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News related to news

Chloe outside with Eurpoean village behind her in the distance

Meet Chloe, Food Science Student

Chloe Van Acker is a first year student in the Food Science major of the Bachelor of Science program. She comes from a family of proud OAC graduates and is continuing the family tradition with her interest in food production and product development. Chloe gives us her "first year" perspective on what events to attend, where to eat on campus and where to hang out in Guelph.

The Loblaw’s Academy Partnership

Food safety is on the mind of most Canadian consumers. Knowing that your grocery store and all of its suppliers have been trained on food safety requirements and processes would be reassuring, right? Well, an innovative partnership between Loblaw Companies Limited and the Department of Food Science at the University of Guelph is doing just that.

Valerie smiling, wearing a blue t-shirt outside

Meet Valerie, OAC Student

Valerie Freemantle is a third year student in the B.Sc.(Env.) program. She is in the co-op stream of the program and enjoys the variety that her courses provide. Read on to learn about some of her favourite places to hang out on campus and her favourite courses so far.

Lizzie in suit jacket with name tag in front of presentation board

Meet Lizzie, OAC Grad

Lizzie Chan is a recent graduate of the Ontario Agricultural College. This newbie graduate is now working in food research and development. During her time on campus, Lizzie was actively involved, participating in various events and competitions, but still found the time to enjoy the Guelph campus. Lizzie recently shared her thoughts with us on her program, U of G and her plans for the future.

’83 Aggie Wins Woman of Excellence in Agriculture Award

Karen Eastman Velthius, who attended University of Guelph and completed a Bachelor of Animal & Poultry Science degree with a major in Dairy in 1983, is the recipient of the 2012 “Woman of Excellence in Agriculture Award” presented by the Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario (FWIO).

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