guelph Congress) also attended for the first item (Resolutions). |
Items |
The Resolution thanking the Congress Organizers drafted by John Stoffolano was adopted unanimously. The
resolution supporting the efforts of IUBS to promote Conservation on Biodiversity was approved, and will be
transmitted to the IUBS by David Henshaw during their September General Assembly. A resolution received
from the Anthophilous Diptera Section regarding the establisbment of a committee to develop a database was
added to make it clear that the Congress was being asked to instruct the Council to appoint the committee.
In that way the committee would be able to claim the support of the whole Congress for its work. Subject
to Congress approving the establishment of the committee, Peter Kevan was appointed Chairman of the
Committee to develop a database on anthophilous Diptera, with Stefan Kühne and Bannah Nadel as members,
and given authority to appoint additional members.
Financial Statement
The financial Statement prepared by Chris Thompson (Secretary-Treasurer) was approved, and a cheque for
$218.61 representing the balance of Council funds was passed to Adrian Pont. Eighteen copies of the Bratislava
proceedings remained unsold which were in Washington will be sent on to Adrian Pont.
Constitutional Amendments
The following amendments additional to those approved at the first meeting were approved. A new sentence
in Art. VII.1: "Non-response to communications from the Council for a period in excess of one year, including
at least one letter with this Section of the Constitution quoted, will be deemed a resignation". Art. IX.4 to
be replaced by the following: "Each Congress of Dipterology will contribute financially to help defray
necessary expenses of the Council. The amount and manner of support will be negotiated at the time of
acceptance of the invitation to hold their Congress".
Plans for the 1998 Agra Congress
Concerns regarding a lack of information on the progress of preparations for this Congress were discussed.
It was resolved that the new Chairman would communicate these concerns to Dr. Ipe and request specific
information on such matters as composition of the Organizing Committee and financial and institutional support
immediately following the Guelph Congress.
Proposals to host future Congresses
Formal proposals to host future Congresses in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) and England (Royal Entomological
Society and Oxford University) were received and tabled for consideration at the next Council meeting in
Florence. Another possible location for a future Congress was made by Israel.
Other business
John Stoffolano suggested the production of publicity material outlining the importance of Dipterology. The
matter will be considered by the new officers.
The retiring Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer were given a vote of thanks for their work
in establishing the Council.
There being no further business the Meeting was closed at approximately 18:30 hours.
Graham Griffiths
David Henshaw |
Article VII. Nominations and Elections
Section 1. Vacancies.
ADD new Sentence:
Non-response to communications from the Council for a period of more than a year, including at least one letter
with this section of the constitution quoted, will be deemed a resignation.
Article IX. Relationships with Sponsoring Bodies
Section 4.
REPLACE current wording with the following:
Each Congress of Dipterology will contribute financially to help defray the expenses of the Council. The amount
and manner of support will be negotiated at the time of acceptance of the invitation to hold their Congress.
First published on the Internet on 5 March 2013
J.E. O'Hara |