Food Industry Management Major

Food Industry Management (FIM)

Admission Requirements

Understanding the Science of Business and Food

 Gain Practical and Theoretical Experience

The Food Industry Management program (FIM) courses focus on developing a unique skill set in food science, economics and business, where you’ll mix theoretical and hands-on study to find the right place for your interests.

 One-of-a-Kind Program

Love business and science? You don’t need to pick! This unique program allows you to explore all topics related to food.

 Network with Industry Leaders

In specialized courses, you’ll work with industry mentors to develop your ideas into novel and exciting food products and investigate how changes to a product or process impact their business.

What Can You Do with a Degree in FIM?

Graduates of the FIM program at the University of Guelph are in high demand, with the ability to bridge the gap between food science and business through a unique set of skills and experiences. Through your studies, you can, focus on either the business or food processing side of the industry.

Here are just a few careers our FIM program graduates can pursued:

  • Research and development manager in food manufacturing
  • Logistics/supply chain manager
  • Food production/operations manager
  • Quality assurance technician
  • Finance operator
  • Food safety quality supervisor
  • Ingredient and packaging procurement manager

Why Food Industry Management?

At the intersection of food and business science, the Food Industry Management (FIM) major is a one-of-a-kind program in Canada. You’ll combine business practice and market analysis with the science of food safety, processing and food composition to ensure the success of food businesses.

Students in the Food Industry Management FIM program may also be interested in studying Food Science, Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics, Food and Agricultural Business or other majors.

FIM Course Calendar

Gain Valuable Experience Through Co-op

Our FIM co-op is a five-year program with four co-op work terms, providing opportunities to work with a wide variety of employers. Co-op is designed to facilitate the transition of students from academic studies to a professional career improving students’ job search skills, work performance and networking abilities, and boosting resume experience.

FIM Co-op Calendar

Mandy smiles wearing glasses and a shirt that reads "Changing Hunger"
U of G resonated the most with me when I visited campus, especially the green scenic and calm environment compared to Toronto. The kindness of the people that I met while being on campus for the first time facilitated a warm and welcoming atmosphere as well.

Mandy Lam, Undergraduate Student
Food Industry Management
Hear more from Mandy

Mandy smiles wearing glasses and a shirt that reads "Changing Hunger"
U of G resonated the most with me when I visited campus, especially the green scenic and calm environment compared to Toronto. The kindness of the people that I met while being on campus for the first time facilitated a warm and welcoming atmosphere as well.

Mandy Lam, Undergraduate Student
Food Industry Management
Hear more from Mandy

Coey smiles with earpods in, trees and sun reflecting off water behind her
One of my favourite classes was FOOD 4400 (dairy processing) by Prof.Goff. I was fascinated by the process and science behind making a variety of dairy products. In addition, we had cheese and ice cream labs, which were so much fun.

Hing Yee Pat (Coey), Undergraduate Student
Food Industry Management
Hear more from Coey


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