International Congresses of Dipterology
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Council Minutes from ICD4
Provided here are the minutes of the Council meetings held during
the 4th International Congress of Dipterology, Oxford, United Kingdom,
6-13 September 1998.
First Council Meeting
Minutes of the first Council Meeting at
the Oxford Congress, held in the ARCO Terrace Room on 6 September 1998 at 1430 hours.
Milan Chvála (Chairman), David Henshaw (Vice Chairman), Adrian Pont (Secretary), Claudio Carvalho,
Graham Griffiths, Hiromu Kurahashi, Rudolf Rozkošný, John Stoffolano, Chris Thompson, Hans Ulrich. |
Items |
Approval of Minutes
The minutes, already circulated, of the meeting of 25 August 1996 at the International Congress of Entomology in
Florence were accepted.
Secretary/Treasurer's Report
The Secretary/Treasurer presented a brief report of Council business and finances since the 1996 meeting,
which was accepted.
Honorary Members
The death of Curtis W. Sabrosky, Honorary Member of the International Congresses of Dipterology,
was noted with regret.
The names of three dipterists, whose curricula vitae had already been circulated by the Secretary, were proposed
for election as Honorary Members of the International Congresses of Dipterology:
(1) J. Anthony Downes, proposed by Graham Griffiths, seconded by David Henshaw.
(2) D. Elmo Hardy, proposed by Milan Chvála, seconded by Graham Griffiths.
(3) Graham C. D. Griffiths, proposed by David Henshaw, seconded by Adrian Pont.
Ballot papers were distributed, and all three were elected unanimously.
Members of Council
The current Council officers indicated that they were willing to continue serving.
Mary Owaga and John Stoffolano, who have come to the end of their eight-year period, had indicated their
willingness to continue serving on Council and were formally re-elected.
Four places exist for ordinary members of Council, to fill those vacated by Graham Griffiths (elected as
Honorary Member of the Congresses), Chien-ming Chao, Hiromu Kurahashi and Laszlo Papp (not seeking re-election).
To fill one of these places, Junichi Yukawa, whose c.v. was circulated at the Florence meeting in 1996,
was proposed by David Henshaw, seconded by Hiromu Kurahashi.
Members of Council were asked to look for suitable nominations during the week of the Congress.
Location of ICD5
Claudio Carvalho indicated that he would not be renewing his bid to host ICD5 in Curitiba, Brazil, because
this was too close to the International Congress of Entomology, 2000, also in Brazil. Three possible bids
to host ICD5 were known to Council officers, namely Brisbane, Queensland; St Petersburg, Russia; Kyushu, Japan.
It was decided to hold an additional Council meeting on Wednesday 9 September to consider this matter and to
invite representatives from these three potential hosts to attend the discussions.
Any other business
Following Council discussions in Florence concerning the representation of dipterology on the International
Commission for Zoological Nomenclature, Chris Thompson outlined the procedures surrounding Laszlo Papp's election
to the Commission and the voting on changes for the impending revision of the International Code of
Zoological Nomenclature.
meeting closed at 1610 hours. |
Council Meeting
of the second Council Meeting at the Oxford Congress, held in the ARCO
Terrace Room on 9 September 1998 at 1940 hours.
Present: |
Milan Chvála (Chairman),
David Henshaw (Vice Chairman), Adrian Pont (Secretary), Claudio Carvalho, Graham Griffiths, Hiromu Kurahashi,
Mary Owaga, Rudolf Rozkošný, John Stoffolano, Chris Thompson, Hans Ulrich. |
In addition, David Yeates (Brisbane), Junichi Yukawa (Kyushu), Emilia Narchuk (St Petersburg), and Vera Richter
(St Petersburg) also attended the meeting.
The meeting was convened to discuss the location of ICD5.
St Petersburg
Milan Chvála read out a formal proposal from Vadim Zaitsev to host the Congress. Details of meeting places
and accommodation were given by Emilia Narchuk and Vera Richter. Milan Chvála emphasised again the wish of
Council, as expressed in Florence, to continue looking for locations outside Europe.
David Yeates alluded to the major cost for delegates to travel to Australia, and the absence of
any support within Australia to support student attendance. The best time for a Congress was during the
last week of September (early spring). Accommodation was possible in the university student halls, with
student-type meals available. Fares to Australia currently stand around US$2000 from Europe.
Junichi Yukawa outlined a number of difficulties connected with holding ICD5 in Japan: scattered
accommodation, diet and meals, climate, language, accessibility, travel, etc. He considered Tokyo to
be a better site than Kyushu. Hiromu Kurahashi recommended Kyushu as having better facilities than
either Tokyo or Hokkaido.
Various aspects of organising and financing Congresses were discussed. The possibility of obtaining seed
money or an interest-free loan to get ICD5 underway was explored.
meeting closed at 2100 hours.
Council Meeting
Minutes of the thrid Council Meeting at the Oxford Congress,
held in the ARCO Terrace Room on 10 September 1998 at 1930 hours.
Present: |
Milan Chvála (Chairman), David Henshaw (Vice Chairman), Adrian Pont (Secretary), Claudio Carvalho,
Graham Griffiths, Hiromu Kurahashi, Mary Owaga, Rudolf Rozkošný, John Stoffolano,
Chris Thompson, Hans Ulrich. |
In addition, David Yeates and Junichi Yukawa attended the meeting.
Items |
Location of ICD5
David Yeates confirmed that after discussion with his colleagues during the week the bid from Brisbane
still stands. No other bid was confirmed. It was proposed by John Stoffolano and seconded by Adrian
Pont that the offer from Brisbane be accepted. This was passed unanimously.
Election of Honorary Members
This was dealt with at the first Oxford meeting, and the names of new Honorary Members will
be formally announced at the closing plenary session.
Election of New Members of Council
Five nominations for the four vacancies were received:
(1) Junichi Yukawa, proposed by David Henshaw, seconded by Hiromu Kurahashi. Japan. Age 58.
Interest: Cecidomyiidae (systematics, ecology).
(2) Dan Hagan, proposed by David Henshaw, seconded by Milan Chvála. USA. Age 52.
Interest: Ceratopogonidae, Chloropidae (bionomics, ecology, behaviour, ultrastructure).
(3) David Yeates, proposed by Milan Chvála, seconded by John Stoffolano. Australia. Age 38.
Interest: Classification, phylogeny (Brachycera), behaviour, computer-based identification, molecular sequence data.
(4) Brian Wiegmann, proposed by Milan Chvála, seconded by Adrian Pont. USA. Age 34.
Interest: Molecular systematics (Brachycera, Cyclorrhapha).
(5) Paul Beuk, proposed by David Henshaw, seconded by Adrian Pont. Netherlands. Age 33.
Interest: Systematics (esp. Empidoidea), phylogeny, biogeography.
In order to facilitate the election of all five and to avoid a lengthy postal ballot, Chris Thompson
offered his resignation from the Council. This was accepted with regret, and Chris was thanked
for his long years of service on Council.
The election of all five names was proposed by Graham Griffiths, seconded by David Henshaw,
and passed with unanimity.
Congress Resolutions
The text of a resolution proposed by Hans Ulrich and David Henshaw on the maintenance of important Diptera
collections was read out by David Henshaw. It was decided to emend and polish the text in the light of
comments received from Graham Griffiths and Lloyd Knutson, to submit it for discussion at the Friday
Collections & Databases Section, and for David Henshaw then to prepare the final version for the closing plenary session.
It was urged that this resolution be available to all, that it be put on the www and on all administrators' desks.
Council also proposed a resolution to thank the organisers of ICD4 for a highly successful Congress.
Next Council Meeting
This will take place in August 2000 during the week of the International Congress of
Entomology at Iguacu in Brazil.
Any Other Business
The Chairman thanked all members of Council for their support and hard work during the past years and
especially during the Congress week.
The meeting closed at 2045 hours.
Adrian Pont
25 November 1998
First published on the Internet on 5 March 2013
J.E. O'Hara |
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