The OAC Dean's Office is pleased to announce Rebecca Hodges as the new Academic Programs Manager for the College. Rebecca will begin in the role on Thursday, November 1, 2018.
In this role, Rebecca will work with the Dean and Associate Dean, Academic to provide academic leadership to the undergraduate and diploma programs delivered by the College. Rebecca will support the initiation of program and course proposals, create strategic plans for recruitment, liaison and retention, explore experiential learning and research opportunities for OAC undergraduate and diploma students, support the implementation of OAC’s course database, will assist in the collection of data and preparation of materials for the Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP).
Rebecca transitions from her current role as Program Development Manager from the office of Open Learning and Educational Support, where she provides leadership in the development and implementation of professional development, non-academic, and non-degree continuing educational programs. Rebecca received her bachelor of science in agriculture from U of G, as well as certificates in Adult Education and Staff Training from Seneca College, and Instructional Design from the Online Learning Consortium.