University of Guelph 2002-2003 Diploma Program Calendar

VI--Schedule of Fees

All fees for a semester are due and payable on or before the date scheduled for registration for that semester.

Provisional registration may be granted to students who make arrangements with Student Financial Services to defer payment of their account. Deferred payment normally will be granted only to students who can show proof of financial assistance from O.S.A.P. or other awards which can be confirmed by the University and are not on hand at the commencement of classes through no fault of the student. Students should apply for O.S.A.P. two months in advance of the first class day of each semester in order that the application can be processed in time to have funds for registration. Cancellation of registration may be exercised at the discretion of the University for failure to complete the registration payment. Academic sanction may be applied to students who have not made payment, or suitable arrangements for payment, of their University account. Academic sanction will prevent one or more of the following:

Ontario Agricultural College (University of Guelph)

Tuition Fees

The undermentioned rates are those in effect until April 30, 2002.

The undermentioned tuition fees apply to Canadian students and those with permanent resident status. Students from outside of Canada, who do not have permanent resident status, should consult Visa Students, in this section.

Full-Time Fees - 2.00 credits or more

Semester Fee

Associate Diploma in Agriculture


Associate Diploma in Horticulture


Part-Time Fees

Fee per 0.50 Credit

Tuition fee


Central Student Association fee


Student Support Service fee


University Centre fee


Fee per Semester

Bullring fee


First Aid Response




Part-time athletic fee


Part-time building fee


Student Health Service fee


Student bus pass




Annual Fee

Medical Insurance Premium


Dental Insurance Premium


Visa Students

The tuition fee for students from outside of Canada who have obtained a student authorization and visa is as shown below:


Semester Fee

Fee per Credit

Assoc. Dip. in Agriculture



Assoc. Dip. in Horticulture



Health Insurance

All international students registered at the University of Guelph are required to enrol in the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) -- participation is compulsory. The 2001-2002 fees are:

Per Year

Per Semester

Single coverage



Two-person coverage



Family coverage



Students who are studying on student visas and whose immigration status changes, or those who may be eligible for the regular tuition fees but are charged the visa student fees, must present acceptable official documentation to Undergraduate Programs Services, Office of Registrarial Services. To affect a change of fees in a particular semester, the documentation must be presented prior to June 30 (Summer Semester), November 1 (Fall Semester), or February 1 (Winter Semester). Dates for Summer Session courses are variable and for those, students should contact Undergraduate Program Services in the Office of Registrarial Services at the University or the Registrar's Office at the colleges. Dates are subject to change without notice.

Categories of students who are exempt from paying the visa student fee are synopsized as follows:

The descriptions above are brief statements synopsized from the regulations of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. Final interpretation rests with the Office of Registrarial Services and documentation must be acceptable to the Office of Registrarial Services. The regulations are subject to change without notice.

Audit Courses

Registration fee per 0.50 credit audited


Other University Fees

These fees are applicable to students registered in 2.00 or more credits. They are compulsory and non refundable.

Athletic building fee


Athletic fee


Student health service fee


University centre fee*


Student support service fee


Total other university fees


*the University Centre Fee is payable at $10.50 per semester to a total of $21.00 for each 12 month period commencing with the Spring Semester. Part-time students are charged $2.10 per course.

Student Organization Fees

Applicable to students registered in 2.00 credits or more. These fees, determined by programs, are collected as a service to the student government to support student organizations. Of each fee, $12.26 is for the University of Guelph Central Student Association, $3.38 is for the Canadian Federation of Students, $2.79 is for the Ontario Federation of Students, $4.64 is an entertainment media fee, $5.09 is for G-OPIRG, $5.55 is for Radio Gryphon, $2.25 is for the Ontarion, $1.54 is for Women's Resource Centre, $0.69 is for Volunteer Connections, $1.18 is for Peak Newspaper, $1.78 is for the Magic Bus, $0.55 is for W.U.S.C., $0.50 is for the Bullring, $46.09 is for the Student Bus Pass, $0.40 is for the OUTLine, $0.61 is for First Aid Response, $0.20 is for Guelph Queer Equality, $0.50 is for OCUS, and $0.50 is for Carousel.

In addition, the Dental Plan annual premium of $82.50 and the Medical Insurance Premium of $99.81 provide coverage for the duration of the semester, whether or not the student withdraws from the University. Married students wishing to have their spouse and/or children insured and students who marry during the semester must apply within 30 days of registration or marriage respectively. See the Central Student Association, Level 2, University Centre (Room 274). Please refer to your C.S.A. or G.S.A handbook for more details with respect to your student Health Plan.

College government fees

per semester

Ontario Agricultural College


Special University Fees

Account deferral fee


Administrative Fee

For each cheque in the amount of $403.00 or greater upon which payment is refused by the bank on which it is drawn.

Per occurrence


Students with a second occurrence may be placed on a cash or certified cheque basis and/or forfeit their mail registration privilege.

Each cheque in the amount of less than $403.00 upon which payment is refused by the bank on which it is drawn.

Per occurrence


Appeals against the cheque refusal fine must be made in writing to the Secretary of the Cheque Refusal Fine Appeals Committee. Appeals are to be made within ten days of notification by the Assistant Director, Student Financial Services. Appeal forms are available from Undergraduate Program Services or from the Assistant Director, Student Financial Services.

Cheque processing fee


Applied to students receiving short term loans or OSAP advances

Distance Education Resource Fee

For each course taken as a Distance Education course (this fee is non-refundable after the six-day add period)


Graduation Fee

Payable with the submission of an application to graduate, the fee covers the cost of the diploma and diploma case, and gown rental. It is applicable to all students (except those in unclassified or non-degree categories) upon their first registration in the semester level as noted below.

Associate Diploma - semester 4


Late application fee


Late Registration Fee

Per occurence


Appeals against the late fee must be made in writing to the Secretary of the Late Appeals Committee within 10 class days from the commencement of classes. Appeal forms are available from Undergraduate Program Services, Office of Registrarial Services.

Official Transcript

Each copy


Program Transfer Fee

Each application requesting a transfer from one diploma program to another, or readmission


Supplemental Privilege

Each privilege


Students who write supplemental examinations at an outside centre may be required to pay an invigilator fee directly to that centre. Notification of non-payment will result in the withholding of grades.

If the student chooses not to write the examination, a refund of supplemental fees will be made if the request is submitted in writing at least 15 days prior to the scheduled date of the supplemental to Undergraduate Programs Services, Office of Registrarial Services. No refunds will be made for examinations written at another university or college.

Special University Charges

Field Trip Fees

Per Year

For field trips in courses


Parking Fees

Quoted fees are in effect in 2001-2002. Students wishing to pay for a parking permit are asked to include the appropriate payment in accordance with the following schedule with their total payment submission. Students who comply with this procedure will receive their parking decals in the campus mail prior to the commencement of classes.

Per Semester

Annual Rate

Students in residence



Students off-campus



Auxiliary - P.80 only






Above rates, subject to change.

Residence Fees

Quoted fees are in effect in 2001-2002. The 2002-2003 fee schedule will be issued as soon as available from Student Housing Services.

Single Student Residence Fees

Fall & Winter Semesters (two semester contract)

Per Semester

Single room


Double room


Single room (suite with shared cooking facilities)


Double room (suite with shared cooking facilities)


East Townhouse


Spring Semester (one semester contract)

Single room (suite with shared cooking facilities)


Super single room (suite with shared cooking facilities)


Other Residence Fees

Activity fee


Family Housing Resdience Fees

Per Month

1 bedroom apartment

$700.00 - $742.00

2 bedroom apartment


2 bedroom townhouse (College Avenue)


2 bedroom townhouse (Wellington Woods)


Rates are for unfurnished units and include utilities (except telephone), parking, and satellite TV.

Meal Plan Fees

All residence students, excluding those in apartment style residences, are required to select one of four meal plans. These prepaid plans are in effect for 2001-2002. The 2002-2003 fee schedule will be issued as soon as available from Hospitality Services.

Fall/Winter Semester 2001-2002

Meal Plan

Per Semester

Minimum Plan


Light Plan


Full Plan


Plus Plan


Food items purchased on your meal plan are tax exempt.

Any student on or off-campus can purchase the above noted plans. There is an Off-Campus Meal Plan for those students who are not required to purchase a residence board plan. For further information on off campus options, please contact Hospitality Services at Ext. 2807. All meal plans give you the convenience of on campus dining in a variety of locations.

Hospitality Services will honour meal plans until 2:00 p.m. on the day following the conclusion of examinations.


Hiatus (formerly "Withdrawal"

A student who withdraws from the University may apply to the Office of Registrarial Services for a refund of tuition fees provided the withdrawal has been authorized by the dean of the college (see also Hiatus, Section VIII--Associate Diploma Regulations).

If the withdrawal or course drop results in a credit balance in your fees account, i.e., payments are greater than charges, a refund cheque is produced. Allow approximately four weeks before refunds are available from Student Financial Services. The University has been directed by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities to return refunds to the National Student Loan Centre in instances where assistance was received through a Government Student Loan.

Refunds of tuition fees will be calculated according to the effective date and the following schedule:

Class Days


1 - 5 inclusive


6 - 10 inclusive


11 - 15 inclusive


16 - 20 inclusive


21 - 25 inclusive


26 - 30 inclusive


31 and beyond


Refunds of Other University Fees (except Residence and Meal Plan Fees) and Student Organization Fees (except Bus Pass and medical insurance premium) will be made in full up to and including the 15th class day of a semester. No refund of Other University Fees or Student Organization Fees will be made after the 15th class day. The effective date for the refund of tuition and fees will be the date on which the student notifies the Registrar regarding the withdrawal. Room charges will be refunded on a pro rata basis for the period in residence, but cancellation of the residence contract will also result in forfeiture of all or part of the residence deposit. Refer to section 4.3 of the Residence Contract Terms & Conditions for further information. The effective date for refund will be the date belongings are removed from the room, a room check made and the room key, post office key and university ID card returned; or, the authorized effective date for withdrawal, whichever is later. Students to whom a room assignment has been made and who withdraw and subsequently re registers up to and including the 5th class day will be liable for any penalties incurred through forfeiture of the residence contract. Meal plan fees will be refunded on a pro rata basis for the operating expense portion, plus the unused food portion, for authorized cancellation of a contract. The effective date for refunds will be the date on which the student notifies the Office of Registrarial Services regarding the withdrawal, except if a student withdraws before or after the first day of classes and re registers before or on the 5th day of classes, cancellation of the contract is not permitted. Outstanding Library fines and charges are deducted from the calculated refund.

Dropped Courses

Refunds of tuition fees for courses dropped by part-time students will be calculated at the same rates as shown above for tuition for withdrawals. The effective date for the drop action will be the date such information is reported to the Office of Registrarial Services.

Classification Changes

Refunds of tuition fees for students changing from full-time to part-time will be calculated on the difference of tuition values at the same rates as shown above for tuition for withdrawals. Refunds of Other University Fees and Student Organization Fees (except Bus Pass and medical premium) will be made in full up to and including the 15th class day of a semester. No refunds of Other University Fees and Student Organization Fees will be made after the 15th class day. The effective date for classification change will be the date such change is reported to the Office of Registrarial Services.

Session Courses

In addition to the refund schedule quoted above, there will be a flat fee levied for each session course dropped after the first week of the course. The financial penalty is approximately double the regular course rate.

Optional Fees

G-OPIRG is refundable during the first 3 weeks of each semester to those who do not wish to support its activities. Refer to Section XIII--General Information of this calendar. Applications for refund are to be made at the G-OPIRG offices. RADIO GRYPHON fee is refundable during the first 3 weeks of each semester to those who do not wish to support the activities. Applications for refund are to be made at the Radio Gryphon offices.

Bus Pass, Medical Insurance Premium and Dental Insurance Premium

The Bus Pass and Medical Insurance Premium fees are refundable only within the first five class days of the semester upon withdrawal. Please direct inquiries to the C.S.A. office.

The Dental Insurance Premimum fee is refundable only with application by a published deadline date. Please direct inquiries to the Central Student Association office.

Coll�ge d'Alfred, Kemptville College, Ridgetown College

Tuition Fees

Quoted fees are in effect in 2001-2002. The 2002-2003 fee schedule will be issued as soon as available from the College Administration Offices.

Full-Time Fees

Semester Fee

Regular Diploma Programs


Visa Students


Veterinary Technology Alternative Diploma Program

Fee per 1-year semester

Tuition Fees


Visa Fees


Part-Time Fees

Fee per Course

Regular Diploma Programs


Other Fees

Athletic Fee

$25.00 - $35.00 per semester

Accident Insurance

$3.00 per year

Student Organization Fees

Approximately $40.00 - $50.00 per year

Special Charges

Contingency Deposit (all Students)

$200.00 per year

Equine Studies (Kemptville) Stabling Fees


Field Trips, laboratory materials, student equipment (full-time students)

$200.00 per semester

Field Trips, laboratory materials, student equipment (part-time students)

$40.00 per course

Graduation Fee (payable prior to final semester)


Internet Fee (where applicable)

$40.00 - $50.00

Late Registration Fee


Official Transcript - first copy

$10.00 + GST

Official Transcript - additional copies

$5.00 + GST

Program transfer Fee


Supplemental Exam Privilege

$50.00 per course

Veterinary Technology Special Fees (Ridgetown College)

Additional Supply Fee - Regular Program

$575.00 per semester

Additional Supply Fee - Alternative Program

$767.00 per 1-year semester (Alternative Diploma Program)

Alternative Program Manual Fee (linkage courses)

$350.00 per 1-year semester

Field Trips, Laboratory Materials, Student Equipment - Regular Program

$200.00 per semester

Field Trips, Laboratory Materials, Student Equipment - Alternative Program

$320.00 per 1-year semester

Residence Fees

Fall and Winter Semesters

Double Occupancy

$630.00 per semester

Single Occupancy

$1,260.00 per semester

Summer Semester

Double Occupancy

$730.00 per semester

Single Occupancy

$1,460.00 per semester

Meal Plan Fees

Varies by location

$850.00 - $1,100.00 per semester

Parking Fees

Parking fees vary by location.


Refer to the refund policy for the University of Guelph in this section.

Prior Learning Assessment

Application Fee - A fee will be charged for each application to challenge a course(s), irrespective of the number of courses specified in the application.


Course Fee - Students who are permitted to challenge a course will be charged a fee for the course, regardless of whether or not the challenge is successful.

1/2 of the tuition for the course

Changes in Fee Schedule

The University and Colleges reserve the right to make changes in the published schedule of fees and also to assess charges, which are not included in the schedule of fees, for course material and/or transportation.

Admission inquiries: Admission Services ~ ~ ~ General calendar inquiries: U.P.S.
Last revised: 01 March 2002

� 2001 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph