■ Phylogeny of World Tachinidae Project
Australia Expedition
Queensland expedition of dipterists, October 2002 (following International Congress of Dipterology, Brisbane) (Photo: Jim O'Hara)
Australia, November 28 to December 21, 2013

by James O'Hara

As of this writing (22 November 2013), this trip will begin next week. Pierfilippo Cerretti and Jim O'Hara will start out in Sydney, New South Wales, and work their way northward along the coast. They will meet up with John Stireman and Isaac Winkler in Brisbane and the four will collect in several Queensland parks, including the more remote Carnarvon National Park in the Outback.

All collecting will be in compliance with state-issued collecting permits, and export permits to take specimens out of the country have been arranged.

Watch for more about this trip on this site and in The Tachinid Times in 2014.

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