Food Science Program Information Night 2024 | Ontario Agricultural College

Food Science Program Information Night 2024

Date and Time


This event will be hosted online. A link to attend the event will be provided closer to the event date after you have registered. 


Grade 11 and 12 students are invited to participate in a unique opportunity to learn about the Food Science program at the Univeristy of Guelph. 

This event will include a program presentation and panel including current students, recent alumni, and faculty to answer all your questions.

Registrants will receive a package including a University of Guelph viewbook, program brochure, and swag.

Parents/guardians, teachers, and guidance counselors are encouraged to attend.

Register Now

Please note the start time is 7:00 pm EST

Contact Information

Christine Wilkinson, OAC Liaison Manager

Visit us: OAC Liaison website