II. The University

Enrolment Statistics

Enrolment Statistics and Systems, Office of Registrarial Services (November 1, 2007)

Enrolment at the University of Guelph
Associate Diploma Programs (O.A.C.) 55
Undergraduate Degree Programs - University of Guelph 17,283
Undergraduate Degree Programs - University of Guelph-Humber 2,544
Graduate Degree Programs 2,330
Total Enrolment (full- and part-time) 22,157
Enrolment in Associate Diploma and Certificate Programs
Campus d'Alfred 122
Ontario Agricultural College 224
Kemptville Campus 293
Ridgetown Campus 427
Total Enrolment (full- and part-time) 1,092
University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1