■ Taxonomic and Host Catalogue of the Tachinidae of America North of Mexico
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Genus Chaetoglossa Townsend, 1892

CHAETOGLOSSA Townsend, 1892a: 125. Type species: Chaetoglossa picticornis Townsend, 1892, by original designation.

nigripalpis Townsend, 1892.– Florida (S&A, 1965).
– Chaetoglossa nigripalpis Townsend, 1892a: 126. Type data: holotype male [not female as published] (SEMK). Type locality: USA, South Florida.

picticornis Townsend, 1892.– South Dakota, Kansas, Illinois, Arizona, Mexico, Texas, Florida (S&A, 1965).
– Chaetoglossa picticornis Townsend, 1892a: 126. Type data: syntypes, 2 females (SEMK) (mention by Townsend, 1941: 15, of "Ht female" is not regarded as a lectotype fixation because the specimen in question cannot be distinguished from among the 2 females in the type series). Type locality: USA, South Florida (Inverness, Florida according to Townsend, 1940: 15).
– Chaetoglossa violae Townsend, 1892a: 126. Type data: syntypes, 3 males [not females as published] (2 male syntypes in SEMK). Type locality: USA, South Florida (on flowers of Viola).

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