2007-2008 University of Guelph Diploma Program Calendar

X. Associate Diploma Programs

Associate Diploma in Agriculture

Electives - Associate Diploma in Agriculture

Agriculture students must take at least 6.00 elective credits, 3.00 of which may be from programs other than Agriculture.

Some electives are offered subject to a minimum enrolment. Some DAGR* electives are common to several diploma programs.

A students may only choose or be awarded credit for a maximum of 2 (1.00 credits) of the following Experiential Learning options including Experiential Learning courses, Special Study projects, In-Service Training courses, or Field Placement courses. It is preferable that an Experiential Learning course is started the summer before the third academic semester. See course descriptions for DAGR*3510 and DAGR*3900.


Semester 1
DAGR*1250 [0.50] Identification of Herbs and Aromatic Plant
Semester 2
DAGR*2000 [0.50] Animal Science
DAGR*2200 [0.50] Crop Management I
DAGR*2210 [0.50] Applied Weed Science
DAGR*2360 [0.50] Machinery Maintenance *
DAGR*2370 [0.50] Small Engines *
DAGR*2400 [0.50] Organic Plant Production
DAGR*2450 [0.50] Production of Herbs and Aromatic Plants Under Shelter
DAGR*2500 [0.50] International Development
DAGR*2650 [0.50] In-Service Training
Semester 3
DAGR*1500 [0.50] Spanish Conversation
DAGR*3000 [0.50] Beef Production
DAGR*3010 [0.50] Dairy Production
DAGR*3050 [0.50] Livestock Production Techniques
DAGR*3120 [0.50] Business Marketing
DAGR*3130 [0.50] Sales and Sales Management
DAGR*3140 [0.50] Creating Your Business *
DAGR*3200 [0.50] Crop Management
DAGR*3210 [0.50] Insect and Disease Management
DAGR*3350 [0.50] Welding *
DAGR*3400 [0.50] Organic Fertilization
DAGR*3500 [0.50] Agricultural Extension and International Communication
DAGR*3550 [0.50] Dry Tropics Agriculture *
DAGR*3700 [0.50] Agroforestry
Semester 4
DAGR*4010 [0.50] Animal Health
DAGR*4040 [0.50] Small Ruminant Animal Production *
DAGR*4050 [0.50] Dairy Cattle Nutrition and Selection
DAGR*4060 [0.50] Alternative Animal Agriculture *
DAGR*4100 [0.50] Commodity Marketing *
DAGR*4240 [0.50] Biodynamic Production
DAGR*4250 [0.50] Post-Harvest Handling and Storage *
DAGR*4300 [0.50] Processing and Storage of Herbs and Aromatic Plants
DAGR*4310 [0.50] Production of Herbs and Aromatic Plants
DAGR*4350 [0.50] Farm Structures and Environment
DAGR*4400 [0.50] Organic Animal Production
DAGR*4500 [0.50] Developing Country In-Service Training
DAGR*4550 [0.50] Humid Tropics Agriculture *
DAGR*4640 [0.50] Leadership Skills Development *

*course offered in alternate years only


Semester 2
DAGR*2000 [0.50] Animal Science
DAGR*2200 [0.50] Crop Management I
DAGR*3020 [0.50] Livestock Evaluation
DAGR*3210 [0.50] Insect and Disease Management
DAGR*2360 [0.50] Machinery Maintenance
DAGR*2370 [0.50] Small Engines
DAGR*4350 [0.50] Farm Structures and Environment
Semester 3
DAGR*2210 [0.50] Applied Weed Science
DAGR*3000 [0.50] Beef Production
DAGR*3010 [0.50] Dairy Production
DAGR*3030 [0.50] Sheep Production
DAGR*3050 [0.50] Livestock Production Techniques
DAGR*3120 [0.50] Business Marketing
DAGR*3200 [0.50] Crop Management
DAGR*3250 [0.50] Fruit Production
DAGR*3260 [0.50] Vegetable Production
DAGR*3350 [0.50] Welding
DAGR*3360 [0.50] Grain Elevator Equipment and Feed Formulation
DAGR*3700 [0.50] Agroforestry
Semester 4
DAGR*3020 [0.50] Livestock Evaluation
DAGR*3350 [0.50] Welding
DAGR*3130 [0.50] Sales and Sales Management
DAGR*4000 [0.50] Pork and Poultry Production
DAGR*4010 [0.50] Animal Health
DAGR*4050 [0.50] Dairy Cattle Nutrition and Selection
DAGR*4060 [0.50] Alternative Animal Agriculture
DAGR*4100 [0.50] Commodity Marketing
DAGR*4200 [0.50] Cropping Systems
DAGR*4210 [0.50] Crop Diagnostics and Recommendations
DAGR*4220 [0.50] Organic Production
DAGR*4250 [0.50] Post-Harvest Handling and Storage
DAGR*4350 [0.50] Farm Structures and Environment
DAGR*4700 [0.50] Advanced Agroforestry


Semester 2
DAGR*2000 [0.50] Animal Science
DAGR*2200 [0.50] Crop Management I
DAGR*2210 [0.50] Applied Weed Science
DAGR*2220 [0.50] Viticulture and Oenology
DAGR*2270 [0.50] Mushroom Production
DAGR*2350 [0.50] Field Crop Equipment
DAGR*2400 [0.50] Organic Plant Production
DHRT*2250 [0.50] Horticultural Equipment Management
Semester 3
DAGR*3000 [0.50] Beef Production
DAGR*3010 [0.50] Dairy Production
DAGR*3040 [0.50] Pork Production
DAGR*3110 [0.50] Business Finance
DAGR*3120 [0.50] Business Marketing
DAGR*3130 [0.50] Sales and Sales Management
DAGR*3200 [0.50] Crop Management
DAGR*3210 [0.50] Insect and Disease Management
DAGR*3250 [0.50] Fruit Production
DAGR*3260 [0.50] Vegetable Production
DAGR*3350 [0.50] Welding
Semester 4
DAGR*4010 [0.50] Animal Health
DAGR*4020 [0.50] Poultry Production
DAGR*4050 [0.50] Dairy Cattle Nutrition and Selection
DAGR*4070 [0.50] Swine Reproduction and Farrowing Management
DAGR*4100 [0.50] Commodity Marketing
DAGR*4200 [0.50] Cropping Systems
DAGR*4210 [0.50] Crop Diagnostics and Recommendations
DAGR*4230 [0.50] Grain Grading/Seed Production
DAGR*4260 [0.50] Advanced Vegetable Production
DAGR*4270 [0.50] Vegetable Crop Pest Management
DAGR*4350 [0.50] Farm Structures and Environment
DAGR*4630 [0.50] Internet and Web Page Design