Chemistry and Biochemistry
MSc Program
PhD Program
Interdepartmental Programs
Graduate teaching and research in chemistry
and biochemistry at the University of Guelph are operated through the Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate
Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry - (GWC)2.
Director of the Centre John F. Honek (University of
Waterloo, 325 Earth Science & Chemistry, Ext. 5817) (E-mail: jhonek@uwaterloo.ca)
assistant for the centre Andrea Wetmore (2603 Davis Centre, University of Waterloo)
Chair of the department at Guelph John D. Goddard (267 Chemistry & Microbiology, Ext. 3061) (E-mail:
Departmental graduate co-ordinator Daniel F. Thomas (120 MacNaughton,Ext. 3961) (E-mail: thomas@chembio.uoguelph.ca)
Departmental graduate secretary Janice Kraemer (262
Chemistry & Microbiology, Ext. 3447) (E-mail: kraemer@chembio.uoguelph.ca)
- Graduate Faculty
Elmer C.
Alyea BSc, MSc Queen's, PhD London - Professor
France-Isabelle Auzanneau Maitrise, DEA, PhD Paris-Sud Orsay - Assistant Professor
Mark Baker BSc Sussex, MSc, PhD East Anglia - Professor
Robert J. Balahura BSc Waterloo, PhD Alberta - Professor
Manfred Brauer BSc Calgary, MSc, PhD Wisconsin
- Associate Professor
Nigel J. Bunce BA, MA, DPhil Oxford - Professor
Anthony J. Clarke BSc, PhD Waterloo
- Professor
Michael Cocivera BSc Carnegie-Mellon, PhD California (Los Angeles) - Professor
James H. Davis
BSc (Moorehead State), PhD (Manitoba) - Professor
George Ferguson BSc, PhD, DSc Glasgow - Professor
John D. Goddard BSc Western Ontario, MSc, PhD Toronto - Professor
Saul Goldman BSc, PhD McGill -
Bryan R. Henry BSc British Columbia, PhD Florida State - Professor
Abdelaziz Houmam Maitrise Casablanca I, DEA, PhD Paris 7 - Assistant Professor
P. David Josephy BSc Toronto,
PhD British Columbia - Professor
Robert A.B. Keates BA Cambridge, PhD Glasgow - Associate Professor
Jonathan LaMarre DVM, MSc, PhD (Guelph) - Assistant Professor
Gordon L. Lange BSc Alberta, PhD
California (Berkeley) - Professor
Jacek Lipkowski MSc, PhD, DSc Warsaw - Professor
Devakanand Mangroo
BSc, PhD McMaster Assistant Professor
Robert McCrindle BSc, PhD, DSc Glasgow - Professor and Dean of
College of Physical and Engineering Science
Alan Mellors BSc, PhD Liverpool - Professor
A. Rodney Merrill
BSc Lethbridge, PhD Ottawa - Professor
Glenn H. Penner BSc, MSc, PhD Manitoba - Associate Professor
Marcel Schlaf Diplom (Bayerische Julius-Maximilian Universitat), PhD (Toronto) - Assistant Professor
L. Schwan BSc Western Ontario, PhD McMaster - Associate Professor
Frances J. Sharom BSc Guelph, PhD
Western Ontario - Professor
W.W.L. Tam BSc (Hong Kong), PhD (Toronto) - Assistant Professor
Daniel F.
Thomas BSc Alberta, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Nicholas P.C. Westwood BSc, PhD Southampton -
Janet M. Wood BSc Victoria, PhD Edinburgh - Professor
Rickey Y. Yada BSc, Msc, PhD British
Columbia - Professor
Associated Graduate Faculty Allan Colter BSc Alberta, PhD California (Los Angeles) -
In addition, the following faculty members of the University of Waterloo are members of the centre:
Monica Barra BSc, PhD National Univ. of Cordoba (Argentina) - Assistant Professor
Peter F. Bernath BSc
Waterloo, PhD Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Professor
J. Michael Chong BSc, PhD British
Columbia - Professor
Jiri Cizek RNDr Charles University (Prague), CSc Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences -
Adjunct Professor
Gary I. Dmitrienko BSc, PhD Toronto -
Associate Professor
Jean Duhamel BEng, MSc, PhD (ENSIC, Nancy, France) - Assistant Professor
Eric Fillion BSc Sherbrooke, MSc Montreal, PhD Toronto - Assistant Professor
Mario Gauthier BSc, PhD McGill - Associate Professor
Michel J.P. Gingras BSc, MSc (Laval), PhD (British
Columbia) - Assistant Professor
Tadeus Gorecki MSc, PhD (Technical University of Gdansk) - Assistant
Dmitri Goussev MSC, PhD Moscow Inst. of Fine Chemical Technology - Adjunct Assistant Professor
Bruce M. Greenberg BSc California (Berkeley), PhD Colorado (Boulder) - Associate Professor
Guy Guillemette BSc, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Ian P. Hamilton BSc, PhD Toronto - Adjunct
Associate Professor
Garry S. Hanan BSc (Winnipeg), MSc, PhD (Louis Pasteur) - Assistant Professor
John W.
Hepburn BSc Waterloo, PhD Toronto - Professor
John F. Honek BSc, PhD McGill - Professor
Donald E. Irish BSc Western Ontario, MSc McMaster, PhD Chicago - Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Karanassios BSc Thessaloniki, PhD Alberta - Associate Professor
Holger Kleinke BSc, MSc Westfalische-Universitat Munster, PhD Johannes-Gutenberg Universitat Mainz - Assistant Professor
Robert J. LeRoy BSc, MSc Toronto, PhD
Wisconsin - Professor
K. Tong Leung BSc, PhD British Columbia - Professor
Wing-Ki Liu BSc, MSc, PhD
Illinois - Professor
Donald Mackay BSc, PhD Aberdeen - Associate Adjunct Professor
Frederick R.W.
McCourt BSc, PhD British Columbia - Professor
Terrance B. McMahon BSc Alberta, PhD California Institute
of Technology - Professor
Elizabeth M. Meiering BSc Waterloo, PhD Cambridge - Assistant Professor
R. Mikkelsen BSc (British Columbia), PhD (McGill) - Associate Professor
John B. Moffat BA, PhD Toronto -
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Linda F. Nazar BSc British Columbia, PhD Toronto - Professor
Richard T.
Oakley BSc, MSc, PhD British Columbia - Professor
Josef Paldus RNDr Charles University (Prague), CSc
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences - Professor
Janusz Pawliszyn BSc, MSc Gdansk (Poland), PhD Southern
Illinois - Professor, NSERC/Supelco/Varian Industrial Research Chair in New Analytical Methods and
Alexander Penlidis DiplEng Thessaloniki, PhD McMaster - Professor
William P. Power BSc,
PhD Dalhousie - Associate Professor
Russell Rodrigo BSc Ceylon, PhD Nottingham - Adjunct Professor
Alfred Rudin BSc Alberta, PhD Northwestern - Distinguished Professor Emeritus
James J. Sloan BSc, PhD Queen's - Professor
Arthur Szabo BSc Queen's, MA, PhD Toronto - Adjunct Professor
Scott Taylor BSc McGill, MSC, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
John E. Thompson BSA Toronto, PhD Alberta - Professor and Dean of Science
Thammaiah Viswanatha MSc, PhD
Mysore - Distinguished Professor Emeritus
The Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and
Biochemistry combines the Department of Chemistry at the University of Waterloo and the Department of
Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Guelph into a comprehensive and all-inclusive school of
graduate chemistry and biochemistry.
The members of the centre conduct research in virtually all areas of
modern chemistry and biochemistry.
Professional personnel in the centre comprise those faculty members of
the two departments who have been appointed as PhD advisers and have a record of recent research achievement.
The centre is administered by the director and its affairs are guided by the co-ordinating committee, which
consists of the director, the two departmental chairs, the two departmental graduate co-ordinators, two elected
centre members from each campus, and one elected representative of the graduate student body from each
campus. The regulations applying to graduate study in the centre meet the requirements of the graduate councils
and the Senates of the two universities.
The fields of research in which theses can be written normally fall within
the categories of analytical, inorganic, organic, physical, theoretical (also chemical physics) and polymer
chemistry, and biochemistry. The category chosen will normally be referred to as the candidate's major.
However, if a suitable topic is chosen, a candidate may pursue research which involves more than one of the
categories listed above. Certain course requirements must be fulfilled both for the MSc and for the PhD. These
courses are chosen in consultation with the candidate's advisory committee and the graduate officers of the
MSc Programs
Admission Requirements
Non-Canadian applicants whose first language is not English
are required to submit evidence of proficiency in the English language or pass the Test of English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL). A minimum score of 580 is required.
MSc Program
An applicant is eligible for admission
to the MSc program if he/she has an honours bachelor of science degree, or the equivalent, with first- or upper
second-class standing from an accredited university.
MSc Co-operative Option
An applicant is eligible for
admission to the MSc co-operative option if he/she is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and has honours
bachelor of science degree, or the equivalent, with first- or upper second-class standing from an accredited
university. The co-op MSc option is not available to students who have completed a co-op program as
undergraduates. These students are, however, eligible for admission to the co-op PhD program.
MSc Program
Students must successfully complete at least four semester-long graduate courses,
one of which is MSc Seminar, CHEM*7940, and submit and defend an acceptable thesis. MSc Co-operative
Option The academic requirements are the same as in the regular MSc program, but at least two of the required
four semester-long courses (including CHEM*7940) must be completed during the first two semesters of study.
The student will spend the following two semesters (eight months) working in an industrial or government
laboratory, upon completion of which he/she must present an acceptable work report. After returning to campus,
the student will complete his/her course work and research and prepare the MSc thesis.
MSc Co-operative Option
The academic requirements are the same as in the regular MSc
program, but at least two of the required four semester-long courses
(including CHEM*7940) must be completed during the first two semesters of
study. The student will spend the following two semesters (eight months)
working in an industrial or government laboratory, upon completion of
which he/she must present an acceptable work report. After returning to
campus, the student will complete his/her course work and research and
prepare the MSc thesis.
Course-Based MSc Program
Students who elect this option must successfully complete eight semester-long
courses, including MSc Seminar, CHEM*7940, and MSc Research Project, CHEM*7970. This option is designed
for students whose employment or family responsibilities allow free time for study only in the evenings.
PhD Programs
Admission Requirements
Non-Canadian applicants whose first language is not English are required to
submit evidence of proficiency in the English language or pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL). A minimum score of 580 is required.
PhD Program
An applicant is eligible for admission to the PhD
program at the discretion of the director. In general, an applicant must possess the qualifications listed for the
MSc program, together with a master of science degree comparable to those awarded by North American
universities and suitable references from the institution at which the MSc degree was awarded.
A student who is
registered in (GWC)2 as a master's candidate may be permitted under certain circumstances to transfer to a PhD
degree without writing an MSc thesis. The following guidelines are used in deciding whether a student will be
recommended to the appropriate university authorities to transfer directly to the PhD program.
- The request
must be initiated by the student no later than the end of the third semester in the MSc program. Transfers will be
made no later than the fourth semester.
- The applicant should have a superior academic record at both the
undergraduate and graduate level, with a first class standing and above average performance in a minimum of two
graduate courses and MSc Seminar, CHEM*7940.
- The applicant must have demonstrated an oral and written
communication ability appropriate for a PhD-level student, and there must be clear evidence of research
productivity and promise.
- The request for direct transfer should be accompanied by supporting documentation
from the adviser, the advisory committee, and another faculty member familiar with the student's research
PhD Co-operative Option
A student will be eligible for admission to the PhD co-operative option if
he/she is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and has an honours bachelor of science degree, or the
equivalent, with first- or upper second-class standing from an accredited university.
Degree Requirements
PhD Program
Students in the PhD program must successfully complete three semester-long courses beyond those
required for the master of science degree. One of these courses will be PhD Seminar, CHEM*7950. Students
must also pass an oral qualifying examination, CHEM*7960, in their major field, and submit and defend an
acceptable thesis.
PhD Co-operative Option
Students registered in the PhD program may proceed to that degree
under the co-operative option. Under this option four of the six required semester-long courses (including
CHEM*7940) must be completed within the first two academic semesters of study in the centre. After
successful completion of these two semesters of course work, the candidate will spend three semesters (one
year) working in an industrial or government laboratory. Registration in the co-operative option commits
students to the acceptance of employment either through a regular interview procedure organized by Career
Services, Counselling and Student Resource Centre at the University of Guelph or by the department of
co-operative education and career services at the University of Waterloo; or, where their interests are best
served, on an assignment specified by the centre. On completion of the work year, a student will be required to
submit a work report which will be evaluated by the centre and the career services unit at the student's home
campus. Following successful completion of the work year, the student will return to the centre to continue
work on a PhD research project and complete the regular PhD requirements.
Interdepartmental Programs
Biophysics MSc/PhD Program
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry participates in the MSc/PhD
programs in biophysics. Professors Brauer, Keates, Merrill and Sharom are members of the Biophysics
Inter-departmental Group (BIG). These faculty members' research and teaching expertise includes aspects of
biophysics; they may serve as advisers for MSc and PhD students in biophysics. Please consult the Biophysics
listing for a detailed description of the graduate programs offered by the Biophysics Interdepartmental Group.
Toxicology MSc/PhD Collaborative Program
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry participates in
the MSc/PhD program in toxicology. Professors Brauer, Bunce and Josephy are members of the Toxicology
Interdepartmental Group. These faculty members' research and teaching expertise includes aspects of
toxicology; they may serve as advisers for MSc and PhD students. Please consult the Toxicology listing for a
detailed description of the MSc/PhD collaborative program. Students choosing this option must meet the
requirements of the toxicology collaborative program, as well as those of (GWC)2 for their particular degree
program. Three toxicology courses must be completed including Advanced Topics in Toxicology, TOX*6200,
and a research project must be conducted with a participating faculty member at the University of Guelph.
Except where specified, courses in the following list may be offered in any semester subject to student demand
and the availability of an instructor.
All courses are given an nine character code with the fifth having the
following significance: 1 (inorganic), 2 (analytical), 3 (biochemistry), 4 (theoretical), 5 (physical), 6 (organic),
and 7 (polymer).
Course/(Credit Value) |
Term |
Course Description |
Inorganic |
CHEM*7100-CHEM*7110 Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (0.5) | | Discussion
of specialized topics related to the research interests of members of the centre. Special topics could include,
for example: bioinorganic chemistry; inorganic reaction mechanisms; synthetic methods in inorganic and
organometallic chemistry; homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis; chemistry of polynuclear compounds. |
CHEM*7120 X-ray Crystallography (0.5) | | Introduction: crystals, basic concepts; space groups: the reciprocal
lattice; x-ray diffraction; the phase problem; structure factors; electron density; small molecule structure
solution, structure refinement, structure results, journals and databases, paper writing. |
CHEM*7130 Chemistry of Inorganic Solid State Materials (0.5) | | Introduction to solid state chemistry, common crystal structures,
principles of solid state synthesis, theory and experimental methods for characterizing solids, including thermal
analysis techniques, powder x-ray and neutron diffraction methods; special topics to include one or more of the
optical, electronic, magnetic, or conductive properties of inorganic materials. Prerequisites: one semester-long
undergraduate course (at least third-year level) in inorganic chemistry, preferably with content in structural
and/or solid state. |
CHEM*7150 Structure and Bonding in Inorganic Chemistry (0.5) | | Free electron, Hueckel and
extended Hueckel methods for molecules and clusters. Perturbation theory. Applications of group theory in
inorganic chemistry; Jahn-Teller effects in molecules and solids. Energy bands in one, two and three
dimensions. Prerequisites: three semester-long undergraduate courses in inorganic chemistry and one
semester-long undergraduate course in quantum mechanics or group theory. |
CHEM*7170 Advanced Transition
Metal Chemistry (0.5) | | Magnetochemistry of transition metal compounds. Electronic spectra of complex ions
including applications of molecular orbital and ligand field theories. Stabilization of unusual oxidation states
and co-ordination numbers. Bonding, structure and reactivity of certain important classes of metal complexes,
e.g., metal hybrides, metal-metal bonded species, biologically significant model systems such as macrocycles. |
CHEM*7180 Advanced Organometallic Chemistry (0.5) | | Reactions, structure and bonding of organometallic
compounds of transition and non-transition metals. |
Analytical |
CHEM*7200 - CHEM*7230 Selected Topics in
Analytical Chemistry (0.5) | | Special topics could include, for example: trace analysis using modern instrumental
and spectroscopic methods; advanced mass spectrometry (instrumentation and interpretation of spectra);
analytical aspects of gas and liquid chromatography. |
CHEM*7240 Chemical Instrumentation (0.5) | | Instrumental
components and optimum application; rudiments of design; electrical, spectral, migrational and other methods. |
CHEM*7260 Topics in Analytical Spectroscopy (0.5) | | Atomic emission and absorption spectroscopy; methods
of excitation and detection; quantitative applications. Molecular electronic spectroscopy, UV, visible and
Raman; instrumental characteristics; applications to quantitative determinations, speciation, measurements of
equilibrium, etc. Sources and control of errors and interferences. Determination and description of colour. |
CHEM*7270 Separations (0.5) | | Material to be covered is drawn from the following topics: diffusion; isolation of
organic material from the matrix; chromatographic techniques - principles of chromatographic separation, gas
(GLC, GSC), liquid (LLC, LSC, GPC, IEC), supercritical fluid (SFC) chromatographies; GC-MS, CG-FTIR;
electrophoresis, flow field fractionation. Prerequisites: undergraduate level course in instrumental analysis. |
CHEM*7280 Electroanalytical Chemistry (0.5) | | A study of electroanalytical techniques and their role in modern
analytical chemistry. The underlying principles are developed. Techniques include chronamperometry,
chronocoulometry, polarography, voltammetry, chronopotentiometry, coulometric titrations, flow techniques,
electrochemical sensors and chemically modified electrodes. |
CHEM*7290 Surface Analysis (0.5) | | Modern
surface analysis: description and importance of surfaces. Surface area determinations. High surface area solids,
supports. Scanning electron microscopy: principles and applications. Auger electron spectroscopy. Applications
in metallurgy and materials science. Depth profiling. ESCA: elemental compositions and studies of catalyst
surfaces. SIMS. Infrared spectroscopy. Studies of supported metal and metal oxides. Acid surface sites and their
role in catalysis. Scanning tunnelling microscopy; theory and applications. Single crystal surfaces. LEED. Studies of chemisorption. |
Biochemistry |
CHEM*7310 - CHEM*7330 Selected Topics in Biochemistry (0.5)
| | Discussion of specialized topics related to the research interests of members of the centre: for example, recent
offerings have included peptide and protein chemistry, biochemical toxicology, medical aspects of
biochemistry, glycolipids and glycoproteins, redox enzymes, biological applications of magnetic resonance, etc. |
CHEM*7300 Proteins and Nucleic Acids (0.5) | | Determination of protein sequence and 3-dimensional
structure, protein anatomy; prediction of protein structure; intermolecular interactions and protein-protein
association; effects of mutation. Nucleic acid structure and anatomy; DNA and chromatin structure; RNA
structure; snRNPs and ribozymes; protein-nucleic acid interactions. |
CHEM*7360 Regulation in Biological
Systems (0.5) | | Mechanisms of regulation of metabolism - enzyme clusters; phosphorylation and protein
kinases/phosphatases, repression and induction, protein turnover. Regulation of transcription, translation and
mRNA processing. Cell cycle and control of cell division. |
CHEM*7370 Enzymes (0.5) | | Mechanisms of rate
enhancement. Enzyme kinetics - steady state; inhibitors; bisubstrate enzymes; fast reaction kinetics. Enzyme
reaction mechanisms. Structural and genetic modification of enzymes. Catalytic antibodies. Binding processes.
Multiple sites and co-operativity. Allosteric enzymes and metabolic control. Catalysis by RNA. |
Cell Membranes and Cell Surfaces (0.5) | | Membrane proteins and lipids - structure and function; dynamics;
techniques for their study; model membrane systems. Membrane transport. The cytoskeleton. Membrane
protein biogenesis, sorting and targeting. Signal transduction across membranes. The cell surface in immune responses. |
Physical/Theoretical |
CHEM*7400 - CHEM*7430 Selected Topics in Theoretical Chemistry (0.5) | |
Discussion of specialized topics related to the research interests of the members of the centre. Special topics
could include for example: theory of intermolecular forces; density matrices; configuration interaction;
correlation energies of open and closed shell systems; kinetic theory and gas transport properties; theory of the chemical bond. |
CHEM*7500 - CHEM*7530 Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry (0.5) | | Discussion of
specialized topics related to the research interests of the members of the centre. Special topics could include
for example: principles of magnetic resonance in biological systems; collisions, spectroscopy and
intermolecular forces, surface chemistry; catalysis; electrolyte theory; non-electrolyte solution theory,
thermodynamics of biological systems; thermodynamics. |
CHEM*7450 Statistical Mechanics (0.5) | | Review of
classical and quantum mechanics; principles of statistical mechanics; applications to systems of interacting
molecules; imperfect gases, liquids, solids, surfaces and solutions. |
CHEM*7460 Quantum Chemistry (0.5) | |
Approximate solutions of the Schrodinger equation and calculations of atomic and molecular properties. |
CHEM*7550 Kinetics - Dynamics (0.5) | | Empirical analysis. Kinetic theory of gases. Potential energy surfaces.
Unimolecular rates. Relaxation and steady state methods. Diffusion rates. Rates between polar molecules. Energy transfer. |
CHEM*7560 Spectroscopy (0.5) | | Aspects of electronic vibrational and rotational spectroscopy
of atoms, molecules, and the solid state. Relevant aspects of quantum mechanics, Dirac notation, and angular
momentum will be discussed. Group Theory will be presented and its implications for spectroscopy introduced.
Prerequisites: one semester-long undergraduate course in quantum mechanics or the approval of the instructor. |
Organic |
CHEM*7600 - CHEM*7630 Selected Topics in Organic Chemistry (0.5) | | Two or three topics from a
range including: bio-organic chemistry; environmental organic chemistry; free radicals; heterocyclic molecules;
molecular rearrangements; organometallic chemistry; photochemistry; natural products. |
CHEM*7640 Synthetic
Organic Reactions (0.5) | | Named organic reactions and other synthetically useful reactions are discussed. The
mechanism, stereochemical implications and use in organic synthesis of these reactions will be presented.
Examples from the organic literature will be used to illustrate these aspects. |
CHEM*7650 Strategies in Organic
Synthesis (0.5) | | The synthesis of organic compounds is discussed and emphasis is placed on the design of
synthetic routes. Examples drawn from the literature are used to illustrate this synthetic planning. Prerequisite: CHEM*7640. |
CHEM*7660 Organic Spectroscopy (0.5) | | Ultraviolet, infrared, resonance spectroscopy and mass
spectrometry, with emphasis on applications to studies of organic molecules. |
CHEM*7690 Physical Organic
Chemistry (0.5) | | Linear free energy relationships; substituent effects and reactive intermediates. |
Polymer |
CHEM*7700 Principles of Polymer Science (0.5) | | Introduction to the physical chemistry of high polymers,
principles of polymer synthesis, mechanisms and kinetics of polymerization reactions, copolymerization
theory, polymerization in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems, chemical reactions of polymers. Theory
and experimental methods for the molecular characterization of polymers. |
CHEM*7710 Physical Properties of
Polymers (0.5) | | The physical properties of polymers are considered in depth from a molecular viewpoint.
Rubber elasticity, mechanical properties, rheology and solution behaviour are quantitatively treated. Prerequisite: CHEM*7700 or equivalent. |
CHEM*7720 Polymerization and Polymer Reactions (0.5) | | The
reactions leading to the production of polymers are considered with emphasis on emulsion and suspension
polymerization and polymerization reaction engineering. Polymer degradation, stabilization and modification
reactions are also considered in depth. Prerequisite: CHEM*7700 or equivalent. |
CHEM*7730 - CHEM*7820
Selected Topics in Polymer Chemistry (0.5) | | Discussion of specialized topics of polymer chemistry related to
the research interests of the faculty or prominent scientific visitors. Special topics could include, for example:
polymer stabilization and degradation; mechanical properties; polymer principles in surface coatings; organic
chemistry of synthetic high polymers; estimation of polymer properties; reactions of polymers; polymerization kinetics. |
Research |
CHEM*7940 MSc Seminar (0.5) | | A written literature review and research proposal on the
research topic will be presented and defended in a 30-minute public seminar. This requirement is to be
completed by all thesis-option MSc students within two semesters of entering the program. |
CHEM*7950 PhD
Seminar (0.0) | | Public seminar given by all PhD regular students within four semesters of entering program. For
co-op PhD students, this seminar is to be presented within four semesters of their return from the work year. |
CHEM*7960 Comprehensive Examination (0.0) | | PhD students are required to take an oral examination in their
major field. The specific content and format are specified by a centre examining committee. The examination
must be first attempted no later than eight months after entering the regular PhD program. For co-op PhD
students, the examination must be first attempted no later than four months after their return from the work year. |
CHEM*7970 Research Project (MSc) (0.5) | | An experimental project normally based on the CHEM*7940
research proposal, supervised by the advisor, taking three to four months to complete. This project may be
completed at any time during the student's program, but it must follow CHEM*7940. A written report is
required, and a seminar based on the content of the report will be presented. The report must be completed as
per the project/thesis guidelines of the University campus on which the student is registered. This course
normally will follow the course CHEM*7940 MSc Seminar. |
CHEM*7980 MSc Thesis (0.0) | | |
CHEM*7990 PhD Thesis (0.0) | | |
The Office of Graduate Studies has attempted to ensure the accuracy of this
on-line Graduate Calendar. However, the publication of information in this document does not
bind the university to the provision of courses, programs, schedules of studies, fees, or facilities as
listed herein. Other limitations apply.