Erin Genge

First name: Erin
Last Name: Genge
Hometown: Ridgetown, Ontario
Current Residence: Guelph, Ontario
Birth Year: 1993
OAC Grad Year(s): 2015 (expected)
Affiliation: Student
OAC Pillar: Agriculture, Communities
Erin Genge grew up on the north shore of Lake Erie and spent a great deal of time on her family’s farm. She originally set out to complete a Bachelor of Arts and Science specializing in agriculture and international development at the University of Guelph. By the end of her first year of study she had transferred to the Bachelor of Arts - Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics program once she had discovered the program.
“Growing up in Canada has allowed me to be blessed with so many amazing freedoms and opportunities. My hope is that I can take what I have been given and work to allow those in other countries to enhance their own lives.” – Erin Genge
Erin enjoys learning about international agricultural development. Courses on this subject perfectly package all of Erin’s interests: agriculture, business and community. She likes being able to compare the differences and similarities between Canadian agriculture and agriculture in other countries. She attributes the enthusiasm of her professors when lecturing in helping her to fully absorb course material and gain a better understanding of career opportunities after graduation.
After finishing her degree, Erin would like to work for a charitable organization. Her ideal position would be working on agriculturally based projects that help communities run successful businesses to support their families and grow their importing and exporting markets.
Erin also takes personal initiative in supporting international communities. She’s participated in two mission trips during high school to Dominican Republic to aid in the development of communities who farm sugar cane, and used her a couple of her birthdays as fundraising opportunities. She has worked independently to raise over $5,000 for the charity Me to We, putting the money towards digging wells in communities in Kenya. Erin gives lots of credit to her parents who fostered her sense of community and set an example for her through their active involvement in charity work during her childhood.
Posted on September 18, 2014