The buzz about bees
Hayley Tompkins's submission to the NSERC Science, Action! contest. Hayley is an MSc student in the School of Environmental Sciences studying nesting habits and colony development of wild bumblebees.
Hayley Tompkins's submission to the NSERC Science, Action! contest. Hayley is an MSc student in the School of Environmental Sciences studying nesting habits and colony development of wild bumblebees.
Shanthanu Krishnakumar's submission to the NSERC Science, Action! contest. Shan is an MSc student in the Department Plant Agriculture who working on enhancing shelf life of nectarines using hexanal.
Al Sullivan is a professor in the Department of Plant Agriculture who focuses on the breeding, genetics, physiology and management of ornamental species.
Angela is an assistant professor of beef cattle and small ruminant genomics in the Department of Animal Biosceiences. She also plays an active role in the Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock (CGIL).
A descriptive transcript of the "Meet Prof. Angela Canovas" video is available here.
François is a researcher in the Department of Plant Agriculture who studies herbicide resistance in weeds.
Liam Kelly's research if focused on better understanding poverty and hunger and how economics can provide tangible solutions and policy alternatives.
James, an assistant professor in the School of Environmental Sciences, studies the behaviour of chemical contaminants in the environment.
A descriptive transcript of the "Meet Prof. James Longstaffe" is available here.
Emmanuelle is a researcher in the School of Environmental Sciences who studies recent and ancient glacial deposits.
Nathaniel is master of science student in the Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics. His research focuses on the polarization of controversial topics.
Gisèle holds the Dairy Farmers of Ontario Professorship in Dairy Microbiology and focuses on biotechnology, food microbiology and food applications of microbial molecular genetics, genomics and proteomics.
A descriptive transcript of the "Meet Prof Gisèle LaPointe" video is available here.