by Scott Fitzgerald
Looking forward to seeing people at the NADS meeting this December.
The following two invited talks will be given:
Preliminary cladistic analysis of the family Aulacigastridae
sensu lato (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha) by Alessandra R. Baptista
(Dept. of Entomology, University of Maryland).
- Abstract.- The Aulacigastridae sensu lato (superfamily
Opomyzoidea) is a poorly known family of acalyptrate Diptera with
worldwide distribution. Besides the core genus Aulacigaster
Macquart, it includes genera currently classified in the family
Periscelididae (Planinasus Cresson, Stenomicra
Coquillett, Cyamops Melander) and Neminidae (Ningulus
McAlpine, Nemo McAlpine, Nemula McAlpine). The
limits of the Aulacigastridae and its phylogenetic relationships are
in dispute, in part because, like other acalyptrates, aulacigastrids
present a puzzling combination of highly homoplastic and highly
derived characters. In addition, previous phylogenies for the group
rest in part on incompletely specified, a priori assumptions about
hypothetical ancestors, character evolution and weighting schemes. A
cladistic analysis was carried out with two main goals: to define
the boundaries and phylogenetic relationships of the
Aulacigastridae, and to evaluate the performance of characters
employed by previous studies. The in-group consisted of
representative species of a subgroup of the Opomyzoidea defined by a
single character, femora robust, and includes the
families Aulacigastridae, Periscelididae and Neurochaetidae.
Outgroups were chosen among the opomyzoid families Clusiidae,
Anthomyzidae and Asteiidae. A matrix with 27 exemplar species and 91
morphological characters was analyzed using PAUP.064. Multistate
characters were treated as non-additive. Analysis under equal
character weights was followed by successive weighting. Support
levels were measured using bootstrap and decay indices. The results
support the classification of Stenomicra, Planinasus
and Cyamops in the Periscelididae, and the exclusion of the
Neminidae genera from the Aulacigastridae. The genus Aulacigaster
was found to be more closely related to the Anthomyzidae. When
assessed on the new phylogeny estimates, previous assumptions of
irreversibility for characters in the male and female terminalia
were found to be highly unparsimonious. An inordinate proportion of
the homoplasy in the data is due to the inclusion of a single taxon,
the Periscelididae sensu stricto, supporting previous arguments that
this family does not belong in the Opomyzoidea.
Ceratopogonidae of Norway by Daniel V. Hagen, Enken
Hassold, Bjarke Kynde (Dept. of Biology, Georgia Southern University,
Statesboro, GA 30460); Ryszard Szadziewski (University of Gdanski,
Gdynia, Poland); and William L. Grogan, Jr. (Salisbury State
University, Maryland 21801).
- Abstract.- The Norwegian Forest Research Institute (NISK) in
Bergen, Norway conducted a study in collaboration with Georgia
Southern University to investigate the biodiversity in Norwegian
forests. Samples of the arthropod fauna were collected in June 1998
at two sites; a pine dominated boreal forest in eastern Norway
(Sigdal, Buskerud) and a coastal pine forest in western Norway
(Kvam, Hordaland). Among the Diptera, species of Ceratopogonidae
were found very abundant. The objectives of this study were to
identify the species of Ceratopogonidae present, their abundance and
distribution at the two sites. The ethanol- preserved specimens were
mounted on microscope slides and examined using light microscopy.
The majority of specimens from Buskerud were predaceous genera of
midges, which was dominated by Brachypogon (96.67%). Other
genera were Culicoides (1.66%), Dasyhelea,
Ceratopogon and Atrichopogon (all <1%). The
ceratopogonids from the site near Kvam were Dasyhelea
(53.03%), Brachypogon (27.96%), Culicoides (10.67%),
Ceratopogon (5.19%) and Forcipomyia (1.15%). A small
number of Atrichopogon, Serromyia, and Bezzia
were found (all <1%).
After the talks, brief updates will be given on: the progress of the
PEET grant research by Kevin Holston, University of Illinois; the
current status of the Diptera section of the ATBI (All Taxa
Biodiversity Inventory) in Costa Rica, by Darlene Judd, Oregon State
University; and the 1999 NADS field meeting and Smoky Mountain
National Park faunal survey by Brian Wiegmann, North Carolina State
by Brian Wiegmann
The biennial NADS field meeting was held jointly with the annual
Biting Fly workshop at Camp Broadstone near the town of Boone in
Western North Carolina. More than 40 participants enjoyed several days
of collecting and sorting flies in a convenient, inexpensive, and
diverse mountain setting. Collecting was productive in the Pisgah
National Forest as the group explored streamside, riparian, and
mountain top habitats. Evenings were spent pinning the day's catch and
sharing the task of sorting numerous malaise trap samples. Highlights
from informal presentations included descriptions of new websites for
dipterological information from the CNC in Ottawa (http://res.agr.ca/ecorc/cnc/diptera.htm),
discussion of congruent patterns of synanthropic fly distribution and
diversity, and a number of interesting ecological and taxonomic
reports on biting flies including pitcher plant mosquitoes,
ceratopogonids and horse flies. A joint NADS / Biting Fly business
meeting was also conducted. NADS members voted unanimously to pursue
formal incorporation of the North American Dipterists Society as a
non-profit scientific society. In addition, a 4 person committee was
formed (Chris Thompson, Monty Wood, Norm Woodley, Brian Wiegmann) to
draw up the documents necessary to incorporate the society in
Washington D. C. Biting fly workshop participants agreed to begin
planning for a summer 2000 meeting in Cape Cod Massachusetts organized
by Jeff Freeman. The next NADS business meeting will be held during
the National Meeting of the ESA in Atlanta.
from Brian Wiegmann
Following the NADS meeting, about 25 dipterists visited the Great
Smoky Mountains National Park for the memorial day weekend as part of
the ATBI Nature Quest. The Nature Quest was a "kick-off" for
the ATBI project designed to increase public awareness and get a
number of scientific teams started in their effort to sample and tally
the biotic diversity of the park. The fly team obtained samples by
sweep netting and also set up a large number of malaise traps in high
and low elevation sites. Many new records, and at least a few new
species, are likely to emerge from the large amount of material
collected during just that first weekend. Probable "new species"
have already been identified, including a new species of Xylota
flower fly, family Syrphidae, that was collected during the Nature
Quest along the road near Elkmont campground, as well as several
Scathophagidae identified by Dick Vockeroth through comparison of
recent material to CNC specimens obtained previously from the park.
The many cool wet habitats in the park, especially near seeps and
stream edges make the Diptera an extremely diverse and abundant group
of insects in the GSMNP. To be successful, the Discover Life in
America ATBI project urgently needs taxonomic specialists to get
involved in the scientific efforts to sample and identify Smoky
Mountain fauna and flora at the species level. The Diptera TWIG
(Taxonomic Working Group) specifically needs your help working with
the Diptera collected from the park. If you would like to get involved
in the ATBI survey of fly diversity in the Smokies, please contact a
member of the Diptera Twig (Peter Adler,
Steve Marshall, smarshall@evbhort.uoguelph.ca;
or Brian Wiegmann, bwiegman@unity.ncsu.edu),
or simply sign in to the "Get Involved" section of the
Discover Life website (http://www.discoverlife.org).
from Terry Wheeler
The Dipterology Fund was established in 1994 to provide grants in
support of research on North American Dipterology. Each year up to
four grants will be made to a maximum value of CAD$1000 each.
Preference will be given to studies involving whole-organism biology
in the fields of systematics, faunistics, ecology and related areas.
Student Research and Travel Grants are available to students
or postdocs in dipterology and may be used to support travel to
conferences, museums or other research institutions, or field work for
collecting or study. Development Grants are for proposals in
areas other than those described above. This would include, but not be
restricted to, grants to bring visiting scientists to North American
Diptera collections, and to support research activities of individual
dipterists who are not full-time students and who lack other
conventional means of research support.
Applications must include a 1-2 page research proposal or
justification of the proposed activities and an estimated budget for
the proposed research or activity (including consideration of funding
available from other sources). Applicants must also include a 1-2 page
CV. Applications for the 2000 competition must be received by the
Chair of the Grants Committee on or before 01 March 2000. All
applications will be reviewed by a Grants Committee made up of seven
dipterists who will transmit their rankings and comments to the Chair.
Decisions will be announced as soon as possible thereafter. Any
questions regarding the application procedure or The Dipterology Fund
should be directed to the Chair. Applicants are strongly encouraged to
submit their applications by email (as Word or WordPerfect
attachments) to the Chair of the Grants Committee:
Dr. Terry A. Wheeler Department of Natural Resource Sciences McGill
University, Macdonald Campus Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC, H9X 3V9,
CANADA email: wheeler@nrs.mcgill.ca
by Terry Wheeler
Four applications were received for funding in the 1999 competition.
The Grants Committee recommended two of these for support. We are
pleased to announce that this years Grant recipients are Vanessa
Crecco (McGill University) who received support for field work on
the diversity of Agromyzidae in tallgrass prairies, and Jade
Savage (McGill University) who visited the California Academy of
Sciences and UC Berkeley Diptera collections to work on their
Muscidae, and to collect muscids in northern California.
The number of applications to the Fund has been low in the past 3-4
years, and the success rate has been hovering just under 50% (for
example, no grants were awarded in 1998). We know that there are
students out there doing good work on Diptera systematics, faunistics
and ecology and we would encourage them to apply for support.
Potential applicants should spend the appropriate amount of time and
effort to ensure that their applications are complete and
by Jeff Cumming
Please bookmark the Diptera Page of the CNC Web Site, which is now
available at http://res.agr.ca/ecorc/cnc/diptera.htm
Documents such as the the Fly Times, the Tachinid Times,
the Directory of North American Dipterists, and Diptera Types in the
CNC (to mention a few) can be accessed through this page. The entire
CNC site (http://res.agr.ca/ecorc/cnc/)
organizes all the scattered entomology and arachnology documentation
found on the ECORC site, and gives pertinent information on each
curatorial unit, staff, and related links. In addition, introductory
sections include documents on the Role and Uses of the CNC, the
History of the CNC, and the CanaColl Foundation
The CNC Diptera page also functions as a useful jump-off site for
internet resources on flies by linking to a large number of on-line
products including directories of dipterists, Diptera journals,
Diptera type holdings for certain collections, and several
family-level home pages.
by Jim O'Hara
Website address:
(available late October 1999)
There are few works dealing with North American Tachinidae more
valuable to the applied entomologist than Paul Arnaud's (1978)
publication "A host-parasite catalog of North American Tachinidae
(Diptera)" (U.S.D.A. Miscell. Publ. 1319: 1-860), which collected
under one cover all the literature pertaining to tachinid hosts
published between 1841 and 1969. Arnaud's (1978) catalog continues to
be a much- valued resource for pre-1970 tachinid host-parasite
literature. However, a considerable number of the tachinid names
contained therein have changed over the years making it difficult for
a non-specialist to determine the currently accepted name of a
tachinid species listed in the catalog. To alleviate this problem I
have prepared this web document which compares names used by Arnaud
(1978) with the currently accepted names, following the online "Checklist
of Tachinidae of America North of Mexico" by O'Hara & Wood
(1999) (http://res.agr.ca/ecorc/isbi/cat/cathom.htm).
by Neal L. Evenhuis
In a recent fit of madness, I have been spending quite a few late
nights updating two web Diptera catalog sites: the
Australasian/Oceanian Diptera Catalog (originally published in 1989)
and the World Fossil Fly Catalog (originally published in 1994). Only
a few families remain to be uploaded for the A/O Catalog (which
hopefully will be on the web by the time you read this) and pretty
much all the original family chapters have been uploaded for the
fossil fly catalog.
Over the succeeding years since their respective publication dates,
I have been gathering reprints and xerox copies of articles that
pertain to taxa within the scope of each catalog. In that regard, I
have almost completed the updating for the A/O Catalog (to a cut-off
date of June 1999) and have begun updating the fossil family chapters.
In concert with these updates are updated literature cited sections
for each catalog as well. I still try as best as possible to obtain
accurate dates of publication, which for some articles and books can
be a time- consuming task, but has ultimately helped in cases where
knowledge of priority of publication was necessary. Thanks to the many
of you who have helped me with dating of various of these
The updated web sites for each catalog can be seen at: A/O
Diptera Catalog --
http://www.bishopmuseum.org/bishop/ento/aocat/ World
Fossil Fly Catalog --
Any corrections, omitted taxa, articles I missed, etc. that you
know of -- please send them to me and I will incorporate them to make
these sites as valuable a reference tool as possible.
On a side note, I have in the embryonic phases a website devoted to
dates of publications for natural history journals and books. A few
journals with dates of publication are already uploaded and many more
will be uploaded as time permits.
You are welcome to visit this site and help provide information on
any journals that are not yet in the "hopper" as it were (http://www.bishopmuseum.org/bishop/ento/dating/).
by S.W. Bullington R. D. 1, Box 306, Falls Creek, PA
I have started a mailing list for those interested in robber flies
(Diptera: Asilidae). The list is intended for professional Dipterists,
although anyone can join. It will cover any and hopefully every aspect
of asilid taxonomy, systematics, and ethology/natural history, on a
world-wide basis.
The web page for the list is at "http://www.key-net.net/users/swb/asilidae/asilidae.html".
The list can also be accessed through "http://asilidae.listbot.com".
To join, go to one of these two URL's and follow the instructions.
In addition, I would like to announce a new Web Site dedicated to
the taxonomy, systematics, and ethology of the robber fly tribe
Laphriini in North America north of Mexico. This tribe consists of the
genus Laphria Meigen and its close relatives. The site now
includes information only on the genus Laphria sensu stricto.
It currently includes synopses and color photos of males and females
for most of the 30 described species in North America, as well as
integrated keys to the eastern and western species. By the time this
notice is circulated it will also include verbal redescriptions of all
the species, and perhaps some drawings of terminalia as well. An
introductory section for both the tribe and genus is also included. I
will be adding essays on general morphology, mimicry, and sexual
dimorphism in the genus ASAP. I will also be adding descriptions and
photos of five new species, once I have these published elsewhere.
Before the end of the year I will have re-formatted the contents of
my dissertation and a separate revision of the genus Choerades
Walker., and added them to the site. This material will include much
more than just photos, keys, and descriptions. In it, I will describe
two new genera of North American Laphriini and an additional 10 new
species, once again, after I have published them elsewhere. The site
will also include the first drawings ever of the female terminalia for
all species, from dorsal, ventral, and lateral views, including the
spermathecae and associated structures, as well as drawings for the
males. A detailed distribution map will also be provided for each
species. I have about 7,000 locality records which I may also
eventually add as a searchable database (I haven't figured out how to
do this yet). And of course I plan to post all the synonymies,
descriptions, etc. that constitute the bulk of the three revisions.
This will include phylogenies for all the groups.
Here is the address for this new website:
If you have any suggestions regarding how the site might be
improved, please e-mail or contact me.
from Adrian Pont Goring-on-Thames, Reading RG8 0EP, UK
There is a new entomological resource on the web entitled "New
Entomological Taxa", which is the equivalent of the Zoological
Record for entomology. There is a listing of new titles, new
descriptions, taxonomic changes, etc. The information can be accessed
by author, group or region. There is a modest subscription charge. The
site can be found at http://www.sciref.org/net/index.htm
from Manuel Zumbado
INBio (Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad) in Costa Rica has
received funds to buy a Critical Point Dryer. If any of you know of a
particularly worthy source to obtain a good quality CPD unit with a
chamber of substantial size (so that it can do many samples in one
run), please contact Manuel Zumbado at the following address:
Sr. M.A. Zumbado, Curador de Diptera, Instituto Nacional de
Biodiversidad, A.P. 22-3100 Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa
Rica. email: mzumbado@inbio.ac.cr
[In addition, the editors encourage contributors to write appraisals
for the Fly Times, in order to report on the best units
available]. 
by Jade Savage and Scott Brooks Lyman Entomological Museum and
Research Laboratory, McGill University
In August of the past summer we spent two and a half weeks in
California with the dual purpose of visiting the Diptera collection of
the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco and collecting
flies primarily in the northern Sierra Nevada mountain range. Our trip
was initiated out of a mutual need for southwestern material of our
respective groups of study, namely the genus Thricops
(Muscidae) and the subfamily Dolichopodinae (Dolichopodidae). Funding
for our trip was provided by the California Academy of Sciences, the
Dipterology Fund and an NSERC grant to our supervisor Terry Wheeler.
We arrived at the San Francisco International Airport in the late
afternoon of August 3rd only to find it much colder than Montreal.
Having a strictly TV-based impression of California, we were both
shocked and underdressed. By the end of our stay we came to know and
understand the words of Mark Twain who said "the coldest winter
I've ever known was a summer in San Francisco". With our
collecting equipment and a 17-day supply of underwear in tow, we
hailed a cab and made our way to Moffat House, a modest bed &
breakfast that would serve as our home for the next 10 days. Being
only a 10 minute walk from the Academy, it was the ideal place to set
up our San Francisco headquarters. Moreover, the rooms were very cheap
($50 US per night, double occupancy) and Ruth, the proprietor, served
up a tasty breakfast every morning. We would recommend Moffat House to
anyone visiting the CAS or the San Francisco area (for reservations
call: 1-415-661-6210).
The following morning we were greeted at the doors of the Academy by
Dr. Norm Penny who immediately directed us to the Diptera section.
Flies represent the second largest component of the CAS collection and
the holdings of both dolichopodids and muscids are very impressive.
Furthermore, the entire pinned collection has been entered into an
Access database which allowed us to quickly retrieve a list of both
determined and unsorted holdings, as well as locality data for each
Scott, who is currently working on the higher classification of the
subfamily Dolichopodinae, spent the majority of his time curating
unsorted Nearctic and Neotropical material. He was also able to find
numerous species of Paraclius, Pelastoneurus, Tachytrechus and
Sarcionus required for his research. With over 15,000
specimens, the Dolichopodinae is one of the best represented
dolichopodid subfamilies in the collection.
Muscids were the focus of Jade's curatorial work. Her M.Sc. project
involves the revision of the genus Thricops, which is mainly
arctic and alpine in distribution. Of the fourteen species of Thricops
recorded in the Nearctic, 9 occur in California, and of those, 4 are
endemic to the western regions of the continent. The predominance of
Thricops species in the western Nearctic made the CAS an
extremely valuable source of material for her research. One of the
highlights of our time at the Academy was meeting Dr. Paul Arnaud. Dr.
Arnaud made our visit particularly interesting by sharing his
knowledge of Diptera and the Academy collection, to which he has
contributed an amazing number of specimens. He also took us on a day
trip to the Essig Museum at UC Berkeley where we met with Museum
Scientist Cheryl Barr and spent the afternoon working in the Diptera
collection. Although the Essig collection is considerably smaller than
that of the CAS, it should not be missed when in the San Francisco
Our collection efforts began on the beach. Armed with our nets and
a few vials of alcohol we boarded the N-Judah Streetcar and rode it to
the end of the line. After narrowly avoiding a group of undesirables
crowded around a public toilet we crossed the Great Highway and made
our way to the beach. Although it was cool and overcast the flies were
quite active and abundant, especially those associated with the
numerous piles of wrack washed up on the sand. The catch of the day
included large numbers of coelopids and Parathalassius
On the morning of August 13 we packed up the rental car and hit the
road bound for Folsom Lake State Park located just outside Sacramento.
Although this was not our preferred campground, as it is illegal to
collect in State Parks, our choice was restricted by a frenzy of late
summer campers who booked nearly every available campsite in Northern
California. Nevertheless, we managed to find a legal and productive
collecting site on the shore of Folsom Lake, a man-made reservoir used
for recreational purposes. Dominant families in this highly disturbed
habitat included Sphaeroceridae and Ephydridae. The next day we left
Folsom Lake and the central valley and headed to the higher grounds of
the Sierra Nevada. Our destination was the UC Berkeley Sagehen Creek
Field Station located 15 km north of Truckee which served as our base
of operations for the remainder of our trip. Sagehen was perfectly
suited to both our collecting requirements as it has high elevation
preferred by Thricops as well as ample riparian habitats
favoured by dolichopodids. Other interesting collecting sites within
the boundaries of the field station included a sedge meadow, a large
fen and a pine forest with an Artemisia understory. The
accommodations at Sagehen exceeded our expectations. We were assigned
the faculty cabin complete with fridge, stove, showers and heat all
for the low low price of $20 US a day. Sagehen Field Station should
not be missed when collecting in northern California. Arrangements can
be made by contacting Warren Schifini, the station manager, at
or http://cois.chance.berkeley.edu/research/30/sagehen.html.
During our last 5 days we collected extensively at the station and
numerous sites surrounding Truckee using yellow pans, flight intercept
traps and sweep nets. Of particular note was the Donner Summit site
which fulfilled Jade's need to collect at high elevation (2227 m).
Hydrophorine dolichopodids and micropezids were also quite abundant
along the margin of a large pond and Scott even took a hippoboscid in
his net. Jade spent most of her time chasing muscids and asilids in
the drier forested and open rocky areas. Although we were very hungry
after a day of collecting we decided against stopping for lunch at the
Donner Party Memorial Picnic Grounds for obvious reasons.
Muscoids dominated pan trap catches at Sagehen and dolichopodids,
especially Dolichopus, were also abundant in traps along the
creek margin. Other notable catches included a snakefly (not a real
fly but cool nonetheless), which we took (intact) from our car
windshield and a Laphria with termite prey. As we process our
specimens, we expect to find a number of interesting species that will
reflect our late summer collecting period.
California struck us with its incredible array of habitats and
drastic transitions in geography, vegetation and climate as we drove
from the coast to the mountains. All in all our experience was
fantastic, although we would advise against drinking Truckee
Lager...horrible stuff. 
by C. Riley Nelson
Greetings from Utah. I accepted a position as associate professor at
Brigham Young University as of the end of August. I am missing Texas
and the good things I experienced there, but look forward to more good
things in the future. I hope this will give me more time to do
research on Asilidae. I am certainly happy to be back in the mountains
although I expect to make frequent visits to my Devils River site in
Texas on the Mexican border as well as the Monahans Sandhills in far
west Texas. I still have many flies from those areas if anyone wants
to identify their favorite groups. I have also begun an intensive
project to survey the insects of the new Grand Staircase Escalante
National Monument in southern Utah. This is an immensely beautiful
area (over two million acres) on the Colorado Plateau which is
dissected by countless narrow canyons and washes surrounded by peaks
of nearly 10,000 feet. This area is administered by the U. S. Bureau
of Land Management, a twist from the regular management scheme for
National Parks and Monuments (which are administered by the U. S.
National Park Service). This agency is also guiding and funding my
survey activities.
It is a pleasure to work in such a congenial environment. I expect
to be working in this area for at least the next five years. I will be
generating malaise trap and pitfall samples. I am debating on using
many pan traps, but would welcome your suggestions. This area should
be interesting to many of you from a biogeographic standpoint because
it is a rather under sampled part of the U. S. southwest that is
wedged between the hot deserts to the south and southwest; the cold
desert of the Great Basin; and the short- grass prairie influence to
the southeast. Of course the boreal components will be represented as
well and I will be doing longitudinal sampling (especially for
aquatics) along several of the streams running from the Aquarius
Plateau at 10,000 feet to Lake Powell at 3700 feet. Let me know if you
would like to participate in some informal fashion.
Dr. C. Riley Nelson Department of Zoology Brigham Young
University Provo, UTAH 84602 phone: 801-378-1345 fax:
801-378-7423 email: rileynelson@byu.edu

by Alessandro Minelli
The fourth edition of the International Code of Zoological
Nomenclature is currently with the printer and will be available in
two months. The new Code will supersede the current third edition by
January 1st, 2000. Main distributors of the Code will be the ICZN
Secretariat c/o The Natural History Museum - Cromwell Rd. - LONDON SW7
5BD - UK (contact person J.D.D. Smith; e-mail:
jdds@nhm.ac.uk) and, in
North America, the American Association for Zoological Nomenclature -
MRC-159 - National Museum of Natural History - Washington D.C.
20560-0159 - USA (contact person D. G. Smith; e-mail:
Prof. Alessandro Minelli Dept. of Biology, University of
Padova Via Ugo Bassi 58 B 35131 PADOVA - ITALY Voice: +39
(049) 827-6303 Fax: +39 (049) 827-6300 e-mail:

We are sad to report that Alan Stone passed away on March 4, 1999.
An obituary is published in the latest issue of the Proceedings of the
Entomological Society of Washington (101: 911-913). |