![]() Home | General | Morphology | TachImage Gallery | Tachinid Times | Taxonomic & Host Catalogue | World Genera Bibliography | Arnaud (1978) | CNC Types | Manual of Nearctic Diptera | Bertha Armyworm Tachinid Bibliography 1980 - PresentM [Click letter to return to the main page of the Tachinid Bibliography.]Ma, D.-x., Qian, J.-q. and Fan, Z.-d. et al. 1999. Studies on flies in Xinjiang, China. IV. Difangbing Tongbao [also as Endemic Diseases Bulletin] 14: 50–52. [In Chinese with English abstract.] Ma, Y., Kang, L., Li, H.-c. and Zhang, Z.-r. et al. 1991. Catalogue of grassland insects in Inner Mongolia. Pp. 91–275. In: Ma, Y., Li, H.-c. and Kang, L., eds., The grassland insects of Inner Mongolia. Tianze Press, Yangling. xiv + 467 pp. [In Chinese.] Macedo, N. and Araujo, J.R. 2000. Effects of sugarcane burning on larval and egg parasitoids of Diatraea saccharalis (Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil 29: 79–84. 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