■ Taxonomic and Host Catalogue of the Tachinidae of America North of Mexico
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Genus Myiopharus Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889

MYIOPHARUS Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 161 (also 1890: 93). Type species: Myiopharus metopia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889, by monotypy [Neotropical].
PARALISPE Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891: 33 (also 1892: 337). Type species: Paralispe brasiliana Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891, by monotypy [Neotropical].
TACHINOPHYTO Townsend, 1892a: 130. Type species: Tachinophyto floridensis Townsend, 1892, by original designation.
PSEUDOMYOTHYRIA Townsend, 1892a: 131. Type species: Pseudomyothyria indecisa Townsend, 1892 (= Tachina ancilla Walker, 1853), by original designation.
METADORIA Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1893: 29 (also 1894: 117). Type species: Metadoria mexicana Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1893 (= Phorocera barbata Bigot, 1889), by monotypy [Neotropical].
DORYPHOROPHAGA Townsend, 1912c: 164. Type species: Lydella doryphorae Riley, 1869, by original designation.
PARKERIELLUS Smith, 1916: 96. Type species: Parkeriellus flavipalpis Smith, 1916 (= Exorista dorsalis Coquillett, 1898), by original designation.
EPIDEXIOPSIS Townsend, 1916i: 308. Type species: Epidexiopsis orbitalis Townsend, 1916 (= Tachina ancilla Walker, 1853), by original designation.
STOMATOLYDELLA Townsend, 1919c: 570. Type species: Stomatolydella infernalis Townsend, 1919, by original designation.
APACHEPROSPHERYSA Townsend, 1926: 27. Type species: Apacheprospherysa orbitalis Townsend, 1926 (= Telothyria trifurca van der Wulp, 1890), by original designation.
ADORYPHOROPHAGA Townsend, 1931b: 469. Type species: Doryphorophaga aberrans Townsend, 1916, by original designation.

aberrans (Townsend, 1916).– South Dakota to Ontario and Massachusetts, south to Missouri and Virginia (S&A, 1965), Montana, Québec, Georgia, Florida (CNC).
– Doryphorophaga aberrans Townsend, 1916d: 217. Type data: holotype male [not female as cited by Townsend, 1941: 230] (USNM). Type locality: USA, Virginia, Blacksburg (cited as Waterbury, Connecticut by Townsend, 1941: 230, in error). Type host: Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), Chrysomelidae.

Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 58), as Adoryphorophaga aberrans (Townsend)*
Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae
Blepharida rhois (Forster), Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), Chrysomelid spp. (including Lema trilineata (Olivier) and/or Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say))

americanus (Bigot, 1889).– Arizona, Mexico, Texas, Florida (S&A, 1965), New Mexico, Arkansas, Manitoba (CNC).
– Prosopea americana Bigot, 1889: 260. Type data: holotype male [not female as published] (BMNH). Type locality: Mexico.
– Doryphorophaga australis Reinhard, 1935c: 389. Type data: lectotype male (CNC), by fixation of Wood, 1985: 63 (mention of "Holotype" by Wood is regarded as a lectotype fixation; Reinhard labelled a specimen as holotype but did not designate a holotype in his description). Type locality: USA, Texas, College Station.

Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 183), as Doryphorophaga australis Reinhard*
Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae
Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), Leptinotarsa defecta Stål, Chrysomelid spp. (including Lema trilineata (Olivier) and/or Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say))

ancilla (Walker, 1853).– Utah to Michigan and New York, south to Mexico and Florida (S&A, 1965), Ontario (CNC).
– Tachina ancilla Walker, 1853: 299. Type data: holotype male [not female as published] (BMNH). Type locality: United States (eastern United States according to Townsend, 1941: 314).
– Pseudomyothyria indecisa Townsend, 1892a: 132. Type data: holotype male [not female as published] (SEMK). Type locality: USA, Illinois, Carlinville.
– Epidexiopsis orbitalis Townsend, 1916i: 308. Type data: holotype male (USNM). Type locality: USA, Florida, Miami.

Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 446), as Pseudomyothyria ancilla (Walker)*
Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae
Diabrotica undecimpunctata Mannerheim
Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae
Serica iricolor (Say)
Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae
Filatima persicaeella (Murtfeldt)

canadensis Reinhard, 1945.– Ontario, Québec (S&A, 1965).
– Myiopharus canadensis Reinhard, 1945: 31. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Canada, Québec, Berthierville (published as Bertheirville, in error).

Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 383)*
Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae
Calligrapha multipunctata bigsbyana (Kirby)

dorsalis (Coquillett, 1898).– Idaho to Ontario and New York, south to California, Texas, Iowa, and New Jersey (S&A, 1965), Manitoba, West Virginia (CNC).
– Exorista dorsalis Coquillett, 1898: 236. Type data: holotype male [not female as published] (USNM). Type locality: USA, Pennsylvania, North Mountain.
– Parkeriellus flavipalpis Smith, 1916: 97. Type data: holotype female (USNM). Type locality: USA, Montana, Laurel.

Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 383)*
Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae
Calligrapha multipunctata bigsbyana (Kirby)

doryphorae (Riley, 1869).– British Columbia to Nova Scotia, south to Arizona, Mexico, and South Carolina (S&A, 1965), California (CNC).
– Lydella doryphorae Riley, 1869: 111 (also subsequently spelled dorypharae, in error). Type data: syntypes, "numerous bred specimens" (not located in USNM by Wood, 1985: 65, possibly lost). Type locality: USA, Missouri. Type host: Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) [published as Doryphora decemlineata], Chrysomelidae.
– Exorista aerata Coquillett, 1897: 100. Type data: holotype female (USNM). Type locality: USA, Illinois, Algonquin.

Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 183), as Doryphorophaga doryphorae (Riley)*
Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae
Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), Chrysomelid spp. (including Lema trilineata (Olivier) and/or Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say))
Coleoptera, Coccinellidae
Epilachna varivestis Mulsant
Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae
Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus)

floridensis (Townsend, 1892).– Maryland, Mexico, Florida (S&A, 1965), Texas, Oklahoma, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina (CNC).
– Tachinophyto floridensis Townsend, 1892a: 131. Type data: holotype female (SEMK). Type locality: USA, Florida (Inverness, Florida according to Townsend, 1940: 96).

Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 488), as Tachinophyto floridensis Townsend*
Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae
Oidaematophorus homodactylus (Walker)

infernalis (Townsend, 1919).– Arizona to Illinois and Ohio, south to Mexico and Florida (S&A, 1965), Ontario, District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina (CNC).
– Stomatolydella infernalis Townsend, 1919c: 570. Type data: holotype male (USNM). Type locality: USA, New Mexico, Manzano Mountains, Hell Canyon, 7200 feet (on foliage of scrub oak).

Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 411), as Paralispe infernalis (Townsend)*
Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae
Crioceris asparagi (Linnaeus), Lema nigrovittata (Guérin-Méneville), Lema sexnotata Chevrolat, Lema trilineata californica Schaeffer, Lema trilineata trilineata (Olivier), Lema sp.
Lepidoptera, Tortricidae
Archips argyrospilus (Walker)

levis (Aldrich & Webber, 1924).– Nebraska and Kansas to New York and New Jersey (S&A, 1965), Colorado, New Mexico, Michigan (CNC).
– Phorocera (Neopales) levis Aldrich & Webber, 1924a: 86. Type data: holotype male (USNM). Type locality: USA, New Jersey, Wenonah.

macellus (Reinhard, 1935).– Manitoba to Massachusetts, south to California, Mexico, and Florida (S&A, 1965).
– Doryphorophaga macella Reinhard, 1935c: 390. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: USA, Texas, College Station.

Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 185), as Doryphorophaga macella Reinhard*
Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae
Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)

moestus (van der Wulp, 1890).– Mexico (Guerrero) (Guimarães, 1971), Arizona (CNC).
– Didyma moesta van der Wulp, 1890: 158. Type data: lectotype male (BMNH), by designation of Wood, 1985: 97 (mention by Townsend, 1931a: 179, of "male Ht" is not regarded as a lectotype fixation because the specimen in question cannot be distinguished from among the other males in the type series). Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omilteme, 8000 feet.

neilli O'Hara, 2007.– Colorado, Manitoba, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota.
– Myiopharus neilli O'Hara, 2007: 34. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Canada, Manitoba, Lowe Farm, 49º21'N 97º35'W. Type host: Zygogramma exclamationis (Fabricius), Chrysomelidae.

securis Reinhard, 1945.– Texas (S&A, 1965).
– Myiopharus securis Reinhard, 1945: 30. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: USA, Texas, Austin.

sedulus (Reinhard, 1935).– Colorado to New York, south to Texas and Florida (S&A, 1965), Ontario (CNC).
– Doryphorophaga sedula Reinhard, 1935c: 392. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: USA, Ohio, Amherst.
– Doryphorophaga patrita Reinhard, 1935c: 394. Type data: lectotype female (CNC), by fixation of Wood, 1985: 66 (mention of "Holotype" by Wood is regarded as a lectotype fixation; Reinhard labelled a specimen as holotype but did not designate a holotype in his description). Type locality: USA, Ohio, Amherst.

trifurca (van der Wulp, 1890).– New Mexico (S&A, 1965), Arizona, Mexico (CNC).
– Telothyria trifurca van der Wulp, 1890: 175. Type data: lectotype male [not female as published] (BMNH), by designation of Wood, 1985: 105. Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omilteme, 8000 feet.
– Apacheprospherysa orbitalis Townsend, 1926: 28. Type data: lectotype male (USNM), by fixation of Townsend, 1941: 237 (mention of "Ht male" is regarded as a lectotype fixation); also by designation of Wood, 1985: 94. Type locality: USA, New Mexico, White Mountains (published as Sierra Blanca), South Fork of Eagle Creek, 8000 feet.

Myiopharus species

Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 447) for Myiopharus spp., as Pseudomyothyria spp.*
Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae
Unidentified Tenthredinidae
Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 488) for "Myiopharus" spp., as "Tachinophyto" spp.*
Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae
Isophrictis similiella denotata Bottimer
Lepidoptera, Olethreutidae
Epiblema tripartitana (Zeller), Laspeyresia pomonella (Linnaeus)
Lepidoptera, Pyralidae
Desmia funeralis (Hübner), Diatmea saccharalis (Fabricius)
Lepidoptera, Tineidae
Unidentified Tineidae


Arnaud, P.H., Jr. 1978. A host-parasite catalog of North American Tachinidae (Diptera). United States Department of Agriculture. Miscellaneous Publication 1319: 1–860.

*Host names (family and species) have not been changed from those given in Arnaud (1978). Each host is listed under the appropriate current tachinid name, with the tachinid name used in Arnaud (1978) cited if different from the current one. For more information about Arnaud (1978), and to see a complete list of tachinid names used in that work and their modern equivalents, click here.

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