International Congresses of Dipterology
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Council Minutes from ICD9
Provided here are the minutes of the Council meetings held during
the 9th International Congress of Dipterology, Windhoek, Namibia, 25–30 November 2018.
Council Meeting
The first business meeting of Council took
place at 15h00 in the Gamsberg room of the Safari Conference Centre, during the 9th International Congress
of Dipterology in Windhoek, Namibia.
Present: |
The following Council members
attended the meeting: Thomas Pape (Chair), Rudolf Meier (Vice-Chair), Ashley H. Kirk-Spriggs
(Secretary/Treasurer), Daniel Bickel, Stephen D. Gaimari, Valery Korneyev, Erica McAlister, James E. O'Hara,
Marc Pollet (late arrival) and Shaun Winterton.
Apologies: |
Adrian Plant, Carlos José Einicker Lamas and Maria Ángeles Marcos-Garcia sent apologies. Manuel A. Zumbado is not attending ICD9
and Kazuhiro Masunaga did not arrive in time to attend the meeting.
Items |
Adoption of the Agenda and any additions
The Agenda was duly adopted and Shaun Winterton noted that establishment of an International
Society of Dipterology should be added as a discussion item at the end of the meeting.
Acceptance of previous minutes and register of attendance
Thomas Pape proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true reflection of the meeting and
this was seconded by Daniel Bickel and Erica McAlister. An attendance register was distributed
and completed (except by Marc Pollet, who arrived late).
Thomas Pape wanted to make a
clarification to the minutes. Under paragraph 7 on "Members of the Council for International
Congresses of Dipterology", it is stated that "the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair come up
for election in 2018. Both Thomas and Rudolf have indicated that they are prepared to stand
for re-election if nominated". This is at odds with our Constitution, where Article 4.1 rules
that "The Chair and Vice-Chair shall not serve for more than two consecutive Congresses",
so the Chair and Vice-chair are not eligible for re-election.
Chair’s report
Thomas Pape gave the following report:
First of all, I should like to thank the Secretary/Treasurer for outstanding efficiency
in all Council matters.
Thanks also to Jim O'Hara for maintenance of the ICD webpages under the NADS website.
Communication between the ICD9 organising Committee and the Council has been working smoothly.
In some matters, I have made decisions without consulting the entire Council, for example where
urgency was needed, or formalities relating to voting at the Business meetings, or where I made
the assessment that the matters brought up were falling under the powers or authority of the
Congress organizers, but where an official acceptance from the Council was considered the correct
procedure. The mandatory mid-term meeting was held as a five days virtual meeting by e-mail.
The overall aim of our Council is to ensure the continuity of the ICDs. The mid-term meeting
may then be seen as primarily a check if everything is on track for the upcoming Congress.
However, continuity of the ICDs depends on having a strong Council, where strength in my opinion
not only means an ability to assess the current state of the organisation, but also looking ahead
beyond the upcoming Congress and to make decisions on new Councillors, on new Honorary members,
and other issues of relevance to ICD matters. We can only do that by giving input to ongoing and
future activities, and by sharing ideas and opinions. The communication at the mid-term meeting
appeared to be inert, and a few Councillors were practically silent. This is not satisfactory and
I urge all Councillors to take their responsibility seriously.
At the mid-term meeting we voted on the establishment of an International Society of Dipterology,
and a small majority voted against.
This negative vote was not because an International Society of Dipterology is seen as a negative
activity, but more because of a lack of clear goals and lack of people willing to do the administrative
work that inevitably is associated with a society, which includes things like maintaining a website,
keeping a membership register, doing the economy and initiating and overseeing work for specific
Society activities.
One may argue that we already have a de-facto society through the Congresses. That is a valid argument,
but with a society we could do much more. A Society could be the owner of the Diptera database - Systema Dipterorum - which by the way has now been released by Chris Thompson with Neal Evenhuis and
myself in charge. With a society we could go beyond the Congresses and raise funding for targeted field
trips, or large-scale or long-term inventories, and many other activities. We can do these things
without being formally under a society, but we may stand stronger with a backing from a formalised
My remarks here are not because I want to revive the discussions, only to report that these are my
thoughts and to stress that I see a Dipterological Society as a way of providing further support
to the continuity of our dipterological Congresses.
Secretary/Treasurer's report
The Secretary/Treasurer gave the following report:
As part of my duties as Secretary/Treasurer I made all preparation for the ICD midterm meeting,
handled correspondence and prepared the final minutes. I also informed the international Diptera
community of the deaths of dipterists if these were brought to my attention.
There was a very disappointing response from members of Council during the midterm meeting (which
was conducted via e-mail) and it should be stressed that Council members are expected to actively
participate and contribute to such meetings in the future.
I prepared the agendas for these two meetings, circulated the minutes, contacted potential members
of Council and Honorary members, solicited applications and prepared elections for new Council and
ICD Honorary Members.
Since the tasks involved no expenses, and since the Organizers of the ICD9 were unable to access these
funds for start-up funding, the assets of Council stand unchanged at 3237.55 €
4336.67 US$), which originated from the ICD6 surplus. These funds were passed to me by the previous Secretary/Treasurer in Euros cash and cannot be deposited in a bank account.
Presentation of bid for ICD10 (Sacramento, USA)
Shaun Winterton gave a comprehensive presentation which outlined the proposed Organizing
Committee (all of whom were dipterists based Sacramento and other institutions in California);
attractions of Sacramento as a Congress destination; infrastructure and flight routes, visa
requirements, local transportation; weather and temperature; the proposed venue, local amenities,
conference centre facilities, the proposed logo, the congress organizing firm to be used, date
options and the proposed registration fees; room rates and an itemised list of what was included
in the registration fee; collecting permits and sites; insect collections facilities in the
area; post-Congress tours.
Discussion and voting on bid
Shaun outlined the problems in the USA with liability and the transfer of funds, hence the need
for the establishment of a formal Society. Thomas Pape expressed concerns that room rates were
extremely high and that this would deter many delegates for attending. Shaun Winterton noted that
at this stage they were still exploring other options for venues to try and reduce costs. Several
suggestions were made by Committee members regarding alternative venues, such as university
campuses and the option of using a Conference centre, but accommodating delegates in other hotels.
Steve Gaimari noted that universities were not acceptable due to the rules and regulations in
the USA related to smoking and consumption of alcohol on campus. Mexico was suggested as a
possible option, as well as Las Vegas and other cities in California.
Shaun Winterton and Stephen Gaimari were asked to leave the meeting while the bid was discussed.
A vote was taken and it was voted unanimously for the bid to be accepted.
Amendments to the Constitution
Thomas proposed some slight amendments to the Constitution that were distributed to Council
members ahead of the meeting. These were mainly related to the changes from postal voting to
remote e-voting by e-mail. A vote was conducted by a show of hands and it was unanimously voted
to adopt the changes.
Maintenance of ICD website
Jim O'Hara was thanked for so ably maintaining the ICD website and as his term of office
comes to an end was asked if he was prepared to carry on with this task. Jim noted that this did not
entail much work and that he was prepared to continue. Thomas Pape noted that Council members should
check the website regularly for corrections.
Election of new Council members
Three members of Council, Marc Pollet, Manuel Zumbado and Jim O'Hara, are ending their second
term during this congress, which more formally means at the end of the closing session. One
member of Council is at the end of her first term, Maria Ángeles Marcos-Garcia, and she has
decided not to stand for re-election. Three members of Council, Daniel Bickel, Stephen Gaimari
and Ashley Kirk-Spriggs, are at the end of their first term and are willing to stand for
Four nominees have been proposed to fill the vacancies:
Netta Dorchin (proposed by Thomas Pape, seconded by Stephen Gaimari and Valery Korneyev), Xiaolin
Chen (proposed by Daniel Bickel, seconded by Adrian Plant), Jeffrey Skevington (proposed by Jim
O'Hara, seconded by Steve Gaimari) and Dalton Amorim (proposed by Thomas Pape, seconded by
Ashley Kirk-Spriggs), and four vacancies are present. CVs of all new nominees were distributed well
in advance of this meeting.
A ballot paper was distributed to all members of Council in attendance. Votes were unanimously in
favour of Netta Dorchin, Jeffrey Skevington, Dalton Amorim, Ashley Kirk-Spriggs, Daniel Bickel and
Stephen Gaimari, and Xiaolin Chen was voted as nine in favour and one against.
Election of officers
At every Congress we have to elect or re-elect officers, and the officers are the Chair,
the Vice-Chair and the Secretary/Treasurer.
The Chair and Vice-Chair shall not serve for more than two consecutive Congresses. As both the
Chair and Vice-chair has done so, they are not eligible for re-election.
There is no limit on the number of terms for the Secretary/Treasurer.
The Chair opened the floor for nominations and began by nominating Rudolf Meier as Chair,
Dan Bickel as Vice-chair and Ashley Kirk-Spriggs as Secretary/Treasurer. The nominees confirmed
their intent to take the nomination. All three nominations were seconded by several
No other nominations were made and the Chair declared the candidates to be unopposed and
therefore as elected in agreement with the Constitution.
Election of Honorary Members of ICD
Stephen A. Marshall has been nominated as Honorary Member of the ICD. The nomination was
proposed by Ashley Kirk-Spriggs and seconded by Thomas Pape.
A separate anonymous ballot paper was distributed and the voting was unanimously in favour
of the election of Stephen Marshall.
Establishment of an International Society of Dipterology
There was some further discussion at the end of the meeting and it was decided that is was
necessary to establish an International Society of Dipterology if in name only at this stage,
to get over any indemnity issues and Shaun Winterton and Steve Gaimari were tasked to further
investigate the practicalities in the next 12 months.
One of the Council members also suggested to involve Facebook to increase general awareness
of the (C) ICD, and e.g., attract potential funders. There were mixed feelings about this and
some suggested that this might be best put on-line by the Organising Committee of the
Ashley H. Kirk-Spriggs
25 November 2018
Council Meeting
The second business meeting of Council took
place at 14h45 on the 28 November 2018 in the Gamsberg room of the Safari Conference Centre,
during the 9th International Congress of Dipterology in Windhoek, Namibia.
Present: |
The following currently serving
Council members attended the meeting: Thomas Pape (Chair), Rudolf Meier (Vice-Chair), Ashley H.
Kirk-Spriggs (Secretary/Treasurer), Daniel Bickel, Stephen D. Gaimari, Valery Korneyev, Erica McAlister,
James E. O'Hara, Marc Pollet, Maria Ángeles Marcos Garcia and Shaun Winterton. The following newly elected
members of Council also attended the meeting: Netta Dorchin, Xiaolin Chen, Jeffrey Skevington and Dalton
Amorim. |
Apologies: |
Adrian Plant and Carlos
José Einicker Lamas sent apologies. Manuel A. Zumbado is not attending ICD9 and Kazuhiro Masunaga
did not attend the meeting.
Items |
Adoption of the Agenda and any additions
The Agenda was duly adopted and Thomas Pape added one item to the Agenda, namely election of
honorary members of Council.
Acceptance of previous minutes and register of attendance
Thomas Pape noted that the minutes were distributed by e-mail, but because of network problems
with Namibian Telecom most Council members had not received these. It was therefore stated that
Council members should review the minutes and send comments by e-mail within the next two
Welcome to new members of Council
Thomas Pape welcomed the new Council members and noted that while they could observe
and contribute to discussion they were not allowed to vote.
Election of Honorary Members of ICD
Thomas Pape noted that he had received a nomination for Jason Londt for honorary membership. He was
nominated by Ashley Kirk-Spriggs and seconded by Rudolf Meier. Thomas noted that according to the
Constitution the curriculum vitae of nominated persons should be distributed 24 hours ahead of the
meeting, but noted that this could not be done, due to network problems and a special case could be
made. Thomas gave the option of Councillors reading over a distributed C.V. and then voting at the
meeting, or holding a further meeting in one days' time. It was agreed that the nomination would
be voted on during the meeting.
Thomas outlined the criteria for honorary membership and noted that currently a maximum of 10 honorary
members was allowed and currently there are 8 (including Stephen A. Marshall, who was elected at the
previous meeting). He noted that this number could be lowered or raised by changes to the
Erica McAlister gave a strong message of support for Jason's election and Ashley Kirk-Spriggs
noted that there has only been one African honorary member of ICD: Brian Stuckenberg, who passed
away in 2009.
Council members were then given a few minutes to read over the Jason Londt's C.V. and an
anonymous vote was taken. A ballot paper was distributed and Council members were unanimous (11)
in favour of his election. Jason Londt was therefore duly elected as Honorary Member of the
International Congresses of Dipterology.
Ashley H. Kirk-Spriggs
28 November 2018
First published on the Internet on 4 January 2019
Last update: 14 January 2019
J.E. O'Hara |