BLEPHARIPA Rondani, 1856: 71. Type species: Erycia ciliata Macquart, 1834 (= Tachina pratensis Meigen, 1824), by original designation.
BLEPHARIPODA Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 96 (also 1890: 28; junior homonym of Blepharipoda Randall, 1840). Type species: Nemoraea scutellata Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (= Tachina pratensis Meigen, 1824), by monotypy.
THYSANOMYIA Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891: 36 (also 1892: 340). Type species: Brachycoma fimbriata van der Wulp, 1890, by monotypy.
fimbriata (van der Wulp, 1890).– Mexico (Guimarães, 1971), Ohio, North Carolina (O'Hara & Wood, 1998), Arizona, Virginia, District of Columbia, Maryland, Tennessee (CNC), Florida (FSCA).
– Brachycoma fimbriata van der Wulp, 1890: 97. Type data: syntypes, 2 males and 5 females (1 male and 3 female syntypes in BMNH) (mention by Townsend, 1931a: 175, of "female Ht" is not regarded as a lectotype fixation because the specimen in question cannot be distinguished from among the 2 females from Guerrero in the type series). Type localities: Mexico, Guerrero (Amula, 6000 feet) and Veracruz (Atoyac).
pratensis (Meigen, 1824).– Palearctic; introduced and established in northeastern United States (Sabrosky & Reardon, 1976), Ontario, Québec (CNC).
– Tachina pratensis Meigen, 1824: 318. Type data: syntypes, 1 male and 1 female (MNHN) (lectotype designated by Herting, 1972: 11, but invalid according to Herting, 1975: 5). Type locality: Germany, Nordrhein, probably Stolberg (according to Herting, 1984: 76).
– Nemoraea scutellata Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 73. Type data: holotype male ("Ht male" in MNHN or lost according to Townsend, 1941: 91). Type locality: France.
– Erycia ciliata Macquart, 1834: 294 (also 1834: 158). Type data: holotype male (MHNL). Type locality: France, near Lille.
Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 102), as Blepharipa scutellata (Robineau-Desvoidy)* | |||
Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae | |||
Malacosoma americanum (Fabricius), Malacosoma disstria Hübner | |||
Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae | |||
Euproctis chrysorrhoea (Linnaeus), Porthetria dispar (Linnaeus), Stilpnotia salicis (Linnaeus) | |||
Lepidoptera, Noctuidae | |||
Catocala sp., Lithophane sp., Lithophane spp. (including L. disposita Morrison, L. innominata (Smith) and/or L. petulca Grote), Unidentified Catocalinae | |||
Lepidoptera, Notodontidae | |||
Datana integerrima Grote & Robinson, Symmerista albifrons (J.E. Smith) |
Blepharipa species
Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 104) for Blepharipa sp.* | |||
Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae | |||
Porthetria dispar (Linnaeus) | |||
Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 490) for gen. and sp. near Blepharipa, as gen. and sp. near Thysanomyia* | |||
Lepidoptera, Sphingidae | |||
Hemaris thysbe (Fabricius) |
Arnaud, P.H., Jr. 1978. A host-parasite catalog of North American Tachinidae (Diptera). United States Department of Agriculture. Miscellaneous Publication 1319: 1–860.
*Host names (family and species) have not been changed from those given in Arnaud (1978). Each host is listed under the appropriate current tachinid name, with the tachinid name used in Arnaud (1978) cited if different from the current one. For more information about Arnaud (1978), and to see a complete list of tachinid names used in that work and their modern equivalents, click here.