Recovering from Influenza Like Illness (ILI) in Residence

Tip Sheet

Influenza (flu) is the onset of respiratory symptoms with fever and cough and one or more of the following symptoms:  sore throat, muscle aches, joint pain, or weakness.

What do I do?

Individuals who are experiencing these symptoms are asked to self isolate.  This means:

  • Stay away from others.
  • Stay in your residence room until 24 hours after you no longer have a fever and are feeling well.
  • Do let your Residence Life Staff member know that you are ill.
  • If you plan to go home to recover, please tell your RLS member.

I have a roommate/suitemate

ILI’s are contagious.  Unfortunately, people affected with an ILI are contagious prior to showing any symptoms of the illness.  If you are ill:

  • Tell your roommate or friends.
  • Practice good cough and sneeze etiquette by using a tissue or sneezing/coughing into the crook of your arm.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water or with hand sanitizer.
  • Be sure to wipe surfaces that are commonly used/shared with a disinfectant wipe (eg computer keyboards, telephones, desk tops, sinks, door knobs, etc).
  • If you share a room, consider repositioning the bed or yourself so that you lie head to toe.
  • Maintain social distancing.  A distance of 2m (2 arms lengths) is recommended.
  • If you live in the Village your healthy roommates can sign out from the East Residence Desk, a “Cleaning Kit” to help clean the common areas used by all.
  • The use of masks is not being advised at this time.


Don’t go to class if you are feeling ill with an ILI.  Faculty members have been asked to excuse students who are showing signs of the flu.

  • Do keep up with your studies while at home or in residence recovering.
  • Do return to class 24 hours after your fever is gone and you are feeling better

I’m unwell. How do I take care of my nutritional needs?

Food and beverages are important for you to recover, but how do you obtain them if you need to stay in your room?

  • Tell your RLS.  They will help you arrange with someone (friend or member of RLS) to obtain your meals and beverages from the Dining Halls while you recover.  You will be required to provide your meal card to the person doing this for you.  Items will be brought to you in disposable containers.
  • Please make sure that all containers and hygiene products (eg Kleenex) touched by you are placed in garbage bags and properly secured for disposal.

Do I need to see a doctor?

Students with ILI symptoms should visit a doctor (student health services) if they would normally seek medical attention for their illnesses.  In most cases you will recover at home or in residence. 

  • Call Student Health Services prior to going over.  The number is: 519-767-5016 or by campus phone at extension 55016.  The line is answered Monday to Friday  8:30 am – 4:30 pm. 
  • After hours you can call Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-007.  Have your OHIP card handy when calling.
  • If your symptoms change to include any of the following:  difficulty breathing that persists or worsens, blue lips, difficulty moving, severe neck stiffness, drowsiness or confusion, convulsions, no urination, you should immediately seek medical attention.
  • Further information is available on the University of Guelph homepage under H1N1 Info or on the Student Health Services webpage

Do I need to go home?

This is a personal choice.  Sometimes we feel better recovering in the presence of family members who can help to care for us.  If you do choose to go home, please notify your RLS so we don’t worry about you.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1