University of Guelph 2003-2004 Diploma Program Calendar

VIII--Associate Diploma Regulations and Procedures

Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct is behaviour that erodes the basis of mutual trust on which scholarly exchanges commonly rest, undermines the University's exercise of its responsibility to evaluate students' academic achievements, or restricts the University's ability to accomplish its learning objectives.

The University takes a serious view of academic misconduct and will severely penalize students, faculty and staff who are found guilty of offences associated with academic dishonesty, misrepresentation of personal performance, restrictions of equal opportunities for access to scholarly resources, and damage to the integrity of scholarly exchanges. The Senate of the University has adopted a number of policies that govern such offences, including: the Student Academic Misconduct Policy, the Research Misconduct Policy, and the Students Rights and Responsibilities Regulations. These policies will be strictly enforced.

It is the responsibility of University of Guelph faculty, students, and staff to be aware of what constitutes academic misconduct and to do as much as possible to prevent such offences from occurring. Furthermore, all members of the community, students, faculty and staff have the specific responsibility of initiating appropriate action in all instances where academic misconduct is believed to have taken place. This responsibility includes giving due consideration to the deterrent effect of reporting such offences when they do occur, making one's disapproval of such behaviour obvious, and helping to ensure that the university community does nothing to encourage or facilitate academic misconduct.


University of Guelph students have the responsibility of abiding by the University's policy on student academic misconduct regardless of their location of study; faculty, staff and students have the responsibility of creating an environment that discourages misconduct.


Academic misconduct is broadly understood to mean offences against the academic integrity of the learning environment. This would include, but is not limited to, the following examples:


If a student is found guilty of academic misconduct, one or more of the following penalties may be assessed:

Note: The guidelines that deans consider when determining the appropriate penalty are available on request from any dean.

Note: On December 19, 1995, the University Senate approved the current policy for the granting of credit while on rustication. With regard to students who have been debarred for academic misconduct, the policy states that no credit will be given for courses taken during the debarral period (see Chapter VIII--Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures, Readmission for complete policy). This policy applies to any university credit course taken during the debarral period, be it distance or on-campus, taken in open learning programs from either the University of Guelph or at another university.


Detection and Documentation

Note: The word "dean" in any of the following procedures means "dean or designated associate dean".

Response to Academic Misconduct

Record of Academic Misconduct

Undergraduate Program Services, or the Dean of Graduate Studies, shall place in the student's file a record of all academic misconduct for which the student is penalized. Students in the Associate Diploma Program who are found guilty of academic misconduct in an Independent Study course taken through OAC Access towards their Associate Diploma will have the record of the finding of guilt placed against the appropriate term. This record shall be expunged from the student's file upon graduation, or completion of a certificate or diploma for open learners. Students who do not graduate from the University of Guelph or another university may submit an appeal to the Senate Committee on Student Petitions (or the Appeal Board at a regional college) to have the record expunged no sooner than 5 years after the date of last registration. Students who have graduated at another accredited university may submit verification of graduation to the Undergraduate Program Services, Office of Registrarial Services and have their record expunged. The record for expulsion is permanent, unless removed by petition to the President.

Access to the record of academic misconduct will be limited to those involved in processing appeals and those involved in processing additional complaints against the student. It is normally assumed that the penalties for repeat offenders will be more severe than those assigned for first offences.

Admission inquiries: Admission Services ~ ~ ~ General calendar inquiries: Undergraduate Program Services
Last revised: 14 May 2003

© 2003 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph