International Development Studies
Faculty | MA & MSc | Courses
Director - Kris Inwood (716 MacKinnon, Ext. 3536) (E-mail:
Graduate co-ordinator - Frans Schryer (707 MacKinnon, Ext. 2505) (E-mail:
Graduate secretary - Sheela Samat-Spohn (704 MacKinnon, Ext. 8966)

Department of Agricultural Economics and Business:
F. Harry Cummings Associate Professor
Wayne H. Howard Associate Professor
Wayne C. Pfeiffer Associate Professor
Truman P. Phillips Professor
Kim S. Rollins Assistant Professor
Department of Animal and Poultry Science:
Mary M. Buhr Associate Professor
Pablo E. Colucci Assistant Professor
J. Frank Hurnik Professor
Department of Crop Science:
E. Ann Clark Associate Professor
Department of Economics:
Louis N. Christofides Professor
Michael J. Hoy Associate Professor
Kris E. Inwood Associate Professor
John R. Livernois Associate Professor
Christopher J. McKenna Professor
Clive Southey Associate Professor
Department of Ecosystem Health:
David Rapport
Department of Environmental Biology:
Andrew M. Gordon Associate Professor
Peter G. Kevan Professor
Department of English:
Diana Brydon Professor
Ajay Heble Associate Professor
Patrick J. Holland Associate Professor
Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition:
Susan Evers Associate Professor
Department of Geography:
David B. Knight Professor and Dean of Social Science
Michael R. Moss Professor
Kok-Chiang Tan Associate Professor
Department of History:
David R. Murray Professor
Mordechai Rozanski Professor and President
James D. Snell Professor
Gilbert A. Stelter Professor
Department of Land Resource Science:
Ward Chesworth Professor
Richard R. Protz Professor
Department of Languages and Literature:
Ken Mose Professor
Department of Pathobiology:
John F. Prescott Professor
Department of Philosophy:
William H. Hughes Associate Professor
Hugh S. Lehman Professor
Department of Political Studies:
O.P. Dwivedi Professor
Fred Eidlin Professor
Theresa M.L. Lee Assistant Professor
Jorge Nef Professor
R. Brian Woodrow Associate Professor
Department of Population Medicine:
Margaret Thorburn Assistant Professor
David Waltner-Toews Professor
Department of Psychology:
Loraleigh Keashly Associate Professor
Karen S. Korabik Associate Professor
Department of Rural Extension Studies:
Glen C. Filson Associate Professor
Douglas H. Pletsch Professor
Don Richardson Assistant Professor
James C.M. Shute Professor and Director of the Centre for International Programs
University School of Rural Planning and Development:
Farokh Afshar Associate Professor
F. Harry Cummings Associate Professor
Nonita T. Yap Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology:
J.I. (Hans) Bakker Associate Professor
Nora Cebotarev University Professor Emerita
Sally Humphries Assistant Professor
Belinda Leach Assistant Professor
Marta Rohatynskyj Assistant Professor
Frans J. Schryer Professor
Terisa Turner Associate Professor
K. Victor Ujimoto Professor
Anthony R. Winson Associate Professor
Department of Zoology:
John M. Fryxell Associate Professor
Patrick T.K. Woo Professor
Associated Graduate Faculty
C. Young Cho Adjunct Professor
G. Ab B. Moore Retired
The Collaborative International Development Studies (CIDS) program provides a focal point for graduate teaching and research in the area of international development. The program combines training in a particular discipline with exposure to a broad range of social-science perspectives. Faculty expertise encompasses various aspects of development in Asia, Africa, Eastern and Western Europe, and the Americas.

Students wishing to pursue MSc or MA degrees with the designation "International Development Studies" must enter the CIDS program through a participating department. Students meet both departmental and CIDS requirements. More detailed information is available in the CIDS Graduate Studies Handbook.
Admission Requirements
Students must meet the admission requirements of the department of their choice and demonstrate familiarity with conceptual frameworks employed in the social sciences.
Degree Requirements
Students must take the international development core courses and the course requirements of the department in which they are enroled. Both are listed below. The degree may be completed by major paper, research project, thesis, or coursework. Students are encouraged to undertake field research as part of their degree, although the nature of the research depends upon the discipline, topic, and degree option. The program's duration varies from three to six semesters.

International Development Core Courses Required of All Students
- Women and Development 1206460/8606460 or Culture and Technology 1206360
- Urbanization and Development 4506400 or Political Identities, Territory and Territoriality 4506450
- Agriculture in Economic Development 0206600 or Economic Development in Historical Perspective 3606370
- Development and Administration 7806750 or Comparative/International Politics of Development 7806730
- International Development Studies Seminar 8506100
- Optional Courses
- Students in the collaborative program may undertake any course offered by a collaborating department with the
- permission of the instructor. The following interdisciplinary courses are also available.
- 8506000 Regional Context (0.5)
- This reading course provides an opportunity for in-depth investigation about a particular region in preparation for a thesis, major paper or research project. The course normally is directed by the student's adviser.
- 8506100 International Development Studies Seminar (0.5)
- A bi-weekly seminar discussion of issues which arise in the study of international development. Led by faculty and visitors from a variety of disciplines.
- 8506500Fieldwork in International Development Studies (0.5)
- This course recognizes an intensive commitment to research in an archival repository, 'in the field' or at an appropriate development institution in Canada or abroad. The course normally is directed by the student's adviser.
- Departmental Requirements
- Programs in departments not listed below are designed by special arrangements.
- Agricultural Economics and Business (Msc)
- Advanced Microeconomics 3603710 or Microeconomic Theory I 3606000
- Advanced Macroeconomic Theory 3604810
- One of the following:
Multivariate Research Methods 2606060,
Mathematical Programming 0206360, or
Introduction to Econometric Methods 3606050
- Agriculture in Economic Development 0206600 (if not taken as part of CIDS core)
- One additional agricultural economics course
- a thesis
- Anthropology (MA)
- Anthropological Theory 1206080
- Qualitative Methods 1206140
- Proseminar 1206700
- Either a thesis or Major Paper 1206660 and one additional course
Economics (MA)
- Microeconomic Theory I 3606000
- Macroeconomic Theory I 3066020
- Introduction to Econometric Methods 3606050 or Econometrics I 3606140
- Research Project 3606940
N.B. Economic Development 3606350 may substitute for 3606370 in the CIDS core
English (MA)
- Theory for Literary Studies 3706001
- Research Methods 3706011
- One other English course and a thesis, or two other English courses and the Research Project 3706803
Geography (MA/MSc)
- Research Methods 4506090
- One other Geography course
- Either a thesis or two additional Geography courses, one of which must be Research Project in Geography 4506180
History (MA)
- Historiography I 4906000
- Historiography II 4906020
- Two additional History courses (only one if the CIDS core includes Economic Development in Historical Perspective 3606370)
- Either a thesis or Major Paper 4906400\
N.B. Historical Conceptions of the City 4906390 may substitute for the geography component of the CIDS core
Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences (Msc)
- Seminar 7106500
- Statistical Models for the Life Sciences 8906950
Two other courses prescribed by the thesis adviser (or only one if the CIDS core includes Culture and Technology 8606360)
- a thesis
Philosophy (MA)
- MA Seminar 7406950
- Either thesis or research paper (in conjunction with Guided Research Project 7406990)
- Additional philosophy courses in consultation with the department
Political Studies (MA)<.i>
- Proseminar, 7806900
- Political Research: Theories and Approaches 7806940
- Either a thesis, or 7806970 Major Paper and 1.0 additional course credits (normally from the Political Studies Department)
Rural Extension Studies (Msc)
- Adult Learning and Development 3806060
- Foundations of Rural Extension 3806070
- Program Planning and Evaluation in Rural Extension 3806230
- Two additional courses from the following group (or only one course if the CIDS core includes Women and Development 1206460/8606460):
- Research Design in Rural Extension Studies 3806260
- Extension Methods 3806311
- Management Theory and Practice in Rural Extension 3806390
- Either a thesis or Major Research Paper 3806900
Sociology (MA)
- Sociological Theory 8606070
- Research Methodology 8606120
- Proseminar 8606700
- Either thesis or Major Paper 8606660 and one additional course