Faculty | MSc | PhD | DVSc | Courses
Acting chair - Carlton L. Gyles (2142, O.V.C., Ext 4715) (E-mail:
Graduate co-ordinator - John Prescott (107, O.V.C., Ext 4716) (E-mail:
Graduate secretary - Trudy Davis (2144, O.V.C., Ext. 4725) (E-mail:

Mark D. Baker BSc Laurentian, MSc, PhD Waterloo - Associate Professor
Ian K. Barker DVM, MSc Guelph, PhD Melbourne - Professor
John R. Barta BSc, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Hugh W. Ferguson BVM&S Edinburgh, PhD Stirling, Dip ACVP, MRCVS - Professor
Robert A. Foster BVSc Queensland, PhD James Cook University of North Queensland, MACVS, Dip ACVP -Assistant Professor
Carlton L. Gyles DVM Toronto, MSc, PhD Guelph - Professor
M. Anthony Hayes BVSc Melbourne, PhD Saskatchewan, Dip ACVP - Professor
D. Bruce Hunter DVM, MSc Saskatchewan - Associate Professor
Robert M. Jacobs BSc Toronto, DVM, PhD Guelph, Dip ACVP - Professor
Azad Kaushik BVSc, MVSc Haryana, DSc Inst. Pasteur - Assistant Professor
J.H. (Tim) Lumsden DVM, MSc, Dip. Vet. Med. Guelph, Dip ACVP - Professor
Janet I. MacInnes BSc Victoria, PhD Western Ontario - Associate Professor
Bonnie A. Mallard BSc, MSc, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
L. Jill McCutcheon BSc, DVM Guelph, PhD Washington State - Associate Professor
va Nagy DVM, Cand. Deg. Vet. Sci. Budapest - Associate Professor
Dean H. Percy DVM Toronto, MSc Guelph, PhD Cornell, Dip ACVP - Professor
John F. Prescott MA, Vet. MB, PhD Cambridge - Professor
Patricia E. Shewen BSc, DVM, MSc, PhD Guelph - Professor
Dale A. Smith DVM, DVSc Guelph - Associate Professor
Tatiana Stirtzinger DVM, PhD, Dip. Vet. Med. Guelph - Assistant Professor
Brian P. Wilcock BA Montreal, DVM Guelph, MS, PhD Purdue - Professor
Bruce N. Wilkie DVM Guelph, PhD Cornell - Professor
Julie A. Yager BVSc, PhD Sydney - Professor
Dongwan Yoo DVM, MSc Seoul, PhD Ottawa - Assistant Professor
Associated Graduate Faculty
Mudher A. Albassam BVMS Baghdad, MSc Guelph, PhD Purdue, Dip ACVP - Parke-Davis Research Institute, Mississauga
Donald A. Barnum DVM, DVSc Toronto - Professor Emeritus
John R. Bend BSc, MSc Manitoba, PhD Sydney - University of Western Ontario
G. Douglas Campbell BA Carleton, BA Lakehead, BSc Guelph, MPl Queen's, DVM, DVSc Guelph - Canadian Co-operative Wildlife Health Centre, Ontario Region, Guelph
P. Suzanne Carman DVM, PhD Guelph - Veterinary Laboratory Services, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Guelph
Ronald F. Carter BSc, MSc Toronto, DVM, PhD Guelph - McMaster University
Robert Clarke BSc Carleton, DVM, PhD Guelph - Agriculture Canada
Graham J. Crawshaw MS California (Davis), B. Vet. Med. London - Metropolitan Toronto Zoo
J. Brian Derbyshire BSc, PhD London, MRCVS - Retired
Ian D. Dube BSc, MSc, PhD British Columbia - University of Toronto
M. Agnes Fernando MB, BS Ceylon, PhD Singapore - Retired
Joseph R. Geraci BSc Suffolk, VMD Pennsylvania, PhD McGill - Retired
Thomas J. Hulland DVM Toronto, PhD Edinburgh, Dip. ACVP - Retired
Roger P. Johnson BVSc, MVSc Sydney, PhD Guelph - Agriculture Canada, Guelph
Richard J. Julian DVM Toronto, Dip. Vet. Med. Guelph - Retired
Leonard E. Lillie DVM, MSc Guelph, PhD Purdue, Dip ACVP - Parke-Davis Research Institute, Mississauga
Richard Latt DVM Guelph, Dip ACLAM - McGill University
Peter B. Little DVM Toronto, MS, PhD Minnesota, Dip ACVP - Retired
M. Grant Maxie DVM Saskatchewan, PhD Guelph, Dip. ACVP - Veterinary Laboratory Services, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Guelph
Bruce M. McCraw BA, MA Toronto, PhD Michigan - Retired
Kay G. Mehren BVSc, DVM California, Dip. ACZM - Metropolitan Toronto Zoo
Richard B. Miller BSc (Agric) Alberta, DVM Toronto, PhD Cornell, Dip ACVP - Retired
Nigel C. Palmer DVM Toronto, MSc Guelph, PhD Melbourne - Retired
Case Poppe DVM Utrecht, MSc, PhD Guelph - Agriculture Canada
Richard C. Renlund BSc, DVM Guelph, MSc Toronto - University of Toronto
H. Louise Ruhnke BSA Toronto, MSc Guelph - Retired
S.V. Primal S. Silva BVSc Peradeniya (Sri Lanka), PhD Sydney - Agriculture Canada, Ottawa
T.G. Smith BA, MSc Bishop's, PhD McGill - Department of Fisheries & Oceans
David J. St. Aubin BSc Michigan, MSc, PhD Guelph
J. Owen D. Slocombe DICTA West Indies, DVM Toronto, PhD Cornell - Retired
Jan Thorsen DVM Toronto, MRCVS, PhD Toronto
V.E.O. Valli DVM Toronto, MSc, PhD Guelph, Dip. ACVP - University of Illinois
Anthony A. van Dreumel DVM Toronto, MSc Manitoba, Dip. ACVP - Veterinary Laboratory Services, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Guelph
Special Graduate Faculty
Denna Benn BSc, DVM, Dip Vet Med, MSc Guelph - University of Guelph
Andrew Fletch DVM, MSc Guelph - McMaster University
Marilyn A. Keaney BA Ottawa, BSc Carleton, DVM Guelph, PhD Ottawa - Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa
James H. Wong DVM Guelph - Canadian Council on Animal Care
The Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology and the Department of Pathology merged into the new Department of Pathobiology on May 1, 1996. The new combined graduate program in veterinary immunology, microbiology, parasitology and pathology accommodates and integrates the established programs. Graduate students enrolled before spring 1996 will continue in their programs according to the guidelines of their former departments.
There are four graduate degree programs. The department offers programs of study leading to MSc and PhD degrees and a graduate diploma. The department also participates in the interdepartmental Doctor of Veterinary Science (DVSc) program.
Fields of Study
The Department of Pathobiology provides graduate programs in the following fields:
- Anatomic pathology (Barker, Ferguson, Foster, Hayes, Little, McCutcheon, Percy, Wilcock, Yager)
- Clinical pathology (Jacobs, Lumsden, Stirtzinger)
- Comparative pathology:
- Avian pathology (Hunter, Smith)
- Fish pathology (Ferguson)
- Laboratory animal science (Percy)
- Zoo animal and wildlife pathology (Barker, Hunter, Smith)
- Immunology (Baker, Kaushik, Mallard, Shewen, Wilkie)
- Veterinary bacteriology (Gyles, MacInnes, Prescott)
- Veterinary parasitology (Barta; an additional parasitologist is being appointed)
- Virology (MacInnes, Nagy, Yoo)
The DVSc is offered in applied areas of microbiology, immunology and pathology. The diploma program is offered in applied areas of pathology.

The primary objective of the MSc program is to provide students with training in conceptual and laboratory aspects of research, combined with advanced training in a field of knowledge relating to manifestations, basic mechanisms and host resistance to diseases of vertebrates. DVM (or equivalent) graduates may obtain some of the practical experience required for specialty certification in veterinary anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, microbiology or parasitology.
Admission Requirements
Applicants should have either a DVM (or equivalent) degree with at least a B average over the four years of the program, or an honours degree in biological sciences with at least a B average during the final 2 years. In either case, performance in relevant biomedical science courses, (e.g., microbiology, immunology, biochemistry, molecular biology, etc) at a level above the minimum B average is normally expected. Admission requires the prior identification of a faculty adviser and a source of financial support for the student. Supportive letters of reference, based on sound knowledge of the applicant, are essential. Applicants should submit a one-page statement of research interests and career goals in order to assist in the identification of a faculty adviser who has the facilities and funding necessary to support the thesis research, and who can provide a stipend if the student is not independently supported. Applications may be submitted at any time. Students may be admitted in the fall, winter or spring semesters, with a preference for the fall.
Degree Requirements
Students must complete at least 1.5 credits of prescribed courses with at least a B- average, and must write and defend satisfactorily a research thesis. Prescribed courses and additional courses are selected by the student in consultation with the adviser and advisory committee based on the student's background, research and career objectives. The departmental graduate seminar course is prescribed for all MSc students. The thesis research is planned by the student in consultation with the adviser. Research plans and progress must be approved by the advisory committee. The thesis defence includes a seminar presentation and a final oral examination by a committee of graduate faculty members.
See also the MSc degree regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

The PhD program is designed primarily for students whose career aspirations are towards independent research on the manifestations, basic mechanisms and host resistance to diseases of vertebrates. The primary objective is to provide advanced training in conceptual and laboratory aspects of independent research, combined with advanced training in one or more appropriate fields of knowledge. The major emphasis is on the generation and critical evaluation of scientific knowledge relating to the causes, mechanisms and/or consequences of diseases affecting a particular species, organ system or biological process or to the understanding of host resistance and basic mechanisms of health or disease in vertebrates. DVM (or equivalent) graduates may obtain some of the practical experience required for specialty certification in veterinary anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, microbiology or parasitology.
Admission Requirements
The usual requirement for admission to the PhD program is the completion of an approved MSc degree with a minimum B+ average and strong supportive letters from referees familiar with the background of the applicant. Performance in relevant biomedical science courses, (e.g., microbiology, immunology, biochemistry, molecular biology, etc) at a level above a B+ average is normally expected. Students may apply for transfer into the PhD program without completing the MSc program, providing that they have a minimum 'A' average and a demonstrated capacity for independent research. Some students with demonstrated potential for independent research and a superior academic record during their baccalaureate or DVM programs may be admitted directly into the PhD program.
Admission requires the identification of a faculty adviser and a source of financial support for the student. If these have not been arranged by the applicant, a statement of the applicant's interests and objectives and supportive letters of reference are required to assist with the identification of an appropriate faculty adviser and potential sources of funds for research and a student stipend. Applications may be submitted at any time. Initial enrolment can be in the fall, winter or spring semesters, with a preference for the fall.
Degree Requirements
Students must have completed the department's graduate seminar course, and have obtained at least a B- average in all courses prescribed by the advisory committee. There are no other specific course requirements. Prescribed courses and additional courses are selected by the student in consultation with the adviser and advisory committee based on the student's background, and research and career objectives.
Students are required to satisfactorily complete a qualifying examination before the end of the fifth semester if they possess an MSc degree, or before the end of the seventh semester if they possess only an honours baccalaureate or DVM degree. The qualifying examination is conducted by a committee of graduate faculty members with expertise in the areas of study, and includes written and oral components. The qualifying examination covers a breadth of knowledge of topics related to the student's research area, and depth of knowledge within this research area. To successfully complete the examination, students must have a broad general understanding of one of the departmental fields of study, and a current and in-depth understanding of one or two additional areas. The advisory committee identifies selected areas of study by the end of the second semester. In addition, the advisory committee is required to confirm that the student has demonstrated both ability and promise in research. This is based on performance on the research project, and on the writing of a research proposal on a subject proposed by the student and approved by the advisory committee.
The thesis research is planned by the student in consultation with the adviser. Research plans and progress must be approved by the advisory committee. The program is completed with the satisfactory presentation and defence of a thesis, which includes a seminar presentation and a final oral examination by a committee that includes an external examiner and several members of the graduate faculty.
See also the PhD degree regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

The Department of Pathobiology participates in the DVSc program which provides a balance of advanced training in a discipline in veterinary medicine, combined with a thesis-research project. The program emphasizes diagnostic and health management aspects of veterinary anatomic pathology, veterinary clinical pathology, veterinary clinical microbiology, clinical immunology, laboratory animal science, wildlife and zoo animal pathology, avian medicine and pathology, and fish pathology. The research project addresses an applied aspect of a significant disease problem in vertebrates. The program provides practical training towards specialty certification in veterinary anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, veterinary clinical microbiology or veterinary parasitology. Refer to the Veterinary Science listing of the calendar for more information.
Admission Requirements
Applicants require a DVM (or equivalent) degree with high academic standing from a program that provides eligibility for the practice of veterinary medicine in Ontario. Alternatively, applicants with a DVM (or equivalent) degree can be admitted after completion of an acceptable graduate diploma, MSc, or PhD degree with an upper B average. Admission requires the identification of a faculty adviser and a source of personal support for the student. If these have not been arranged by the applicant, a statement of the applicant's interests and objectives and supportive letters of reference are required to assist with the identification of an appropriate faculty adviser and potential sources of funds for research and student stipend. Several stipends for DVSc candidates are available intermittently for training in some disciplines serving the Veterinary Teaching Hospital. As these funds become available, stipends are awarded to the most qualified applicant(s) based on completed applications for admission to the DVSc program. Applications may be submitted at any time. Initial enrolment can be in the fall, winter or spring semesters.
Degree Requirements
The degree requires a minimum of nine semesters of full-time study; completion of the department's graduate seminar course, completion of at least 15 credits in other courses prescribed by the student's advisory committee with an overall average of at least B- , and satisfactory completion of a qualifying examination, thesis and final oral examination.
See also the DVSc degree regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Graduate Diploma Program
The objective of the diploma program is to provide advanced practical training in a field of veterinary pathology to veterinarians working in industry, government or in private practice. The program emphasizes practical and course-based applied training in anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, avian medicine and pathology, laboratory animal science, or wildlife and zoo animal pathology.
Admission Requirements
Applicants require a DVM (or equivalent) degree with acceptable academic standing. Admission requires the prior identification of a faculty adviser and a source of personal support for the student.
Diploma Requirements
The diploma requires three semesters of full-time study, and satisfactory completion of at least 1.5 credits in applied pathology courses and 0.5 credits in other graduate courses, including the graduate seminar course. The remaining credits may be in the defined area of study, as prescribed by the faculty adviser. Diploma students must satisfactorily pass a final oral comprehensive examination on general knowledge in the field of study. It will be conducted by faculty members in the Department of Pathobiology. There is no thesis, but students are required to write a paper that the adviser considers ready for submission to a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
See also the Graduate diploma regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

- 9106400 Seminar (0) F, W, S
- Each student will present at least one seminar on an approved subject (e.g., major or related research interest, thorough case study, etc) in pathogenic microbiology, immunology or pathobiology.
- 9106950 Special Topics in Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology (0.5) F,W,S
- In-depth independent study of subjects related to students' principal areas of interest. Major paper(s) with or without seminar preparation.
- 7306950 Special Topics in Pathology (0.5) F,W,S
- A project or assigned studies in a student's field but not within the thesis subject.
Veterinary Bacteriology
- 9106000 Bacterial Pathogenesis (0.5) F (odd numbered years)
- Pathogenic bacteria with particular reference to pathogenesis, immunology, epidemiology and control.
- 9106030 Clinical Bacteriology (0.5) W
- Current techniques and approaches in diagnostic bacteriology.
- 6506070 Bacterial Structures and Virulence (0.5) F (even numbered years)
- A study of bacterial surface structures (including capsules, pili, lipopolysaccharide, and cell membrane) and their interactions with hosts in disease. (Jointly offered by the Departments of Pathobiology and Microbiology.)
- 6506500 Microbial Genetics (0.5)
- Study of current papers on the genetics of bacteria, yeasts and viruses. (Department of Microbiology)
Veterinary Immunology
- 9106100 Immunobiology (0.5) F
- Major areas of immunology, including initiation, regulation, receptors, genetics, immune system development and function.
- 9106110 Topics in Immunology (0.5) F
- Aspects of immune and nonspecific host resistance, diagnostic immunology and immune-mediated disease.
Veterinary Virology
- 9106330 Viral Diseases (0.5) F
- A study of important viral diseases of animals, with emphasis on etiology, host responses, diagnosis and control.
- 6506130 Molecular Biology of Viruses (0.5) W
- Replication strategies of virus genomes including prototypes of different animal, plant and (some) bacterial virus families; mechanism and control of viral gene expression; tumour virology; genetically engineered virus vaccines. Credit can NOT be obtained for both 6504130 and 6506130. (Department of Microbiology)
- 7306104 General Pathology (0.5) F (odd numbered years)
- Processes and mechanisms at the molecular, cell, and tissue levels important in the understanding of disease phenomena.
- 7306105 Structural and Functional Relationships in Selected Organ Systems (0.5) F (even numbered years)
- Basic and interpretive tissue and biochemical concepts of disease in the liver, pancreas, kidney, endocrine and hemiclymphatic systems.
- 7306110 Pathology I (0.5) W (even numbered years)
- Disease processes of the respiratory, integumentary, reproductive and skeletal systems.
- 7306130 Pathology II (0.5) W (odd numbered years)
- Disease processes of the alimentary, central-nervous, cardiovascular and muscular systems and special senses.
Anatomic Pathology
- 7306080 Applied Pathology I - Domestic Mammals (0.5) F
- Examination and interpretation of gross and microscopic lesions of animal diseases.
- 7306090 Applied Pathology II - Domestic Mammals (0.5) W
- A continuation of 7306080, emphasizing seasonal differences in diseases as well as diseases more commonly associated with winter and early spring conditions.
- 7306091 Applied Pathology III - Domestic Mammals (0.5) S
- A continuation of 7306090, emphasizing seasonal differences in diseases as well as diseases more commonly associated with late spring and summer conditions.
Veterinary Clinical Pathology
- 7306030 Applied Clinical Pathology I (0.5) F
- Preparation and examination of materials, and interpretation of data involved in hematology, cytology, and clinical chemistry from clinical cases. (Intended for students majoring in clinical pathology.)
- 7306040 Applied Clinical Pathology II (0.5) W
- A continuation of 7306030, emphasizing seasonal differences in diseases as well as diseases more commonly associated with winter and early spring conditions. (Intended for students majoring in clinical pathology.)
- 7306041 Applied Clinical Pathology III (0.5) S
- A continuation of 7306040, emphasizing seasonal differences in diseases as well as diseases more commonly associated with late spring and summer conditions. (Intended for students majoring in clinical pathology.)
- 7306300 Clinical Pathology I (0.5) W (even numbered years)
- A study of diagnostic hematology and cytology, with emphasis on the hematopoietic system.
- 7306320 Clinical Pathology II (0.5) W (odd numbered years)
- Clinical biochemistry of selected organ systems including the renal, hepatic, pancreatic and endocrine organ systems.
Laboratory Animal Science
- 7306222 Comparative Veterinary Pathology II (0.5) F (even numbered years)
- Pathological changes associated with diseases of poultry and pet birds, and various laboratory animals.
- 7306710 Applied Laboratory Animal Science I (0.5)
- Emphasis on practical aspects of laboratory-animal science including research protocol review, animal rights issues and standard operating procedures in a research animal facility.
- 7306720 Applied Laboratory Animal Science II (0.5)
- Continuation of I with emphasis on biohazard and personnel safety, monitoring for disease, quality control and diagnostic procedures.
- 7306730 Applied Laboratory Animal Science III (0.5)
- Continuation of I and II, with emphasis on a comparison of programs and procedures in other facilities in Canada, nonhuman primate medicine, and surgical, clinical and necropsy procedures.
Veterinary Parasitology
- 7306420 Diagnostic Parasitology (0.5) W (even numbered years)
- Study of the laboratory diagnosis of parasites of domestic animals.
Fish Pathology/Wildlife and Zoo Animal Pathology
- 7306221 Comparative Veterinary Pathology I (0.5) W (even numbered years)
- Pathological changes associated with diseases of fish, amphibia, reptiles, wild and captive nondomestic birds, marine and wild mammals including fur-bearers.
- 7306630 Applied Pathology of Fish and Wildlife I (0.5) F
- A study of problems in, as well as the examination of, lesions found in diseases of fish and wildlife, including amphibia and reptiles, drawn from naturally occurring cases assigned for detailed investigation. The student may be required to prepare a critical review of a specific disease entity.
- 7306640 Applied Pathology of Fish and Wildlife II (0.5) W
- A continuation of 7306630 emphasizing seasonal differences in diseases as well as diseases more commonly associated with winter and early spring conditions.
- 7306650 Applied Pathology of Fish and Wildlife III (0.5) S
- A continuation of 7306640 emphasizing seasonal differences in diseases as well as diseases more commonly associated with late spring and summer conditions.
Avian Medicine and Pathology
- 7306050 Applied Avian Pathology I (0.5) F
- Examination and interpretation of gross and microscopic lesions of domestic birds.
- 7306060 Applied Avian Pathology II (0.5) W
- A continuation of 7306050, emphasizing seasonal differences in diseases as well as diseases more commonly associated with winter and early spring conditions.
- 7306070 Applied Avian Pathology III (0.5) S
- A continuation of 7306060, emphasizing seasonal differences in diseases as well as diseases more commonly associated with late spring and summer conditions.
- 7306222 Comparative Veterinary Pathology II (0.5) F (even numbered years)
- Pathological changes associated with diseases of poultry and pet birds, and various laboratory animals.
- 7306740 Avian Diseases (0.5)
- Detailed study of recent concepts of preventive medicine, diagnosis and therapeutics as applied to clinical recognition and control of avian diseases.
- Note: Revisions in some courses may be phased in after the publication of the calendar. Prospective students should consult the graduate co-ordinator, or graduate secretary for information on courses scheduled for any specific semester. Course schedules for each semester are published by the Office of Registrarial Services.
Details of faculty and their research interests are available on