Population Medicine
MSc Program
Phd Program
DVSc Program
Interdepartmental Programs
Chair Carl Ribble (2509 OVC, Ext. 4746) (E-mail: cribble@uoguelph.ca)
Graduate co-ordinator Scott McEwen (CR207B OVC, Ext.4751) (E-mail: smcewen@uoguelph.ca)
Graduate secretary Mary Elliott (2509 OVC, Ext. 4780)
Graduate Faculty
Cindy L. Adams BSW Western Ontario & Calgary, MSW Calgary, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Kenneth G. Bateman DVM, MSc Guelph - Associate Professor
Brenda Bonnett BSc, DVM, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Brian C. Buckrell DVM, MSc Guelph, Dip ACT - Associate Professor
Catherine E. Dewey DVM, MSc, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Todd F. Duffield DVM, DVSc, Guelph - Assistant Professor
Robert M. Friendship DVM, MSc Guelph - Professor
Walter H. Johnson DVM, MVSC Saskatchewan, Dip ACT - Professor
David Kelton DVM, MSc, PhD Guelph, Dip ABVP - Assistant Professor
Kenneth E. Leslie DVM, MSc Guelph - Professor
Kerry Lissemore BSc Toronto, DVM, DVSc Guelph - Associate Professor
S. Wayne Martin DVM, MSc Guelph, MPVM, PhD California - Professor
John J. McDermott DVM Guelph, MPVM California, PhD Guelph - Professor
Scott A. McEwen DVM, DVSc Guelph, Dip. ACVP - Professor
Alan H. Meek DVM, MSc Guelph, PhD Melbourne - Professor
Paula I. Menzies DVM Guelph, MPVM California - Associate Professor
Peter W. Physick-Sheard BVSc Bristol, Dip Vet Surg, MSc Guelph, FRCVS (UK) - Associate Professor
Carl Ribble BSc (Br. Col.), DVM, MSc (Saskatchewan), PhD (Guelph) - Professor and Chair
David Sandals DVM, MSc Guelph - Associate Professor
Mohamed M. Shoukri MSc Egypt, MSc, PhD Calgary - Professor
Margaret Thorburn BSc Stanford, DVM, MPVM, PhD California - Associate Professor
David Waltner-Toews BA Goshen College (Indiana), DVM Saskatchewan, PhD Guelph - Professor
Jeffrey B. Wilson DVM, DVSc, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Associated Graduate Faculty
Abernathy T.J. BS Oregon, MSc Southern Oregon College, PhD Georgia - Associate Professor, Dept. of Preventative Medicine & Biostatistics, Faculty of Medicine, Univ. of Toronto
David M. Alves DVM, PhD Guelph - Epidemiolgist for Health & Nutrition - Livestock Technology, OMAFRA
Cathy Gartley BSc New Brunswick, DVM, DVSc Guelph, Dip ACT - Staff Veterinarian Research Associate
Ann M. Godkin BSc DVM, DVSc Guelph - Veterinarian - Health Management, OMAFRA
Charles L. Guard BS Case Inst. of Technology, PhD Case-Western Reserve, DVM Cornell - Head of Ambulatory Clinic, New York State College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell Univ. Ithaca, New York
Greg Keefe DVM Guelph, MSc Atlantic Veterinary College - Assistant Professor, Department of Health Management, Prince Edward Island
Michael L. Kent BS Humboldt State (Arcata, California), MS, PhD California - Head & Research Scientist, Fish Health, Parasitology & Genetics Section, Aquaculture Division, Department of Fisheries & Oceans, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia
Barbara E. Leslie DVM, MSc Guelph - College of Veterinarians of Ontario
W. Bruce McNab DVM, PhD Guelph - Adjunct Professor, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Claire Plante DVM, MSc Montreal, PhD Florida, Dip ACT - Assistant Professor
John Pollard BSc, MVSc Iowa, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Pam T. Reid BA, MS Alberta, PhD Toronto - Assistant Professor
Ynte H. Schukken DVM Utrecht, MSc Cornell, PhD Utrecht - Director, Quality Milk Promotion Services, Associate Professor of Epidemiology & Herd Health, Dept. of Population Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Craig Stephen DVM, PhD Saskatchewan - Director, Centre for Coastal Health, Malaspina University College, Nanaimo, British Columbia
Special Graduate Faculty
Neil Anderson MSc, DVM Guelph - Manager, Health Programs, & Cattle Health Consultant, OMAFRA, Fergus
John Carr BVSc, PhD Liverpool - Director in Salus QP, Laboratory Services, Beeford, United Kingdom
Richard J. Harland DVM, MVSc Saskatchewan - Manager, Clinical Affairs & Technical Services, BIOSTAR Inc., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Rebecca Irwin BSc, DVM, MSc Guelph - Food Program Coordinator, Antimicrobial Resistance Project Food Directorate, Health Canada, Guelph
Gaylan Josephson DVM Guelph - Swine Health Advisor, Animal Health Laboratory, Univ. of Guelph
Pascal Michel DVM Montreal, MPVM California, PhD Guelph - Epidemiologist, Guelph Laboratory, Health Canada, Guelph
Victor R. Neufeld BA Saskatchewan, MD - Physician, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University
Richard J. Reid-Smith BSc Western Ontario, DVM, DVSc Guelph - Health Canada
Nonie Smart BSc, DVM, MSc Guelph, PhD Ottawa
Sophie St-Hilaire DVM Prince Edward Island, MSc Saskatchewan, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
The Department of Population Medicine is an international leader in promoting the optimal health and productivity of animal populations, ensuring the safety of foods of animal origin and preventing animal-related disease in humans.
Our research mission is to discover and disseminate knowledge regarding the management of health and productivity of animal populations, and the interrelationships of animals with humans and the environment. In support of this mission we rely principally on our expertise in field-based quantitative observational studies and clinical trials.
Our teaching/learning mission is to guide students as they obtain an essential knowledge base and develop the necessary communicative, quantitative and problem-solving skills to integrate and apply this knowledge; and to instill the appropriate attitudes and abilities required for life-long learning.
The department offers programs leading to MSc, PhD and DVSc degrees.
MSc Program
The department offers research-based MSc programs in epidemiology, theriogenology, health management and a course work-based MSc program in epidemiology. The course work MSc program is intended for veterinarians who seek training in applied veterinary epidemiology.
Admission Requirements
When reviewing transcripts, the department focuses on the applicant's performance in undergraduate- and graduate-level courses relevant to the applicant's proposed area of specialization. Students admitted must have an honours or DVM degree (or its equivalent). In addition, the department considers the applicant's special circumstances and the referees' comments. Since the core of the course work MSc program builds on analytic skills, students entering the program should possess knowledge of basic statistical methods and their application.
Degree Requirements
The prescribed studies for all our research-based MSc are a minimum of four courses (at least 2.0 course credits) appropriate to the discipline. Epidemiology I (POPM*6200) is a required course. A minimum of 'B-' average is required in the prescribed studies. The department seminar course, POPM*6100, is also required but
does not count as one of the four courses. A thesis must be completed and successfully defended.
For the MSc in Epidemiology by course work and project, no fewer than eight courses (at least 4.0 course credits) will be taken. These must be approved by the departmental graduate studies committee and the dean of Graduate Studies. Each student in the program will take six
prescribed courses (including the Project in Epidemiology course, POPM*6250, which is equivalent to two courses), and at least two additional courses. The department seminar course, POPM*6100, is also required but does not count as one of the eight courses. Normally, the
prescribed courses for the MSc in Epidemiology by coursework will include:
Prescribed Courses:
POPM*6200 Epidemiology I (F)
POPM*6290 Statistics in the Health Sciences (W)
POPM*6210 Epidemiology II (W)
POPM*6250 Project in Epidemiology (F, W, S)
STAT*6950 Statistical Methods for the Life Sciences (W)
Additional Courses: The courses selected in this category will depend upon the student's background, specialty, interest and area of research.
Examples of courses suitable for inclusion in the student's program include:
STAT*3240 Applied Regression Analysis (F) (or equivalent)
STAT*3510 Environmental Risk Assessment (W)
POPM*6300 Epidemiology of Zoonoses (W)
POPM*6350 Safety of Foods of Animal Origin
POPM*6700 Swine Health Management (W - alternate years)
POPM*6400 Dairy Health Management (S - alternate years)
POPM*6950 Statistical Methods for the Life Sciences (W)
COST*6050 Research in Consumer Studies (F)
STAT*6960 Design of Experiments and Data Analysis for the Life Sciences (W)
RPD*6030 International Rural Development Planning Principles and Practices (F)
RPD*6070 Project Development: Principles, Procedures and Selected Methods
Additional courses other than those listed above may be deemed suitable for the student's program by the Departmental Graduate Coordinator after recommendations are received from the Advisory Committee.
At least three semesters of full-time study will be required for completion of the coursework MSc program; two of these semesters must be at the University of Guelph.
PhD Program
Admission Requirements
A PhD program is available in epidemiology. Admission into this program is usually granted to holders of an MSc degree who have demonstrated superior performance, or to MSc students who have not completed their thesis but have performed exceptionally well in courses, shown exceptional aptitude and skill in research, and whose thesis research is suitable for expansion to the doctoral level. For direct transfer, a thesis proposal and strongly supportive letters of reference are required. Infrequently, well qualified DVM or honours degree holders may be accepted directly into the PhD program.
All applicants should submit a one-page statement of research interests and career goals to
assist in the identification of a faculty adviser who has the funding necessary to support the thesis research.
Students may be admitted into the fall, winter or spring semesters.
Degree Requirements
The major emphasis in the PhD program is on the preparation of an acceptable thesis. There are no specific course requirements other than the Seminar, POPM*6100, which must be completed twice. However, it is usual for students, in consultation with their advisory committee, to select a suitable program of prescribed studies and additional courses. Course selection takes into account the student's background, research area, career aspirations, and need to prepare for the qualifying examination.
Courses should normally be completed before the qualifying exam is attempted. The written component of the examination is followed by an oral component (two to four hours), usually one week later. If the written component of the examination is successfully completed, it is normally followed by the oral (two to four hours) examination one week later. MSc holders must complete the qualifying examination by the end of the fifth semester. Students transferring from the MSc program and those who enter the program directly after their honours or DVM degrees (or their equivalents) must complete the examination by the end of the seventh semester. In addition, the advisory committee is required to confirm that the student has demonstrated ability and promise in research. The PhD program is completed by the successful defence of a thesis.
DVSc Program
The Department of Population Medicine participates in the DVSc program. Recognized areas of specializations include theriogenology, ruminant-health management, health management and clinical epidemiology. Admission and degree requirements are outlined in the Policies and Procedures Manual for the DVSc Program. Interested individuals can obtain such information by writing directly to the assistant dean, research and graduate studies, of the Ontario Veterinary College.
Interdepartmental Programs
MSc (Aquaculture) Interdepartmental Program
The Department of Population Medicine participates in the master of science in aquaculture program. Those faculty members whose research and teaching expertise includes aspects of aquaculture may serve as advisers for MSc (Aquaculture) students. Please consult the Aquaculture listing for a detailed description of the MSc (Aquaculture) interdepartmental program.
Food Safety and Quality Assurance MSc Collaborative Program
The Department of Population Medicine participates in the MSc program in food safety and quality assurance. Those faculty members whose research and teaching expertise includes aspects of food safety and quality assurance may serve as advisers for MSc students. Please consult the Food Safety and Quality Assurance listing for a detailed description of the MSc collaborative program.
International Studies Collaborative MSc Program
The Department of Population Medicine participates in the International Development Studies MSc program. Those faculty members whose research and teaching expertise includes aspects of international studies may serve as advisers for MSc in International Development Studies students. Please consult the International Development Studies listing for a detailed description of the interdepartmental program.
*Given in alternate years.
Course/(Credit Value) |
Term |
Course Description |
Epidemiology |
POPM*6200 Epidemiology I (0.5) | F |
This course covers concepts, principles and methods of basic and applied epidemiology, including the following topics: sampling, measuring disease frequency, clinical epidemiology, causal reasoning and design, interpretation and critical appraisal of surveys, observational studies and field trials. |
POPM*6210 Epidemiology II (0.5) | W |
Advanced study design and analytic methods for the analysis of data from observational studies and surveys. |
POPM*6220 Analytical Epidemiology (0.5) | |
This course focuses on the advanced analysis of epidemiologic studies. Case control, cohort and survival studies are analysed within the generalized linear-model framework. Links between
study objectives, study design and data analysis will be emphasized throughout. Special problems, such as the analysis of correlated data arising from cluster sampling of individuals, are discussed. Prerequisites: POPM*6210 and POPM*6290. |
POPM*6250 Project in Epidemiology (1.0) | S |
Collection and analysis of field data and the preparation of a written report suitable for publication, and oral presentation of the findings to the graduate faculty. This course is part of the MSc program by coursework in epidemiology. |
POPM*6290 Statistics in the Health Sciences (0.5) | W |
The analysis of data in which the dependent variable (outcome) cannot be assumed to be normally distributed. Unifactor and multifactor qualitative data analysis, logistic regression, survival
analysis and ranking procedures are among topics covered. Application rather than theory is emphasized. |
POPM*6300 Epidemiology of Zoonoses (0.5) | W |
Characterization and distribution of diseases common to man and animals. |
Swine Health Management |
POPM*6700 Swine Health Management (0.5) | * |
Diseases of swine are studied with particular emphasis on preventive medicine and herd-health management. |
Theriogenology |
POPM*6610 Theriogenology of Cattle (0.5) | * |
A lecture/seminar course emphasizing the relationship of nutritional, genetic, endocrine, anatomic, and environmental factors with the reproductive health of cattle. Application of reproductive technologies will also be covered. |
POPM*6630 Theriogenology of Horses (0.5) | * |
A lecture/seminar course covering the genetic, endocrine, anatomic and environmental factors that affect reproductive performance and health of horses. Breeding management, including recent technologies, and management of the infertile animal will be included. |
POPM*6650 Theriogenology of Dogs and Cats (0.5) | * |
A seminar/lecture series that includes the theory and management of clinical reproduction for the dog and cat, including use of developing technologies. |
POPM*6670 Theriogenology of Small Ruminants (0.5) | * |
A seminar/laboratory course emphasizing advanced reproductive management of sheep, goats and farmed deer/elk, with the emphasis on a sheep production model. New reproductive technologies will be included. |
Veterinary Medicine |
POPM*6400 Dairy Health Management (0.5) | S* |
This course stresses a population-based, herd-level approach to dairy herd health management, in which optimizing the efficiency of the dairy enterprise is the overall goal. The biological and
economic impacts of disease and management deficiencies on herd performance will be discussed as they relate to design and implementation of herd health programs. The course will emphasize the critical role of record keeping, data analysis and monitoring on program success. |
Veterinary Public Health/Food Safety |
POPM*6350 Safety of Foods of Animal Origin (0.5) | F |
The detection, epidemiology, human health risk, and control of hazards in food of animal origin. |
Other |
POPM*6100 Seminar (0.0) | F |
A practical course that utilizes tutorials and workshops to help participants develop effective presentation skills. Each student presents at least one seminar on an approved subject during the
departmental seminar series. |
POPM*6950 Directed Studies in Population Medicine (0.5) | |
Assigned reading and/or special projects selected to provide in-depth study of topics appropriate to the specialized interests of individual students. |
The Office of Graduate Studies has attempted to ensure the accuracy of this
on-line Graduate Calendar. However, the publication of information in this document does not
bind the university to the provision of courses, programs, schedules of studies, fees, or facilities as
listed herein. Other limitations apply.