OXYDOSPHYRIA Townsend, 1926: 40. Type species: Oxydosphyria infernalis Townsend, 1926 (= Tachina iterans Walker, 1849), by original designation.
aclista Reinhard, 1956.– Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Mexico (S&A, 1965).
– Peleteria aclista Reinhard, 1956c: 109. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Mexico, Puebla, Mt. Popocatépetl, 3000 metres.
iterans (Walker, 1849).– British Columbia to Nova Scotia, south to California, northern Mexico, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Massachusetts (S&A, 1965), Yukon, North Dakota, Prince Edward Island (CNC).
– Tachina iterans Walker, 1849: 727. Type data: holotype male (BMNH). Type locality: Canada, Nova Scotia.
– Tachina punctifera Walker, 1849: 728. Type data: holotype male (BMNH). Type locality: USA, Massachusetts.
– Oxydosphyria infernalis Townsend, 1926: 41. Type data: syntypes, 2 females (USNM) (mention of "Ht female" by Townsend, 1939a: 52, is not a lectotype fixation because the specimen in question is not distinguishable from the other female in the type series). Type locality: USA, New Mexico, Manzano Mountains, Hell Canyon (on flowers of Melilotus).
Subgenus PANZERIOPSIS Townsend, 1915
PANZERIOPSIS Townsend, 1915d: 290. Type species: Panzeriopsis curriei Townsend, 1915, by original designation.
aenea (Staeger, 1849).– Nunavut (northern Ellesmere Island, Baffin Island), Greenland (S&A, 1965), Nunavut (Axel Heiburg Island) (CNC).
– Echinomyia aenea Staeger in Zetterstedt, 1849: 3217. Type data: syntypes, unknown number of specimens (1 male syntype in ZMUC). Type locality: Greenland.
Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 418)* | |||
Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae | |||
Byrdia groenlandica Wocke |
alberta Curran, 1925.– Washington, California, Alberta (S&A, 1965).
– Peleteria alberta Curran, 1925e: 234. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Canada, Alberta, Banff, 7600 feet.
arctica Malloch, 1919.– Nunavut [as Northwest Territories] (S&A, 1965).
– Peleteria arctica Malloch, 1919: 57. Type data: holotype female (CNC). Type locality: Canada, Nunavut (published as Northwest Territories, before the creation of Nunavut), Cockburn Point.
cornigera Curran, 1925.– British Columbia and Alberta, south to California and Colorado (S&A, 1965), Alaska (CNC).
– Peleteria cornigera Curran, 1925e: 232. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Canada, British Columbia, Lillooet.
cornuta Curran, 1925.– Alberta, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado (S&A, 1965), Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Washington, Utah, Saskatchewan (CNC).
– Peleteria cornuta Curran, 1925e: 232. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Canada, Alberta, Pincher (published as Tincher, in error).
cornuticaudata Curran, 1925.– British Columbia, Alberta, Wyoming, Colorado (S&A, 1965), Yukon, Washington, Northwest Territories, Nunavut (CNC).
– Peleteria cornuticaudata Curran, 1925e: 234. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Canada, Alberta, Banff, 7600 feet.
curriei (Townsend, 1915).– British Columbia (S&A, 1965), Yukon, California, Alberta (CNC).
– Panzeriopsis curriei Townsend, 1915d: 291. Type data: holotype male (USNM). Type locality: Canada, British Columbia, Bear Lake, London Hill Mine, 7000 feet.
– Peleteria phairi Curran, 1925e: 233. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Canada, British Columbia, Lillooet, 8000 feet.
Subgenus PELETERIA Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
PELETERIA Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 39 (also subsequently spelled Peletieria, unjustified emendation). Type species: Peleteria abdominalis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830, by subsequent designation of Coquillett, 1910b: 586 [Palearctic].
PELETERIOPSIS Townsend, 1916a: 630. Type species: Echinomyia flaviventris van der Wulp, 1888, by original designation.
aldrichi Curran, 1925.– Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico (S&A, 1965).
– Peleteria aldrichi Curran, 1925e: 240. Type data: holotype male (USNM). Type locality: USA, Colorado, Tennessee Pass, 10,240 feet.
angulata Curran, 1925.– British Columbia and Alberta, south to California, also Colorado (S&A, 1965).
– Peleteria angulata Curran, 1925e: 236. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Canada, British Columbia, Hedley.
blanda Curran, 1925.– California (S&A, 1965).
– Peleteria blanda Curran, 1925e: 241. Type data: holotype male (CAS). Type locality: USA, California, Tulare County, Giant Forest.
clara Curran, 1925.– British Columbia to Montana, south to California and New Mexico (S&A, 1965), Alberta, Saskatchewan (CNC).
– Peleteria clara Curran, 1925e: 239. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Canada, Alberta, Lethbridge.
conjuncta Curran, 1925.– British Columbia, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico (S&A, 1965), Alberta (CNC).
– Peleteria conjuncta Curran, 1925e: 235. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Canada, British Columbia, Nicola.
flaviventris (van der Wulp, 1888).– New Mexico, Mexico (Durango) (S&A, 1965).
– Echinomyia flaviventris van der Wulp, 1888: 32. Type data: syntypes, 1 male and 4 females (BMNH) (mention of "female Ht" by Townsend, 1931a: 158, could be regarded as a lectotype fixation except that his type specimen cannot be distinguished from the other females in the type series; 1 male and 2 females of original type series currently in BMNH). Type locality: Mexico, Durango, Ciudad, 8100 feet (cited as Mexico City by Townsend, 1939a: 55, in error).
neglecta (Townsend, 1897).– British Columbia to Manitoba, south to California and New Mexico (S&A, 1965).
– Echinomyia neglecta Townsend, 1897a: 148. Type data: syntypes, 7 females (whereabouts unknown). Type localities: USA, New Mexico, Rio Tularosa (below Blazer's Mill, about 6000 feet, on flowers of Bigelovia graveolens var. glabrata), Rio Ruidoso (above Dowling's Mill, about 6500 feet, on flowers of Senecio douglasii; also 4 miles west of Dowling's Mill, 6600 feet, on flowers of Rhus glabra).
– Peleteria eronis Curran, 1925e: 238. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Canada, British Columbia, Williams Lake.
posticata Curran, 1925.– British Columbia to California and Arizona, also Colorado (S&A, 1965).
– Peleteria posticata Curran, 1925e: 241. Type data: holotype male (CAS). Type locality: USA, California, El Dorado County (published as Eldorado County), Strawberry Valley.
regalis Curran, 1925.– California, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona (S&A, 1965), British Columbia (CNC).
– Peleteria regalis Curran, 1925e: 235. Type data: holotype female (SEMK). Type locality: USA, Colorado, Pingree Park.
trifasciata Curran, 1925.– California (S&A, 1965), Oregon, Nevada (CNC).
– Peleteria trifasciata Curran, 1925e: 242. Type data: holotype male (CAS). Type locality: USA, California, Mono Lake.
Subgenus SPHYRIMYIA Bigot, 1883
SPHYRIMYIA Bigot, 1883: 154 (also 1884: cviii, as Sphyromyia). Type species: Sphyrimyia malleola Bigot, 1883, by monotypy.
anaxias (Walker, 1849).– Saskatchewan to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, south to Tennessee, also British Columbia, Nevada (S&A, 1965), Alberta, New England south to North Carolina (CNC).
– Tachina anaxias Walker, 1849: 726. Type data: holotype female (BMNH). Type locality: Canada, Nova Scotia.
biangulata Curran, 1925.– British Columbia to Wyoming, south to California and New Mexico (S&A, 1965), Alberta (CNC).
– Peleteria biangulata Curran, 1925e: 255. Type data: holotype male (SEMK). Type locality: USA, Arizona, Oak Creek Canyon (published as Cañon), 6000 feet.
bryanti Curran, 1925.– British Columbia to Manitoba, south to California and Texas (S&A, 1965), Yukon (CAS), Northwest Territories, Iowa, Arkansas, Ontario (CNC).
– Peleteria bryanti Curran, 1925e: 250. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Canada, Alberta, Slave Lake.
compascua (van der Wulp, 1892).– Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Mexico (Guerrero) (S&A, 1965).
– Echinomyia compascua van der Wulp, 1892: 192. Type data: syntypes, 3 males (BMNH). Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omilteme, 8000 feet.
convexa Curran, 1925.– Washington, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Mexico (Chihuahua) (S&A, 1965), British Columbia (CNC).
– Peleteria convexa Curran, 1925e: 251. Type data: holotype male (SEMK). Type locality: USA, New Mexico.
haemorrhoa (van der Wulp, 1867).– British Columbia to New Brunswick and Maryland, also California, Colorado, Wisconsin, New Mexico (S&A, 1965), North Dakota, Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina (CNC), West Virginia, Virginia (WVU).
– Tachina apicalis Walker, 1853: 275 (junior homonym of Tachina apicalis Meigen, 1824). Type data: syntypes, unknown number of males and females (1 female syntype in BMNH). Type locality: USA, California (published as "Columbia," in error; see Austen, 1907: 333).
– Echinomyia haemorrhoa van der Wulp, 1867: 145. Type data: holotype female (RMNH). Type locality: USA, Wisconsin.
– Peleteria confusa Curran, 1925e: 253. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Canada, Ontario, Jordan.
incongrua (Reinhard, 1934).– California, Colorado, Arizona, Texas (S&A, 1965).
– Cuphocera incongrua Reinhard, 1934e: 68. Type data: holotype male (SEMK). Type locality: USA, Arizona, Mescal.
incontesta Curran, 1926.– Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Mexico (S&A, 1965).
– Peleteria neglecta Curran, 1925e: 243 (junior secondary homonym of Echinomyia neglecta Townsend, 1897). Type data: holotype male (SEMK). Type locality: USA, New Mexico, Magdalena Mountains.
– Peleteria incontesta Curran, 1926d: 171 (nomen novum for neglecta Curran, 1925).
malleola (Bigot, 1883).– British Columbia to Manitoba and Michigan, south to California, Mexico, and Texas (S&A, 1965).
– Sphyrimyia malleola Bigot, 1883: 154 (also 1884: cix, as Sphyromyia malleola). Type data: holotype male (BMNH). Type locality: USA, California.
– Peleteria campestre Curran, 1925e: 247. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Canada, Manitoba, Aweme.
mediana Reinhard, 1944.– Washington, Oregon, California (S&A, 1965).
– Peleteria mediana Reinhard, 1944b: 71. Type data: holotype male (SEMK). Type locality: USA, Oregon, Waldport.
neotexensis Brooks, 1949.– Colorado, Texas (S&A, 1965), Arizona, Mexico (CNC).
– Peleteria (Sphyromyia) neotexensis Brooks, 1949: 23. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: USA, Texas, College Station.
obsoleta Curran, 1925.– British Columbia to New Mexico, south to Costa Rica (S&A, 1965), Alberta, Texas (CNC).
– Peleteria obsoleta Curran, 1925e: 251. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: USA, New Mexico, Magdalena Mountains.
Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 418)* | |||
Lepidoptera, Noctuidae | |||
Unidentified Noctuidae |
setosa Curran, 1925.– Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Mexico (Chihuahua) (S&A, 1965).
– Peleteria setosa Curran, 1925e: 252. Type data: holotype male (USNM). Type locality: Mexico, Chihuahua, Mound Valley.
texensis Curran, 1925.– California, Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, Mexico, Costa Rica (S&A, 1965), Colorado, New Mexico (CNC).
– Peleteria texensis Curran, 1925e: 246. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: USA, Texas, College Station.
Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 419)* | |||
Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae | |||
Hemerocampa vetusta (Boisduval) | |||
Lepidoptera, Noctuidae | |||
Agrotis orthogonia Morrison, Euxoa auxiliaris (Grote), Euxoa ridingsiana (Grote), Heliophila spp., Leucania latiuscula Herrich-Schaeffer, Leucania microgonia (Hampson), Peridroma saucia (Hübner), Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haworth) |
thomsoni (Williston, 1886).– California, ?Arizona (S&A, 1965).
– Echinomyia filipalpis Thomson, 1869: 517 (junior homonym of Echinomyia filipalpis Rondani, 1863). Type data: holotype male (NHRS). Type locality: USA, California.
– Echinomyia thomsoni Williston, 1886: 302 (nomen novum for filipalpis Thomson, 1869).
torta Reinhard, 1943.– Oregon, California, Arizona (S&A, 1965).
– Peleteria torta Reinhard, 1943c: 21. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: USA, Arizona, Roosevelt Lake.
townsendi Curran, 1925.– New Mexico, Mexico (Chihuahua), Texas (S&A, 1965), Arizona (CNC).
– Peleteria townsendi Curran, 1925e: 252. Type data: holotype male (USNM). Type locality: Mexico, Chihuahua, Mound Valley.
valida Curran, 1925.– New Mexico (Curran, 1925), Arizona, Texas (CNC).
– Peleteria valida Curran, 1925e: 255. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: USA, New Mexico, Silver City (not South Carolina as published; see Sabrosky, 1978: 144).
Unplaced to subgenus
hirta (Curtis, 1835).– Arctic North America (S&A, 1965).
– Tachina hirta Curtis, 1835: lxxix (junior homonym of Tachina hirta Macquart, 1834). Type data: holotype, sex unknown (probably lost). Type locality: Arctic North America.
rubifrons (Bigot, 1887).– "North America" (S&A, 1965). Note: This species is possibly not present in America north of Mexico because it was recorded from Mexico by Bigot (1888a: 81).
– Echinomyia rubifrons Bigot, 1887: cxl (also 1887: cxl, Bull. Soc. Ent. France, as rubrifrons). Type data: holotype female (BMNH). Type locality: North America.
Arnaud, P.H., Jr. 1978. A host-parasite catalog of North American Tachinidae (Diptera). United States Department of Agriculture. Miscellaneous Publication 1319: 1–860.
*Host names (family and species) have not been changed from those given in Arnaud (1978). Each host is listed under the appropriate current tachinid name, with the tachinid name used in Arnaud (1978) cited if different from the current one. For more information about Arnaud (1978), and to see a complete list of tachinid names used in that work and their modern equivalents, click here.