Features | Page 19 | Ontario Agricultural College


Celebrating Canada's Agriculture Day

"Let’s raise a fork to the food we love and the people who produce it! This February, celebrate Canadian agriculture and food both online and with friends, family and co-workers, and let everyone know how you feel about this awesome industry." -Canada's Agriculture Day website

Canada’s Agriculture Day 2021 is on February 23. To celebrate we asked our students about the importance of agriculture. Here is what they had to say:

Head shot of Lawrence.

Q&A with Dr. Lawrence Goodridge

Dr. Lawrence Goodridge holds the Leung Family Professorship in Food Safety in the Department of Food Science and is the Director of the Canadian Research Institute for Food Safety.

Healthier Cows Linked to Better Farmer Well-Being in New U of G Study

A Department of Animal Biosciences study has discovered that dairy herd health may be linked to the farmer’s mental well-being. The study, published in the journal Animal Welfare, focused on Ontario dairy farms that had adopted robotic milking systems, an automated technology becoming more popular across Canada. “Both the automated milking and feeding systems have already become crucial to providing farmers with more time flexibility,” said lead author Dr. Meagan King, who was a post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Animal Biosciences during the study.

Arboretum Interns Talk Snowy Owls with CBC

Kitty and Jenny Lin, naturalist interns with the Arboretum, were recently featured on a segment of CBC's Fresh Air. Kitty and Jenny provide tips on how to spot a snowy owl, while also giving these special birds the space they need to thrive.

Justine wearing purple shirt with brown trees in the background

Q&A with the Arboretum Director

Justine Richardson is the new director of the University of Guelph’s Arboretum. She started on February 3, 2020, and a lot has happened in the last year. She recently took some time to tell us all about the Arboretum’s activities during an unconventional, but very busy year.

Tom Armitage in dark polo shirt, green trees in background

Q&A with a social enterprise development coordinator

Tom Armitage (B.Sc. (Agr.) in Organic Agriculture, 2013) is a lifelong learner and advocate for local food security. He works as the Social Enterprise Development Coordinator at The SEED, a not-for-profit food project at the Guelph Community Health Centre. We recently chatted with him about his role and the importance of providing accessible food to the community.

James McGregor

Q&A with a landscape architect

James MacGregor (Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, 1970) has led a rich career as both a landscape architect and a sustainable tourism planner. He founded North Africa's leading sustainable tourism planning, development and marketing firm, ecoplan:net, and has improved the sustainability of the tourism industry in over 40 countries.

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