Enrollment and Registration
Regular and Provisional Students: Each regular or provisional student will enrol in a program of study in the jurisdiction of one of the following academic units: (a) a single department or school, (b) an interdepartmental committee, or (c) a centre. In each case the student will be identified with a single department in which he or she is deemed to be registered. Normally, the department so identified will be the department of which the adviser is a member. Students enrolled under (b) or (c) above will meet the degree requirements of that unit as arranged with the department in which they are registered.
Special Students: Each special student will register in a single department. The chair of that department, or the chair's nominee, is responsible for the student's program.
Registration Procedure
Students are reminded that registration material must be submitted by the indicated deadlines. Courses need not be listed on registration material because students may use a Request for Academic Change form to add courses to their records. Check the Academic Schedule at the front of this calendar for the submission deadlines for this form.
At least four months before the beginning of the academic year (the sequence of fall, winter, and spring) the continuing student will file, in Graduate Program Services, an Academic Pre-Registration form which sets out the proposed program of study for that year. The form must be approved in the academic unit concerned before it is submitted to Graduate Program Services. New students may register up until the last date for registration for new students as announced in the Academic Schedule and will register for whatever portion of the academic year (fall, winter and spring) remains. Thereafter, they will register annually.
University ID cards, which are used for identification and for library purposes, are produced and validated at Graduate Program Services upon initial registration. Validation stickers will be provided annually to registered continuing students. Loss or theft of a university card should be reported to the Library Circulation Information Desk and to Graduate Program Services.
Normally, the registration procedure must be completed within the dates set in the Academic Schedule in this calendar. In special circumstances a student may be permitted to register up to 14 class days after the opening date with an appropriate late fee being assessed.
Billing statements are sent to preregistered students by Student Financial Services, Office of Registrarial Services, approximately two months prior to the beginning of each semester. Payment of account will complete the registration process. Failure to make appropriate payment arrangements by the beginning of the semester will result in the cancellation of enrolment for that semester.
Students taking undergraduate courses must complete their course registration by the deadline for undergraduate registration.
Students wishing to register in any undergraduate course or in graduate courses from another department or school must obtain the instructor's signature on the Academic Pre-Registration form or Request for Academic Change form.
Students registered in multi-semester courses must register in each semester in which they are actively engaged in course requirements, unless otherwise stated in the course description.
Registration Changes
Changes of registration (deletion or addition of courses) may only be made on the recommendation of the student's advisory committee and with the approval of the dean of Graduate Studies. Credit will be given only for courses listed on the Pre- Registration form or authorized through an official change of registration. When dropping two-semester courses, both semesters of the course must be dropped. Students who wish to re-take a two-semester course must re-take both parts of the course. The deadline to drop a two-semester course is the deadline date specified for the second semester of the course.
Continuity of Registration
Students are expected to register in each consecutive semester of study until graduation. They must be registered in each semester in which they are actively engaged in coursework or research, including any semester in which they have any contact with university faculty/staff or use of university facilities in connection with their degree program.
Without prior permission from the dean of Graduate Studies, students normally cannot register at the University of Guelph while they are registered as a student at another university. University of Guelph graduate students, with prior per mission from the dean of Graduate Studies, may arrange a leave of absence to register at another university. Students should consult Graduate Program Services about the options available when planning such activities.
A regular student may make prior arrangements, subject to review and recommendation by the department, to take a leave of absence from graduate studies for a specified period of time, not to exceed one year. The Board of Graduate Studies may approve a leave of absence for students who request permission not to register for two or more consecutive semesters. Further leave(s) of absence may be granted subject to review and recommendation by the department and approval by the Board of Graduate Studies. A leave of absence approved by the Board of Graduate Studies will include adjustments in the time allotted for completion of the graduate program. Parental leave will be accommodated under this regulation.
The dean of Graduate Studies may routinely approve a leave of absence for students who request permission not to register for one semester, without adjustment to time allotted.
Failure to register or receive prior permission for a leave of absence will be regarded as withdrawal from graduate studies at this university. Students who wish to resume their studies must apply for readmission; if readmitted they will be required to conform to current regulations.
A student who has not completed all the requirements for the degree by the due date for thesis submission in a particular semester must reregister. Candidates must be registered in the semester in which they qualify for the degree.
In the case of conjoint or co-operative graduate programs with other universities, arrangements will be made to ensure that the students involved are not placed at a disadvantage with respect to continuity of registration.
Cancellation of Registration
A student who wishes to withdraw from the university is expected to consult with the department graduate co-ordinator prior to submitting the withdrawal notice to Graduate Program Services. Within the time limits described in the section on fee refunds, approval of the withdrawal entitles the student to a refund of fees on a prorated basis. No such refund may be claimed without the graduate dean's authorization.
In the event that a student fails to obtain satisfactory standings or to make satisfactory progress either in coursework or in research, the Board of Graduate Studies may require the student to withdraw (refer to the Academic Standings section for a description of the review
process). Registration will be cancelled as of a date specified by the Board and an appropriate refund of fees authorized.
A student who withdraws from the university must return all out standing loans from the library immediately upon withdrawal, regardless of the original due date. Any items not returned will be declared lost and their cost will be charged to the student's account.