Human Biology And Nutritional Sciences
MSc Program
PhD Program
Interdepartmental Programs
Chair Jack K. Barclay (354 Animal Science/Nutrition Bldg., Ext. 6168) (E-mail:jackbarc@uoguelph.ca)
Graduate co-ordinator James B. Kirkland (330 Animal Science/Nutrition Bldg., Ext. 3028) (E-mail: jkirklan@uoguelph.ca)
Graduate secretary Andra Williams (353 Animal Science/Nutrition Bldg., Ext. 6356)
Graduate Faculty
Marica Bakovic BSc, MSc Belgrade, PhD Alberta - Assistant Professor
Jack K. Barclay BA Western Ontario, MS, PhD Michigan - Professor
Henry S. Bayley BSc Reading, PhD Nottingham - Professor
William J. Bettger BS, PhD Missouri - Associate Professor
Stan R. Blecher MD Witwatersrand, FCCMG - Professor
Jack P. Callaghan BPHE Ottawa, MSC, PhD Waterloo - Assistant Professor
James P. Dickey BSc, MSc Waterloo, PhD Queen's - Assistant Professor
Harold H. Draper BSA Manitoba, MSc Alberta, PhD Illinois - Professor Emeritus
David J. Dyck BSc, MSc, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Terry E. Graham BA & BPHE, MSc, PhD Queen's - Professor
Bruce J. Holub BSA, MSc, PhD Toronto - Professor
James B. Kirkland BSc, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Michael I. Lindinger BSc Victoria, MSc, PhD McMaster - Assistant Professor
Kelly A. Meckling-Gill BSc Calgary, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Coral L. Murrant BSc, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Lawrence L. Spriet BSc Waterloo, MSc York, PhD McMaster - Associate Professor
Brian A. Wilson BA & BPHE Queen's, MPE Windsor, EdD Tennessee - Assistant Professor
William D.H. Woodward BSc, MSc British Columbia, PhD Sheffield - Associate Professor
Associated Graduate Faculty
Stephanie A. Atkinson BA Western Ontario, PhD Toronto - McMaster University
Arend Bonen BA Western Ontario, MSc, PhD Illinois - University of Waterloo
Mark Tarnopolsky BPE, MD, PhD McMaster, FRCPC - McMaster University
Special Graduate Faculty
David Rosebush BSc Waterloo, DC Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College - Chiropractor, Health and Performance Centre, University of Guelph
     The Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences offers programs of study leading to both an MSc by thesis and an MSc by course work and project. Doctoral programs leading to the PhD degree are available in three areas of emphasis: biodynamics; nutrition exercise and metabolism; and nutritional and nutraceutical sciences.
Admission Requirements
     Admission to all graduate programs in the Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences will normally be granted in September. Completed applications should arrive in the department by April 1 of the year in which the student wishes to begin study. Applications from international students, especially those applying for financial support, should arrive by December 1 of the year before the expected date of admission.
MSc Program
     To be considered, applicants must meet the requirements of a four-year honours science degree with a minimum 75% average during the final two years or 4 semesters of undergraduate study. Applicants should have completed a course in statistics. Applicants are urged to identify and contact a faculty member who is willing to serve as their advisor.
Degree Requirements
MSc by Thesis
     Students must complete and defend an acceptable thesis which comprises a scientifically defensible account of the student's research on a particular, well-defined research problem or hypothesis. Such research should begin with the practical expectation that it could be completed and the thesis defended in not more than 5 semesters. Paramount to the notion of acceptability of the thesis is its quality with respect to problem identification, the approach used to address the problem, and the evaluation of the results.
     In addition they must successfully complete courses totalling not fewer than 1.5 graduate credits. The graduate credits of course work will consist of:
a) at least one of:
   HBNS*6020 Biodynamics [0.5]
   HBNS*6700 Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism [0.5]
   HBNS*6040 Research Fronts in Nutritional and Nutraceutical Sciences [0.5]
b) at least 1.0 credits of electives as determined with the Advisory Committee
MSc by Course Work and Project
     Students must complete at least 4.0 graduate credits as follows:
   a) HBNS*6320 Advances in Nutritional Research [0.5]
   b) HBNS*6900 Research Project [1.0]
   c) at least one of:
     HBNS*6020 Biodynamics [0.5]
     HBNS*6700 Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism [0.5]
     HBNS*6040 Research Fronts in Nutritional and Nutraceutical Sciences [0.5]
   d) at least 2.0 graduate credits of electives.
PhD Program
     Applicants must have a recognized master's degree in a related field obtained with a minimum academic standing of 80% in their postgraduate studies, and the endorsement of a potential thesis advisor. Applicants should have completed a course in statistics. Under exceptional circumstances admission directly to a PhD program with an appropriate honours degree alone, or transfer from MSc to PhD program without completing the Msc thesis requirements, is also possible.
Degree Requirements
     The major part of a student's time will be devoted to research in fulfilment of the dissertation requirement. Course work would be established through discussion with the student's Advisory Committee.
     PhD students will become candidates for the PhD degree upon completion of a qualifying examination, which must be conducted not later than the fifth semester of the PhD program. The examination will be primarily research focussed.
Thesis Requirements
     Submission and defence of an acceptable dissertation complete the requirements for a PhD. An acceptable dissertation comprises a report of the candidate's research on a particular and well-defined research problem or hypothesis. It should represent a significant contribution to knowledge in that field. Emphasis is placed on the quality of the work judged by the expression of mature scholarship and critical judgment in the dissertation. Dissertation approval implies that it could be published in reputable, refereed journals in its field.
Interdepartmental Programs
Toxicology MSc/PhD Collaborative Program
     The Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences participates in the MSc/PhD program in Toxicology. Professor Kirkland is a member of the Toxicology Interdepartmental Group. This faculty member's research and teaching expertise includes aspects of toxicology; he may serve as advisors for MSc and PhD students. Please consult the Toxicology listing for a detailed description of the MSc/PhD collaborative program.
Biophysics Interdepartmental Group (BIG)
     Several faculty members in the Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences are members of the Biophysics Interdepartmental Group, which offers MSc and PhD programs in biophysics. Students admitted to and enrolled in the biophysics program and advised by a member of the graduate faculty in the Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences will be accommodated in the facilities of the department but are subject to the regulations of the biophysics program. Members of the graduate faculty in the Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences who are members of the Biophysics Interdepartmental Group are permitted to advise MSc and PhD students in biophysics. These faculty members include J.P. Callaghan, J.P. Dickey, T.E. Graham, M. Lindinger and L.L. Spriet. Please consult the Biophysics listing for a detailed description of the graduate programs offered by the Biophysics Interdepartmental Group.
Course/(Credit Value) |
Term |
Course Description |
HBNS*6010 Biological Concepts in Health and Disease (0.5) | |
This course is designed to integrate the scientific areas of nutritional and nutraceutical
sciences, biodynamics, and nutrition, exercise and metabolism around specific problems relating
to human health. The course utilizes a problem-based learning format. |
HBNS*6020 Biodynamics (0.5) | F |
This course considers the integrated activities of the human organism, spanning from the cellular level to the whole body. The purpose is to further develop concepts that comprise a foundation for understanding neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems. |
HBNS*6030 Applied Ergonomics (0.5) | |
Reviews selected topics in ergonomics from a multidisciplinary perspective with special
reference to understanding the scientific basis of associated data gathering techniques and to practicing the necessary skills. This course is also a graduate course offering in the Department of Psychology. |
HBNS*6040 Research Fronts in Nutritional and Nutraceutical Sciences (0.5) | F |
Building on an information base in nutrition, biochemistry and physiology, the course comprises selected research topics pertaining to the importance of nutrition as a determinant of health throughout the life span. Distinction will be drawn between the metabolic basis of nutrient essentiality and the health protectant effects of nutraceuticals. |
HBNS*6130 Advanced Skeletal Muscle Metabolism in Humans (0.5) | W |
This course examines how the energy provision pathways in human skeletal muscle and associated organs meet the energy demands of the muscle cell during a variety of metabolically demanding situations. |
HBNS*6320 Advances in Nutritional Research (0.5) | F |
This course provides the student with an opportunity to study a topic of choice and involves literature research on a chosen topic. The course may stand alone (MSc thesis and PhD students) or provide the background information for an experimental approach to the topic (MSc coursework and project students). |
HBNS*6400 Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals (0.5) | F |
This course considers the relation of neutraceuticals, functional foods, designer foods, medical foods and food additives to foods and drugs. The course emphasizes the development and commercialization of nutraceuticals. |
HBNS*6410 Applied Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals (1.0) | W |
This course prepares students to develop an innovative product or service from conceptualization to market entry considering regulatory, product development, safety/efficacy and market readiness issues. The course applies and integrates the concepts defined in Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals (HBNS*6400). |
HBNS*6440 Nutrition, Gene Expression and Cell Signalling (0.5) offered odd-numbered years | W |
This course emphasizes the role nutrients play as modulators of gene expression at the molecular level. The mechanisms by which nutrients modulate gene expression through specific cell signalling cascades are examined. |
HBNS*6700 Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism (0.5) | F |
A discussion of recent concepts in the relationships among nutrition, exercise and metabolism. Information from the molecular to the whole-animal level will be presented with a focus on understanding nutrition and exercise in the human. Emphasis is placed on the development and testing of experimental hypotheses in these areas of research. |
HBNS*6710 Advanced Topics in Nutrition and Exercise (0.5) | W |
Advanced topics will be presented to establish an in-depth understanding of current
investigations in nutrition and exercise. Based on the integrated understanding of nutrition and exercise developed in 7106700, the focus of this course will be to develop the student's ability to independently analyze original research investigations. |
HBNS*6900 Research Project (1.0) | S |
A one-semester research project in nutritional sciences which is based upon either a state-
of-the-art critical review of literature of a quality which could be submitted for publication or a laboratory-based research project, culminating in a written report. |
Applied Human Nutrition |
Programs of study leading to the MSc and PhD degree are available through the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition. |
Animal Nutrition |
Programs of study leading to the MSc and PhD degree in animal nutrition are available in the
Department of Animal and Poultry Science. |
The Office of Graduate Studies has attempted to ensure the accuracy of this
on-line Graduate Calendar. However, the publication of information in this document does not
bind the university to the provision of courses, programs, schedules of studies, fees, or facilities as
listed herein. Other limitations apply.