Theory and
Formal recognition on the graduate transcript is accorded to graduate students who successfully complete the course University Teaching: Theory and Practice. This program provides an opportunity to examine teaching and learning issues and to develop teaching skills appropriate to higher education. During the program, participants address the following topics: life as an academic, the characteristics of effective university teaching, students' learning styles and gender issues in learning, teaching options in class/laboratory/seminar settings, planning a class/course/curriculum, and helping students become effective problem-solvers. In addition, students participate in a workshop on presentation skills.
All registered graduate students are eligible for admission. Priority may be given to students nearing the end of their degree programs if restricted enrolment is necessary. Interested students should contact Teaching Support Services, which administers the program.
The program normally consists of twelve two-hour sessions at two-week intervals during the fall and winter semesters. Students wishing credit for the program register in the fall and winter semesters for the course below. Students who do not wish to complete the course must formally drop the course by the 40th class day of the fall semester:
- 0856800 University Teaching: Theory and Practice (0.0)
- Participants will critically examine aspects of teaching in higher education and develop teaching skills such as lecturing, demonstrating, leading discussions, and problem solving. Satisfactory (SAT) or unsatisfactory (UNS) will be used to evaluate the student's performance in this course.
In the fall, students receive a grade of INP. In the winter, a grade is recorded on the transcript. A grade of SAT is based on:
- Participation in the teaching workshop
- Participation in 80% of class sessions
- Participation in a teaching experience in the student's home department, with satisfactory completion confirmed by a brief report written by the student, co-signed by the student's adviser or chair, and submitted to the course co-ordinator.