![]() Home | General | Morphology | TachImage Gallery | Tachinid Times | Taxonomic & Host Catalogue | World Genera Bibliography | Arnaud (1978) | CNC Types | Manual of Nearctic Diptera | Bertha Armyworm Tachinid Bibliography 1980 - PresentC [Click letter to return to the main page of the Tachinid Bibliography.]Caballero, P., Vargas-Osuna, E., Aldebis, H.K. and Santiago-Alvarez, C. 1990. Parasitoids associated to natural populations of Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval and S. exigua Hb. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Boletín de Sanidad Vegetal, Plagas 16: 91–96. [In Spanish.] Cabrera Walsh, G. 2004. Field and reproductive observations on Celatoria bosqui Blanchard (Diptera: Tachinidae), a South American parasitoid of Diabrotica spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae. Biological Control 29: 427–434. Cacayorin, N.D., Solsoloy, A.D., Damo, M.C. and Solsoloy, T.S. 1993. Beneficial arthropods regulating population of insect pests on cotton. Cotton Research Journal (Philippines) 6: 1–8. Cade, W.H. 1984. Effects of fly parasitoids on nightly calling duration in field crickets. Canadian Journal of Zoology 62: 226–228. Cade, W.H., Ciceran, M. and Murray, A.M. 1996. Temporal patterns of parasitoid fly (Ormia ochracea) attraction to field cricket song (Gryllus integer). Canadian Journal of Zoology 74: 393–395. Cade, W.H. and Wyatt, D.R. 1984. Factors affecting calling behaviour in field crickets, Teleogryllus and Gryllus (age, weight, density and parasites). Behaviour 88: 61–75. Cagáň, L., Turlings, T., Bokor, P. and Dorn, S. 1999. Lydella thompsoni Herting (Dipt., Tachinidae), a parasitoid of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. (Lep., Pyralidae) in Slovakia, Czech Republic and southwestern Poland. Journal of Applied Entomology 123: 577–583. Cai, W.-z., Yan, Y.-h. and Li, L.-y. 2005. The earliest records of insect parasitoids in China. Biological Control 32: 8–11. Caldas, A. 1996. Fifth instar parasitoids of Anaea ryphea (Nymphalidae): the missing data. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 50: 89–90. Calvo, D. and Molina, J.M. 2002. First Iberian record of Drino maroccana Mesnil, 1951 (Diptera, Tachinidae, Exoristinae), a parasitoid of Streblote panda Hubner, [1820] (Lasiocampidae) caterpillars. Graellsia 58: 85–86. Calvo, R. 2004. Parasitoidismo por dipteros en larvas de Caligo atreus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) en Cartago, Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical 52: 915–917. Camerini, G. 2009. Factors affecting Lymantria dispar mortality in a willow wood in northern Italy. Bulletin of Insectology 62: 21–25. Camerini, G. and Groppali, R. 1999. Predators and parasitoids of Hyphantria cunea in Pavia district (Northern Italy). Informatore Fitopatologico 49 (10): 19–28. [In Italian.] Camillo, E., Garófalo, C.A. and Serrano, J.C. 1994. Observations on the biology of Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) rogenhoferi Kohl (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil 23: 299–310. [In Portuguese.] Camillo, E., Garófalo, C.A. and Serrano, J.C. 1997. Biology of Monobia angulosa Saussure in trap nests (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae). Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil 26: 169–175. [In Portuguese.] Campadelli, G. 1980. Weight-loss of the unparasitized chrysalids of Galleria mellonella L. and of those parasitized by Gonia cinerascens Rond. Bollettino dell'Istituto di Entomologia della Reale Universita Degli Studi di Bologna 35: 267–273. [In Italian.] Campadelli, G. 1982. On the limits of the parasitic capacity of Gonia cinerascens (Dipt. Tachinidae). Bollettino dell'Istituto di Entomologia della Reale Universita Degli Studi di Bologna 36: 84–90. [In Italian.] Campadelli, G. 1983. On the preservability of the microtypical eggs of Gonia cinerascens Rond. (Dipt., Tachinidae). Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia "Guido Grandi" della Universita degli Studi di Bologna 37: 91–100. [In Italian.] Campadelli, G. 1987. Effects of low temperature on the host-parasite couple Galleria mellonella L. – Pseudogonia rufifrons Wied.(Lep., Galleriidae – Dipt., Tachinidae). Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia "Guido Grandi" della Universita degli Studi di Bologna 41: 29–49. [In Italian.] Campadelli, G. 1988. Galleria mellonella L. as a substitute host for insect parasitoids. Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia "Guido Grandi" della Universita degli Studi di Bologna 42: 47–65. [In Italian.] Campadelli, G. 1989. Second contribution to the knowledge of the tachinid fauna of Romagna. Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 120 (1988): 206–208. [In Italian.] Campadelli, G. 1990. Biological news on Dinera ferina Fall. (Dipt. Tachinidae) a parasite of Sinodendrum cylindricum L. (Col. Lucanidae). Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia "Guido Grandi" della Universita degli Studi di Bologna 43 (1988): 75–78. [In Italian.] Campadelli, G. 1997. Notes on the biology of Vibrissina turrita Meigen (Dipt. Tachinidae) on its host Arge ochropus Gmel. (Hym.: Argidae). Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia "Guido Grandi" della Universita degli Studi di Bologna 51: 161–170. [In Italian.] Campadelli, G. and Baronio, P. 1982. Diptera Tachinidae of Romagna: new records. Bollettino dell'Istituto di Entomologia della Reale Universita Degli Studi di Bologna 36: 37–48. [In Italian.] Campadelli, G. and Crudele, G. 1998. Some natural enemies of Arge ochropus (= Hylotoma rosae). Informatore Fitopatologico 48: 15–18. [In Italian.] Campadelli, G. and Gardenghi, G. 1985. The rectal papillae in Gonia cinerascens Rond. and in other Diptera, Larvaevoridae. Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia "Guido Grandi" della Universita degli Studi di Bologna 39: 83–100. Campadelli, G. and Gardenghi, G. 1990. Biological notes on Billaea triangulifera Zett. (Dipt. Tachinidae), a parasitoid of Saperda scalaris L. (Col. Cerambycidae). Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia "Guido Grandi" della Universita degli Studi di Bologna 45: 182–189. [In Italian.] Campadelli, G. and Gardenghi, G. 1990. Biological notes on Elodia ambulatoria (Dipt. Tachinidae), a parasite of Morophaga choragella D.E. (Lep. Tineidae). Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia "Guido Grandi" della Universita degli Studi di Bologna 43 (1988): 247–255. [In Italian.] Campadelli, G. and Tosi, C. 1985. A study on the best temperature for the rearing of Gonia cinerascens Rond. Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia "Guido Grandi" della Universita degli Studi di Bologna 39: 101–111. Campadelli, G. and Tschorsnig, H.-P. 1999. Third contribution to the knowledge of the tachinid fauna of Romagna (Insecta Diptera Tachinidae). Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia Naturale della Romagna 12: 43–46. [In Italian.] Campadelli, G. and Zanotti, M. 1990. Effects of collective and individual parasitization techniques in the system Galleria mellonella L. – Pseudogonia rufifrons Wied. Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia "Guido Grandi" della Universita degli Studi di Bologna 45: 101–108. [In Italian.] Campbell, A.J. and Brown, G.R. 1998. Biological control of scarabs causing eucalyptus dieback. RIRDC Publication, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Kingston. No. 3. 89 pp. [Also cited as RIRDC Publication No. DAN-68A.] Cañas, L.A. and O'Neil, R.J. 1998. Applications of sugar solutions to maize, and the impact of natural enemies on fall armyworm. International Journal of Pest Management 44: 59–64. Cañas, L.A., O'Neil, R.J. and Gibb, T.J. 2002. Population ecology of Leptinotarsa undecimlineata Stal (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae): population dynamics, mortality factors, and potential natural enemies for biological control of the Colorado potato beetle. Biological Control 24: 50–64. Cantrell, B.K. 1980. Larvae of Blaesoxipha Loew (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) and an unidentified tachinid (Diptera) parasitic in Acrididae (Orthoptera) in Australia. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 19: 217–221. Cantrell, B.K. 1983. Revision of the Australian species of Euthera Loew (Diptera: Tachinidae). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 22: 53–59. Cantrell, B.K. 1984. Aspects of the biology, morphology and systematics of the Australian Tachinidae (Diptera). Ph. D. thesis, University of Queensland. Cantrell, B.K. 1984. Key to the common genera of Tachinidae (Diptera) parasitizing Heliothis and related moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Australia. Pp. 410–417. In: Bailey, P. and Swincer, D., eds., Proceedings of the 4th Australian Applied Entomological Research Conference. Cantrell, B.K. 1984. Synopsis of the Australian Phasiinae, including revisions of Gerocyptera Townsend and the Australian species of Cylindromyia Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae). Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series 102: 1–60. Cantrell, B.K. 1985. Revision of Chaetophthalmus Brauer and Bergenstamm and the Australian species of Linnaemya Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 33: 55–99. Cantrell, B.K. 1985. Revision of the Australian species of Carcelia Robineau-Desvoidy, with notes on the remaining genera of Australian Carceliini (Diptera: Tachinidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 33: 891–932. Cantrell, B.K. 1985. A revision of the Australian species of Exorista Meigen, with notes on the other genera of Australian Exoristini (Diptera: Tachinidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 33: 547–576. Cantrell, B.K. 1986. Descriptions of the partial life histories of some Australian Tachinidae (Diptera). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 25: 215–221. [Note by B.K.C.: read neowinthemioides for neowinthemoides throughout paper.] Cantrell, B.K. 1986. An updated host catalogue for the Australian Tachinidae (Diptera). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 25: 255–265. Cantrell, B.K. 1988. The comparative morphology of the male and female postabdomen of the Australian Tachinidae (Diptera), with descriptions of some first-instar larvae and pupae. Invertebrate Taxonomy 2: 81–221. Cantrell, B.K. 1989. The Australasian species of Winthemia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae) with notes on Oceanian and Oriental species. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 28: 93–104. Cantrell, B.K. and Crosskey, R.W. 1989. Family Tachinidae. Pp. 733–784. In: Evenhuis, N.L., ed., Catalog of the Diptera of the Australasian and Oceanian Regions. Bishop Museum Special Publication 86. Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu and E.J. Brill, Leiden. 1155 pp. Cantrell, B.K. and Shima, H. 1991. Additional species of Chaetophthalmus Brauer and Bergenstamm (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Papua New Guinea. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 30: 49–59. Capek, M. and Čepelák, J. 1981. List of parasites bred from insect pests. Part VII. Tachinidae and Sarcophagidae. Pol'nohospodárstvo 27: 321–332. [In Czech.] Capek, M., Kudler, J. and Martinek, V. 1989. Parasitoids of Lymantria monacha and Rhyacionia buoliana recorded on the territory of the CSSR. Pp. 175–179. In: International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Plants, East Palaearctic Section, Moskva. [In Russian.] Cappaert, D.L., Drummond, F.A. and Logan, P.A. 1991. Incidence of natural enemies of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae] on a native host in Mexico. Entomophaga 36: 369–378. Cappaert, D.L. and Smitley, D.R. 2002. Parasitoids and pathogens of Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in southern Michigan. Environmental Entomology 31: 573–580. Cappuccino, N., Houle, M.J. and Stein, J. 1999. The influence of understory nectar resources on parasitism of the spruce budworm Choristoneura fumiferana in the field. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 1: 33–36. Cappuccino, N., Lavertu, D., Bergeron, Y. and Régnière, J. 1998. Spruce budworm impact, abundance and parasitism rate in a patchy landscape. Oecologia 114: 236–242. Caravas, J., Walker, M., Balasubramanian, S., Hanrahan, R., Neral, M., Beckenbach, A., Chaudhary, V. and Friedrich, M. 2006. Mitochondrial genome phylogeny of the Schizophora. Pp. 34–35. In: Suwa, M., ed., Abstracts Volume, 6th International Congress of Dipterology, Fukuoka. 354 pp. Cardoza, Y.J., Epsky, N.D. and Heath, R.R. 1997. Biology and development of Lespesia aletiae (Diptera: Tachinidae) in two lepidopteran species in the laboratory. Florida Entomologist 80: 289–300. Carles-Tolrá, M. and Tschorsnig, H.-P. 1994. Nuevos datos sobre taquínidos de la Península Ibérica (Diptera, Tachinidae). Graellsia 50: 168–169. Carmean, D. and Kimsey, L. 1998. Phylogenetic revision of the parasitoid wasp family Trigonalidae (Hymenoptera). Systematic Entomology 23: 35–76. Caron, V., Janmaat, A.F., Ericsson, J.D. and Myers, J.H. 2008. Avoidance of the host immune response by a generalist parasitoid, Compsilura concinnata Meigen. Ecological Entomology 33: 517–522. Caron, V., Myers, J.H. and Gillespie, D.R. 2008. Fitness-related traits in a parasitoid fly are mediated by effects of plants on its host. Journal of Applied Entomology 132: 663–667. Carpenter, J.E. and Proshold, F.I. 2000. Survival of Archytas marmoratus (Diptera: Tachinidae) from superparasitized corn earworm larvae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Environmental Entomology 29: 606–611. Carrière, J. 2009. Agapanthia villosoviridescens (Degeer, 1775) et Zeuxia zernyi (Mesnil, 1963) sur les monts d'Aubrac (Aveyron, Cantal, Lozère): approche d'un parasitisme de masse (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae - Diptera, Tachinidae). Lambillionea 109: 342–347. Carter, G. 2001. Des nouvelles de l'americaine. L'Entomologiste 57: 211. Carter, J.B., Green, E.I. and Kirkham, A.J. 1983. A Tipula paludosa population with a high incidence of two pathogens. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 42: 312–318. Carter, J.B., Griffiths, C. and Smith, A.D. 1981. A high level of parasitism by Siphona geniculata (De Geer) (Diptera: Tachinidae) in a population of Tipula paludosa (Meigen) (Diptera: Tipulidae). Entomologist's Gazette 32: 257–258. Carvalho, F.S. 2009. Tachinid fly larva found in the abdomen of an adult Melitaea deione Geyer (Lep.: Nymphalidae). Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 121: 128. Caskey, R.C. and McKeown, J.P. 2003. Evaluating diversity: a baseline study comparing the diversity of the order Diptera in two distinct sites in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 48: 169–173. Cave, R.D. 1992. Inventory of parasitic organisms of the striped grass looper, Mocis latipes (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in Honduras. Florida Entomologist 75: 592–598. Cave, R.D. 1993. Larval and pupal parasitoids of Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Central America with a key to species found in Honduras. CEIBA 34: 33–56. [In Spanish.] Cave, R.D. 1997. Possible use of a tachinid in biocontrol program against bromeliad weevil. Tachinid Times 10: 2. Cave, R.D. 2006. A new species of tachinid is a potential biological control agent of the Mexican bromeliad weevil in Florida. Tachinid Times 19: 7–8. Cave, R.D. 2008. Lixadmontia franki Wood and Cave released to control the Mexican bromeliad weevil. Tachinid Times 21: 12–14. Cave, R.D. and Cordero, R.J. 1999. Parasitoides de Leptophobia aripa Boisduval (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) en repollo y brocoli en Honduras. CEIBA 40: 51–55. Ceballos, M. and Hernández, M. 1995. Comunidad parasitica de Diaphania hyalinata (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) en un cultivar de calabaza (Cucurbita moschata). Revista de Protección Vegetal 10: 29–33. Čepelák, J. 1980. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Raupenfliegen des Levoca-Tales (Diptera; Tachinidae). Acta Universitatis Carolinae (Biologica) 1977: 249–252. Čepelák, J. 1980. A contribution to the knowledge of sortal composition and ecology of tachinid flies in the environs of Bardejov (Diptera, Tachinidae). Entomologické Problémy (Biol. Práce) 16: 133–147. [In Czech.] Čepelák, J. 1980. Zur Verbreitung und Biologie höheren Zweiflüglern Nordmährens und Schlesiens (Diptera, Brachycera). 1. Casopis Slezského Musea v Opave (Série A) 29: 249–268. [In Czech.] Čepelák, J. 1981. Funde der höheren Fliegen in Naturschutz-reservationen der Pavlovské Vrchy und bei der Gemeinde Lanzhot in Süd-Mähren (Diptera Brachycera). Zprávy Československé Společnosti Entomologické Při ČSAV 17: 133–135. Čepelák, J. 1981. Higher flies of the middle section of the express highway North-South (Diptera, Brachycera). Biologia (Bratislava) 36: 611–620. [In Czech.] Čepelák, J. 1982. Artvertretung einiger Familien der höheren Zweiflüglern des Forschungsobjektes IBP BAB. Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Purkynianae Brunensis 23: 17–27. Čepelák, J. 1982. The distribution and biology of Diptera of northern Moravia and Silesia (Diptera, Brachycera). III. Casopis Slezského Musea v Opave (Série A) 31: 265–276. [In Czech.] Čepelák, J. 1982. Some groups of higher flies from the Little Carpathians (Diptera, Brachycera). II. Biologia (Bratislava) 37: 599–607. [In Czech.] Čepelák, J. 1983. Erste Kenntnisse über die höheren Zweiflüglern des Isergebirges (Diptera, Calyptrata). Sborník Severočeského Muzea (Přírodní Vědy) 13: 95–100. [In Czech.] Čepelák, J. 1985. Ergebnisse der Untersuchung mancher Familien von Zweifluglern (Diptera) im Gebiet des westlichen Sumava-Gebirges (Bohmerwald). Zprávy Muzeí Západočeského Kraje 30-31: 51–59. Čepelák, J. 1985. Übersicht der Funde von Zweiflüglern (Diptera) aus der staatlichen Naturreservation Suchy in der Malá Fatra. Ochrana Prirody 6: 165–187. Čepelák, J. 1986. Die höheren Zweifügler (Diptera, Brachycera) im staatlichen Naturschutzgebiet Kovacovske Kopke. Ochrana Prirody 7: 127–148. Čepelák, J. 1986. Tachinidae. Pp. 278–332, 411–424. In: Čepelák, J., ed., Diptera Slovenska II. (Cyclorrhapha.) [In Slovak.] Veda, Bratislava. 435 pp. Čepelák, J. 1987. Höhere Zweiflügler (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha, Schizophora) der Hraškova Lúka und ihrer Umgebung. I. Rosalia, Nitra 3 (1986): 193–209. [In Slovak.] Čepelák, J. 1987. Tachinidae. Pp. 305–320. In: Jezek, J., ed., Check list of Czechoslovak insects II (Diptera). Acta faunistica entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae. Vol. 18. 341 pp. Čepelák, J. 1988. Weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der höheren Zweiflüglern (Dipt., Brachycera) der Staatlichen Naturschutzreservation Hrdovickáim Naturschutzgebiete Ponitrie. Rosalia, Nitra 5: 153–164. [In Slovak.] Čepelák, J. 1989. Die Vertretung höherer Zweiflügler (Diptera, Brachycera) der Umgebung von Kurort Nimnica in der Frühlingsperiode. Entomologické Problémy, Bratislava 19: 101–110. [In Slovak.] Čepelák, J. 1990. Ergebnisse der Forschung des Vorkommens der Zweiflüglern an den östlichen Abhängen des Berges Vtácnik (Diptera, Brachycera) I. Rosalia, Nitra 6: 273–282. [In Slovak.] Čepelák, J. 1991. Diptera on the hill of Sitno. Biologia (Bratislava) 46: 535–543. [In Slovak.] Čepelák, J. 1991. Ergebnisse der Forschung des Vorkommens der Zweiflüglern an den östlichen Abhängen des Berges Vtácnik (Diptera, Brachycera) II. Rosalia, Nitra 7: 203–211. [In Slovak.] Čepelák, J. 1992. Evaluation of the Diptera Brachycera material from the Protected Site Suchý vrch and the environs in the Vel'ká Fatra Mts. Ochrana Prirody 1: 339–344. [In Slovak.] Čepelák, J. 1992. Höhere Zweiflügler (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha) aus dem Gebiete Vel'ký Lysec. Rosalia, Nitra 8: 191–198. [In Slovak.] Čepelák, J. 1992. 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Folia Facultatis Scientiarium Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 95. 236 pp. Čepelák, J. and Čepelák, S. 1983. Additional findings of the fauna of Diptera in the area of the State Reserve of Rozsutec and its neighbourhood in the Mala Fatra Mountain (Diptera). Biologia (Bratislava) 38: 599–606. [In Czech.] Čepelák, J. and Čepelák, S. 1986. Bietrag zur Kenntnis der Zweiflügler (Diptera) rumänischer Gebirge Retezat und Paring. Dipterologica Bohemoslovaca 4: 53–56. [In Slovak.] Čepelák, J. and Čepelák, S. 1986. Höhere Zweiflügler des nördlichen Abschnittes der Magistrale Nord-Süd (Diptera-Brachycera, Cyclorrhapha). Zborník: Organizmy a Prostredie. Pedagogická Fakulta Nitra 1985: 289–297. Čepelák, J. and Čepelák, S. 1986. Summarized results of surveys of two-winged flies (Diptera) from the region of the High Tatras. Zborník Prác o Tatranskom Národnom Parku 27: 59–81. [In Slovak.] Čepelák, J. and Čepelák, S. 1987. Ergebnisse der Forschung der höheren Zweiflüglern (Diptera, Brachycera) im Gebirge Biele Karpaty I. Vel'ká Javorina. Biologia (Bratislava) 42: 1011–1019. Čepelák, J. and Čepelák, S. 1988. Higher Diptera (Diptera, Brachycera) in the Biele Karpaty Mountains II. Vrsatske Bradla. Biologia (Bratislava) 43: 567–574. [In German.] Čepelák, J. and Čepelák, S. 1991. Certain families of Diptera in Zobor. Zobor, Nitra 2: 245–278. [In Slovak.] Čepelák, J. and Čepelák, S. 1995. Erkenntnisse höheren Zweiflüglern aus dem Gebiete Donovaly (Diptera, Brachycera). Dipterologica Bohemoslovaca 7: 33–36. Čepelák, J. and Slameckova, M. 1996. Interesting findings of dipterons (Diptera, Brachycera) in the territory of the Low Tatras. Acta Zootechnica Universitatis Agriculturae 52: 135–140. [In Slovak.] Čepelák, J. and Vaňhara, J. 1997. Tachinidae. Pp. 100–106. In: Chvála, M., ed., Check list of Diptera (Insecta) of the Czech and Slovak Republics. 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