European Studies Major

European Studies (EURS)

Admission Requirements

Your Passport to an International Future

 Be at the Center of Innovation, Business and Culture 

Throughout history and continuing today, European countries have influenced almost the entire world with its people becoming major leaders of science and technology. We often see innovations appear in Europe first, followed by their appearance in Canada two-three weeks later as we follow suit.

 Develop Your Cultural Competence

Become fluent in French, German, Italian or Spanish, and take courses in European history, business, political science, administration, art, literature, and economics to diversify your skillset and experience.

 Immerse Yourself in a New Culture

You’ll experience another culture and learn to speak another language by travelling abroad and studying at a university within a city or country like

  • Madrid, Spain
  • Lyon, France
  • Konstanz, Germany
  • Venice, Italy

What Can You Do with a European Studies Degree?

The European Studies program is designed for students who seek a career in international Relations-especially in International Business and Administration-between Canada and Europe. The program offers a unique specialization in European business or European culture and civilization to further your specialization.

Here are a few careers our graduates have successfully pursued:

  • Embassy officer
  • Foreign service officer
  • Policy adviser
  • Cultural event planner

What is European Studies?

Innovation and Invention

Historically, Europe has been the source of many of the most important ideas that have shaped our world, especially in Canada. A few examples of these include:

  • Trade, capitalism, industrialization, globalization, and democracy

In addition to innovations such as:

  • The railroad, the printing press, and the fundamental law of physics.


Europe's Influence on Society

Whether it’s ancient civilizations, modern 21st century fashion, or intercultural migration, Europe has a much greater influence on our current society than any other in history and remains one of the most vibrant cultural hubs globally.

Other than the United States and China, Europe is one of Canada's most important economic partners in both the import and export of goods, while the euro often dictates the value of currencies across the world.



You’ll take a mixture of courses across many of our arts and business programs, due to the vast nature of Europe’s effect. These courses include topics such as politics, war, business, history, literature, cinema, and art that will help kick-start your career in international relations.

You'll choose a specialization in either:

  1. European Business
  2. European Culture and Civilization


What You Will Do

There is a growing demand for graduates with language and management knowledge and overseas experience.

Through these studies, you will develop your intercultural skills, global understanding of Canadian and European relations, and European history, as well as having the opportunity to learn French, German, Italian or Spanish, making you a marketable leader.


Students in the European Studies EURS major at the University of Guelph might also be interested in studying French Studies, Classical Studies, Art History, International Development Studies, or other majors.

EURS Course Calendar

Caitlin Vito
I mean, what better way to study Europe than being in Europe? This program allows you to immerse yourself by traveling abroad and gain the practical experience.

Caitlin Vito
European Studies
Watch Caitlin's video


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