XIII. University of Guelph General Information

Policy on Non-Academic Misconduct

Process - Main Campus

  • 12. Students who do not comply with these responsibilities may be charged with a breach of this Policy in two ways:

    1. a ticket issued by Campus Community Police (a University of Guelph Offence Notice or "UGON") or

    2. a charge laid by an individual or by the University.

  • 13. The hearing process under this Policy is carried out by the Judicial Committee based on the principles of fairness, participation and efficiency.

  • 14. The Judicial Committee has authority to issue orders and penalties as outlined in its Terms of Reference. If a student has been found guilty of previous breaches of this Policy or the Residence Community Living Standards, that information is made available to the Judicial Committee for penalty consideration

Information on the Judicial procedures or common penalties may be obtained from the Judicial Website, or by calling the Judicial Officer, University Centre, at extension 52464 or from the Director's Office at each regional campus.

Process - Regional Process and Procedures for the regional campus is available at: http://www.uoguelph.ca/registrar/calendars/diploma/current/

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1