■ Taxonomic and Host Catalogue of the Tachinidae of America North of Mexico
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Genus Melanophrys Williston, 1886

MELANOPHRYS Williston, 1886: 305. Type species: Melanophrys flavipennis Williston, 1886, by monotypy.
ATROPHARISTA Townsend, 1892a: 92. Type species: Atropharista jurinoides Townsend, 1892 (= Tachina insolita Walker, 1853), by original designation.

flavipennis Williston, 1886.– Washington and Alberta, south to California and Wyoming (S&A, 1965), British Columbia, Utah, Ontario (CNC).
– Melanophrys flavipennis Williston, 1886: 306. Type data: lectotype male (SEMK), by fixation of Townsend, 1939a: 277 (mention of "Ht male" from Wyoming is regarded as a lectotype fixation because there is only 1 male syntype from Wyoming in SEMK). Type locality: USA, Wyoming.

insolita (Walker, 1853).– British Columbia, California to Colorado, South Dakota to Maine, south to Illinois and Connecticut (S&A, 1965), Alberta to Québec, also Oregon, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota (CNC).
– Tachina insolita Walker, 1853: 277. Type data: holotype female (BMNH). Type locality: United States.
– Atropharista jurinoides Townsend, 1892a: 92. Type data: lectotype female (SEMK), by fixation of Townsend, 1931a: 170 (mention of "female Ht" is regarded as a lectotype fixation). Type locality: USA, South Dakota, Brookings.

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