Robert Grohs

First name: Robert
Last Name: Grohs
Hometown: Simcoe, Ontario
Current Residence: Waterford, Ontario
Birth Year: 1966
Affiliation: Staff
OAC Pillar: Agriculture, Environment
Robert Grohs has been working as a research technician for the past 24 years. His positive experience working at the Simcoe Research Station for two years as a student in the Pomology program, and at the Agriculture Canada Research Station in Delhi as a ginseng research technician encouraged him to pursue a position at the Simcoe station in 2000.
“The successful completion of research trials is very rewarding. Through our research, we can have a positive impact on the agricultural industry." – Robert Grohs
In his position, Robert requires technical, project management and major time management skills. He contributes to breeding programs, pesticide residue trials and student mentorship.
Robert plays a key role in the asparagus breeding program. He is responsible for the agronomic components of the program including harvesting, weed management, disease and insect control, and irrigation. The hope of the asparagus breeding program is to identify new higher yielding, disease resistant asparagus varieties that with be beneficial to growers and marketable to consumers. Robert also works with corn, cucumber, pepper and tomato crop research trials along with several experimental crops being grown for creating rubber and industrial oils.
Pesticide residue trials conducted at the station must be Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) accredited through the Standards Council of Canada, and Robert is responsible for maintaining the program’s accreditation. Maintaining GLP accreditation takes meticulous work, requiring several yearly audits and quality assurance visits. The accreditation has enabled the Simcoe Research Station to assist in the registration of new, safer and more environmentally sustainable products allowing growers to remain competitive and grow healthier crops.
Robert also advises several students and staff at the Simcoe Research Station. He acts as a mentor and, in addition to delegating and supervision of their work, Robert teaches them new techniques and encourages strong communication skills.
Posted on September 18, 2014