Meet Prof. David Wolyn Descriptive Transcript Summary: Prof. David Wolyn describes his research in plant breeding and genetics in asparagus and Russian dandelion. 0:00 - 0:04 [Music plays; White screen fades in to show University of Guelph logo; red and black text appears] Text: :60 Second Snapshots Meet the Profs of the Ontario Agricultural College 0:05 - 0:43 [Screen changes to video of Prof. David Wolyn speaking on a background of a white room; University of Guelph logo and white text on a black box fade in at bottom] Text: Prof. David Wolyn Department of Plant Agriculture David: My research is involved in plant breeding and genetic studies in two crops. [Music fades out] First I work with asparagus, and in asparagus [University of Guelph logo and text fade out] we're trying to develop new cultivars with improved yield, quality, disease resistance, longevity and winter hardiness. I also have a second crop I am studying and it's Russian dandelion, which is an interesting plant species because it produces natural rubber. And we're trying to take this weed and turn it into a crop so that we can actually produce natural rubber here in Ontario, rather than importing it from Southeast Asia. And all this is important because we'll develop new cultivars that will be picked up by the industry and ultimately will have a positive effect on industries and the consumers as well. 0:44 - 1:00 [Screen flashes to video of Prof. David Wolyn speaking on a background of a white room] David: The most exciting aspect of my work is actually releasing a new cultivar. I still get quite excited every time I go into a grocery store and see our Guelph Millennium asparagus hybrid on the shelves for sale. I'm also quite excited that someday I'll be driving on a tire with rubber [Music fades in] coming from our dandelion breeding program. 1:01 - 1:06 [Screen fades in to show OAC logo on a white background, red website link] Text: [Screen fades to black]