Lab technician working at a desk with a microscope and test tubes

Hire a Master of Biotechnology Intern

The University of Guelph's Master of Biotechnology (MBIOT) program focuses on innovation management and bringing life science technology to market.

The MBIOT program is a one-year, course-based master’s program offered collaboratively by the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology and the Lang School of Business and Economics.

MBIOT students take courses in science, business and communications in the fall and winter semesters. In the summer (third) semester, students undertake a research project or industry placement. Projects/placements can be extended an additional semester with interest from the student and project supervisor.

Five people at a table talking with board in background with graphs

Project Information

Projects/placements can incorporate one or more of the following areas:

  • Scientific research in biotechnology-related fields
  • Business strategy and market analysis
  • Commercialization planning
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Communications in the life sciences sector

Projects must involve hands-on research, analysis or planning; make a contribution to the biotechnology industry; and provide students with employment skills relevant to the industry.

Projects can be 4 or 8 months in duration, with students working full-time for the length of the project. Remuneration is at the discretion of the supervisor. Funding may be available to offset the costs of hiring an MBIOT student through programs such as the Student Work Placement Program (e.g., BioTalent), Mitacs Accelerate and the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program.

Over 35% offered positions
after their placements
150+ projects completed
by MBIOT students
48% of grads work in research
in industry, government & academia
42% of grads work in business
with careers in development or marketing

What is the timeline for hiring an MBIOT student? 

  • November: Project proposals submitted to the MBIOT program team for review and posting
  • December: MBIOT students submit applications for available projects
  • January: Interviews and matching of students with projects
  • May: Projects/placements begin

For exact dates and information on how to submit a project proposal, please email

Why hire an MBIOT student? 

Admission into the MBIOT program is highly competitive, with students requiring high grades and previous experience in industry or an academic laboratory to be selected for the program. 

MBIOT students have in-depth knowledge of molecular biotechnology, business management, commercialisation, and science and business communication through intensive coursework in their first two semesters of the program.

Our students are dedicated, and they want to apply their knowledge from the program to meet your team’s goals.

Feedback from an MBIOT supervisor

MetaCycler Bioinnovations Inc. is a startup based in Waterloo, Ontario, that transforms dairy waste into bioplastic using proprietary bacteria. Here's their experience working with MBIOT interns for the last two years:

"The MBIOT program prepares students for a seamless transition into the industry, providing them with a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience through internships. It has been a pleasure working with our interns, who bring great energy to our team and embrace the opportunity to learn in their roles. The interns' professionalism and creativity reflect the high quality of education provided by the University of Guelph. We are excited to continue participating in the program and look forward to welcoming more MBIOT interns in the future!"
- Jonathan Parkes, Co-founder & Chief Operating Officer

Landscape view of the front of Johnston Hall

Looking for more ways to get involved in the MBIOT program?

Email us at if you’re interested in giving a guest lecture in an MBIOT course or attending a student networking event.