![]() Home | General | Morphology | TachImage Gallery | Tachinid Times | Taxonomic & Host Catalogue | World Genera Bibliography | Arnaud (1978) | CNC Types | Manual of Nearctic Diptera | Bertha Armyworm Tachinid Bibliography 1980 - PresentZ [Click letter to return to the main page of the Tachinid Bibliography.]Zaharieva-Pentcheva, A. and Georgiev, G.T. 1997. Parasitoids of the satin moth Stilpnotia salicis (L.) (Lepidoptera Lymantriidae) in Bulgaria. Bollettino di Zoologia Agraria e di Bachicoltura 29: 81–89. Zanuncio, J.C., Torres, J.B., Sediyama, C.A.Z., Pereira, F.F., Pastori, P.L., Wermelinger, E.D. and Ramalho, F.S. 2009. Mortality of the defoliator Euselasia eucerus (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) by biotic factors in an Eucalyptus urophylla plantation in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 81: 61–66. Zeegers, T. 1997. Book Review of "The Siphonini (Diptera: Tachinidae) of Europe" by S. Andersen (1996). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 140: 249. Zeegers, T. 1997. Tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Dutch Thaumetopoea processionea. Entomologische Berichten 57: 73–78. [In Dutch.] Zeegers, T. 1998. An annotated checklist of the Dutch tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae). Entomologische Berichten 58: 165–200. Zeegers, T. 1998. On the difference in the period of flight between males and females of Tachinidae. Pp. 257–258. In: Ismay, J.W., ed., Abstracts Volume, Fourth International Congress of Dipterology, Oxford. 275 pp. Zeegers, T. 1998. On the Tachinidae of The Netherlands. Pp. 258–259. In: Ismay, J.W., ed., Abstracts Volume, Fourth International Congress of Dipterology, Oxford. 275 pp. Zeegers, T. 2000. Prolongation of plagues by parasitoids with microtype eggs. Proceedings of the section Experimental and Applied Entomology of the Netherlands Entomological Society (N.E.V.) 11: 145–150. Zeegers, T. 2000. Tachinidae captured in the Nepali Himalaya's. Tachinid Times 13: 7–8. Zeegers, T. 2007. A first account of the Tachinidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Yemen. Fauna of Arabia 23: 369–419. Zeegers, T. 2008. Internet as a source of tachinid faunistics. Tachinid Times 21: 17–18. Zeegers, T. 2009. Notes on the Tachinidae of Kyrgyzstan. Tachinid Times 22: 4–7. Zeegers, T. 2009. Tachinidae, Calliphoridae and Oestridae (Diptera) collected in Sibera by Dutch expedition. Evraziatskii Entomologicheskii Zhurnal [also as Euroasian Entomological Journal] 8: 431–436. Zeegers, T. 2010. Notes on the Tachinidae of Serbia and Montenegro. Tachinid Times 23: 3–6. Zeegers, T. 2010. Order Diptera, family Tachinidae. Pp. 673–686. In: Harten, A. van, ed., Arthropod fauna of the UAE. Volume 3. Dar Al Ummah, Abu Dhabi. 700 pp. Zeegers, T. 2010. Second addition to the checklist of Dutch tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 34: 55–66. [In Dutch with English summary.] Zeegers, T., Smit, J.T. and van Aartsen, B. 2001. 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In: Ren, G.-d., ed., Fauna of Invertebrata from Liupan Mountain. Hebei University Publishing House, Baoding. 12 + 681 pp. + 8 pls. [In Chinese with English summary on pp. 604–608.] Zhang, C.-t., Liu, J.-y., Yao, Z.-y., Liu, X.-w. and Zhang, W.-n. 2007. A list of Blondeliini (Diptera, Tachinidae) of Shanghai Entomological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Pp. 57–60. In: Li, D.-m., Wu, C.-s., Wu, Y.-j. and Meng, X.-x., eds., Entomological Research Issues. Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the Entomological Society of China, 2007. China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, Beijing. 629 pp. [In Chinese.] Zhang, C.-t., Pang, Y. and Chao, C.-m. 2005. Tachinid flies of Guangdong, China (Diptera: Tachinidae). Pp. 297–306. In: Ren, G.-d., Zhang, R.-z. and Shi, F.-m., eds., Classification and diversity of insects in China. China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, Beijing. 402 pp. [In Chinese with English abstract.] Zhang, C.-t. and Shima, H. 2004. 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Zhang, F., Toepfer, S., Riley, K. and Kuhlmann, U. 2004. Reproductive biology of Celatoria compressa (Diptera: Tachinidae), a parasitoid of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Biocontrol Science and Technology 14: 5–16. Zhang, W.-l. 2004. Prospect on the parasitical enemies and its natural control effect of Agrius convolvuli. Chinese Journal of Biological Control 20: 273–275. [In Chinese.] Zhang, Y.-j. 1990. Study on the bionomics of Amraica recusaria superaus (Butler). Insect Knowledge 27: 220–222. [In Chinese.] Zhang, Y.-q., You, Q.-j., Pu, T.-s. and Lin, R.-z., eds. 1994. Insect catalogue of Guangxi. Guangxi Science and Technology Press, Nanning. 8 + 438 pp. [In Chinese.] Zhang, Y.-z. 1999. Zoogeography of China. Science Press, Beijing. 502 pp. [In Chinese.] Zhao, W.-f., ed. 1993. Tachinidae. Issues of completed scientific investigation of Mt. Wuyi Natural Conservation Region Fujian Science and Technology Press, Fuzhou. 13 + 658 pp. + 1 pl. 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