News related to OAC student | Ontario Agricultural College

News related to OAC student

Jenny Trinh stands in a garden in front of an old building.

Meet Jenny, BLA Student

A third year Bachelor of Landscape Architecture student, Jenny Trinh always knew the University of Guelph was her top choice. When not acting as co-president of the Landscape Architecture Student Society (LASS), Jenny spends her free time enjoying the green space on campus, talking walks and photographing the beauty of the Arboretum.

Learning the Art of Adaptability

Seven years after receiving her undergraduate degree, Ashley Honsberger decided it was time to return to school. Her career focus on farm business management was missing the international development link she longed for. To reset her career path, she pursued a Master’s of Science in Capacity Development and Extension (CDE) at the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development.

Chris stands outside in jacket beside a sign saying "Crop Science"

Meet Chris, Crop Science Student

Growing up on a broiler breeder farm, Christopher Olbach came to OAC to expand his knowledge of agriculture. Focusing on crop science, Chris hopes to get into the field (literally) as a crop agronomist. He is an active member of the OAC community as the president of his class and enjoys the relationships he is building at the University.

Lauren wearing red and a white and black scarf, trees behind her

Meet Lauren, Agriculture Student

Lauren Benoit is active in almost "everything OAC". She enthusiastically volunteers her time with various clubs and associations on campus and still has time to explore the sights of Guelph. Lauren's summer job as a field researcher assistant expanded her passion for agriculture, and she hopes to continue her education in the area of plant agriculture.  

Gabrielle outside infront of a tree

Meet Gabrielle, BBRM Student

Gabrielle Nichols is going into her fourth year of study in Bachelor of Bio-resource Management program in the Environmental Management major. She immersed herself into the University of Guelph community this year after spending her first two years of study at Ridgetown Campus. In addition to volunteering for a sustainability project on campus, Gabrielle was the B.B.R.M. representative for SFOAC and the SFOAC representative on the B.B.R.M. student council. Gabrielle is determined to get the most out of her university experience.

Carissa wearing grey sweater outside in front of tree

Meet Carissa, BBRM Student

Carissa White is a social butterfly. As an Equine Management student, member of the B.B.R.M. student council, U of G ambassador, volunteer with Equine Guelph, and an assistant to OAC outreach programs this past year, she is not missing a beat. Carissa is in love with the beautiful University of Guelph campus and is proud to be an OAC student who enjoys the diversity that her program offers.

Devon with striped shirt, stands in front of fence and trees

Meet Devon: An Animal Biology Student

Devon Stober has just completed the second year of her undergraduate degree in the Bachelor of Science - Animal Biology program. Devon is an animal lover, like most animal biology students, and has fallen in love with the University of Guelph campus. Devon has aspirations of continuing her time on the Guelph campus by pursuing a career in veterinary medicine, and took some time to share her experiences.

Chloe outside with Eurpoean village behind her in the distance

Meet Chloe, Food Science Student

Chloe Van Acker is a first year student in the Food Science major of the Bachelor of Science program. She comes from a family of proud OAC graduates and is continuing the family tradition with her interest in food production and product development. Chloe gives us her "first year" perspective on what events to attend, where to eat on campus and where to hang out in Guelph.

Valerie smiling, wearing a blue t-shirt outside

Meet Valerie, OAC Student

Valerie Freemantle is a third year student in the B.Sc.(Env.) program. She is in the co-op stream of the program and enjoys the variety that her courses provide. Read on to learn about some of her favourite places to hang out on campus and her favourite courses so far.

Alex wearing black and white top, outside in front of trees

Meet Alex, OAC Student

Meet Alex Robinson, a master's student who has a passion for the environment, animals and agriculture. Alex started at Guelph for her undergraduate degree and decided to stick around for her masters. Read below to find out why Alex loves the University of Guelph and the city of Guelph so much.

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