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Anti-Racism Action Plan Dashboard

Anti-Racism Action Plan Dashboard

The University of Guelph is committed to identifying and addressing racism, hatred and discrimination in all its forms. The Anti-Racism Action Plan, introduced in Fall 2020, is a live roadmap, designed to help us create the supports and resources needed to meet the diverse needs of our U of G community and to build a strong foundation for our future.

Transparency and accountability are key in our approach to combatting racism at the University of Guelph. As this plan continues to evolve and change based on ongoing conversations and partnerships with members of our university community, you can follow along with, and learn more about the progress we are making on the 14 actions and initiatives identified in our Anti-Racism Action Plan below.

Please note that we continue to invest time and resources into the actions that have been marked ‘Complete’ as it is critical these initiatives are maintained and evolved based on changing needs and feedback. Where relevant, we have also identified key next steps for completed actions.

If you have feedback or ideas on any of the actions, please contact

Education, Training, and Engagement

  Action Key Updates Status
1 The President’s Advisory Committee on Anti-Racism
  • The committee was formed in January 2021 and continues to meet regularly.
  • An Anti-Racism Policy subcommittee developed an Anti-Racism Policy Statement that was launched in October 2022.
  • The Committee continues to meet to discuss key recommendations to address racism and discrimination at U of G.
  • The Committee continues to provide valuable feedback on action plan initiatives (including work on an Anti-Racism Policy Statement for the University).
2 Special Advisor to Provost on Academic Equity & Anti-Racism Complete
3 Undergraduate Course: Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Oppression
  • The Office of Diversity and Human Rights (DHR) created a for-credit, undergraduate course (UNIV*2010 – Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Oppression) that ran in Fall 2020 and Winter 2021.
  • This course engages students in an introductory discussion of anti-discrimination and anti-oppression principles and examines social theories of anti-oppression, established principles of intersectional allyship and strategies to foster and support inclusive spaces.
  • Due to popular demand, the course’s capacity was increased twice to a maximum of 150 and filled up quickly.
  • This course is being offered again in Fall 2021.
  • The Office of Diversity and Human Rights continues to update and offer this course.
4 Canadian Black Studies Minor
  • The College of Arts’ Black Canadian Studies minor was developed and launched Fall 2022.
  • This program was led by Dr. Jade Ferguson, Associate Dean of Academic Equity and Anti-Racism and an English Professor in the school of English and Theatre Studies in collaboration with the Guelph Black Students Association.
  • This program has a specific focus on the study of the Black Canadian experience and was developed in collaboration with the Guelph Black Student Association.
  • This program offers a broad, multi-disciplinary selection of courses, including subject matter in creative expressions and literature, political and labour movements, and issues of language, law, immigration, and health.
  • Graduates will be prepared for employment in a variety of areas, including public relations, education policy research, employment counselling, human resources professionals, and management in a host of areas.
5 Deliver Anti-Racism and Anti-Bias Training For University Leadership Team
  • The Office of Diversity and Human Rights (DHR) facilitated anti-racism and anti-bias training for the University Leadership Team in November 2020.
  • Other training sessions were held for the Board of Governors, Council of Academic Chairs, Dean’s Council, Residence Staff, Athletics, Office of the Registrar, new faculty, Ontario Agriculture College, Ontario Veterinary College, Presidential Search Committee, unions and the School of Engineering.
  • Since June 2020, DHR has facilitated over 1 training sessions with more than 3,000 participants which is almost five times more participants than the 2018-2019 academic year.
  • In the last year and a half, DHR has developed three new online training modules including the Positive Space Project, Principles of Equitable Recruitment: Unconscious Bias in the Faculty Hiring Process, and Principles of Equitable Recruitment: Unconscious Bias in the Staff Hiring Process (under development).
  • In addition, DHR published an online learning resource that explores equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). Building Community: Introduction to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, is a free eBook that supports readers in creating a solid foundation for equity and inclusion in their communities by building an understanding of key EDI and anti-oppression concepts. This resource is available now on the eCampus Ontario website.
  • The Office of Diversity and Human Rights continues to offer anti-oppression, anti-bias, anti-discrimination, anti-racism, and customized training to members of the U of G community.
6 Video Webinar series on Anti-Racism, Inclusion & Allyship
  • The Office of Diversity and Human Rights (DHR) is developing a video webinar series that explores how to be an effective anti-racism ally, how to identify and address microaggressions, and how to be an inclusive leader.
  • This series has been written and recorded by DHR and is currently being fine-tuned to be launched in Winter 2022.
In Progress
7 Anti-Racism & Anti-Oppression Online Training Module
  • In September 2020, the University launched an online training module called Principles of Belonging: Anti-Oppression and Anti-Racism that is mandatory for all new, incoming undergraduate students and strongly encouraged for all students, faculty, and staff.
  • This module has been completed by 4,105 community members and explores concepts such as systemic racism, power, privilege, allyship, microaggressions, and cultural appropriation.
  • The Office of Diversity and Human Rights (DHR) and Open Learning & Educational Support have expanded the module platform, and the online training is now available and has been shared with Canadian university partners, community organizations, and corporations.
  • DHR & Open Learning and Educational Support have also created an updated and revitalized version of the module which is now available to the public as a distance learning offering.
  • This training is continuing to be offered through Courselink. The next step is to make this training mandatory for every member of the U of G community including staff, faculty, and graduate students.
  • Learn more

Data Collection, Reporting and Employment Equity

  Action Key Updates Status
8 Campus-Wide Self-Identification Student Data Survey
  • The Office of Diversity and Human Rights (DHR) and Institutional Research and Planning (IRP) developed the U of G Community Census - a self-identification survey for students, faculty, and staff to gain a more fulsome picture of U of G’s diversity.
  • The data collected will be presented in an intersectional and disaggregated way.
  • The U of G Community Census is currently open to students, faculty and staff to complete.
  • The U of G Community Census launched on November 15, 2021 and is currently open to students, staff and faculty.
In Progress
9 Report on BIPOC Community Representation at the U of G
  • This report will be prepared following the wide-spread completion of the U of G Community Census.
In Planning
10 Launch Indigenous Initiatives Strategy
  • Based on a series of reports and recommendations stemming from working groups of the President’s Advisory Committee on Indigenous Initiatives, the Indigenous Initiatives Strategy was launched winter 2021.
  • The strategy provides an overview of the current state of Indigenous actions on campus and a way forward in the areas of governance, Indigenous student support, pedagogy and curriculum, research and scholarship and campus environment.
  • Learn more
11 Develop a BIPOC Hiring Action Plan and Student Recruitment Initiative
  • In July 2022, U of G unveiled a three-year, $3.6-million initiative to significantly increase the number of Black and Indigenous faculty as well as staff members in curriculum, pedagogy and instructor/student support.
  • The plan calls for hiring at least 15 Black and Indigenous professional staff across the University over the next four years.
  • The positions will be filled in areas that support the advancement of Black and Indigenous academic excellence and the University’s goals for inclusion, anti-racism, indigenization and decolonization.
  • The first of a three-stage approach will begin this fall with the planned hiring of five people; seven others will be hired in each of the two subsequent years.
In progress

Supports for the U of G Community

  Action Key Updates Status
12 Active Fundraising for Scholarships for BIPOC students
  • Announced in February 2021, U of G now offers 10 undergraduate entrance awards, 11 undergraduate in-course awards and six graduate awards to support students from BIPOC communities.
  • These awards build on existing University awards, such as the Indigenous Graduate Scholarship, which has supported First Nation, Inuit and Metis graduate students with multiple awards of $120,000 for doctoral students and $30,000 for master’s students since 2016.
  • Learn more
13 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Enhancement Fund
  • An annual $200,000 fund to support members of the U of G community promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts has been developed.
  • Since 2020, the Office of Diversity and Human Rights was able to fund 40 projects, including Black History Month, Indigenous Lecture series, Anti-Bias & Inclusion professional book study, an Indigenous art Installation, BIPOC Mentorship programs, research studies, accessibility podcast, anti-racism conference, EDI workshop, an LGBTQ2SIA+ fitness program and more.
  • The next round of funding will be launched in March 2022.
  • This is an annual fund providing financial support to individuals or groups at the U of G promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts.
  • Learn more
14 Counsellors for Students, Faculty and Staff
  • Student Experience and Counselling Services have partnered to provide counselling for students who identify as Black and people of colour every Wednesday from 1:00 – 3:30 p.m.
  • The Employee and Family Assistance Program is available to U of G employees 24 hours per day, seven days a week at 1-800-663-1142. There are a number of counsellors available who have disclosed their race and ethnicity and Black, Indigenous and People of Colour can ask for a counsellor who is of their preferred race, ethnicity or background.
In Progress