MA Program
Phd Program
Acting Chair Harvey H.C. Marmurek (526 MacKinnon, Ext. 2161) (E-mail: marmurek@psy.uoguelph.ca)
Graduate Coordinator Serge Desmarais (515 MacKinnon, Ext. 4753) (E-mail:desmarais@psy.uoguelph.ca)
Graduate Faculty
Roderick W. Barron BA Occidental, MA, PhD Ohio State - Professor
Joanna B. Boehnert BA Lake Erie, MA Iowa, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Steven F. Cronshaw BA, B.Comm Saskatchewan, MA, PhD Akron - Professor
Hank Davis BA Columbia, MA Boston, PhD Maryland - Professor
Serge Desmarais BA, MA PhD Waterloo - Associate Professor
Brian M. Earn BA Manitoba, MA, PhD Toronto - Professor
Mary Ann Evans BA Toronto, MA, PhD Waterloo - Professor
Gary H. Frankie BA, MA, PhD Wisconsin - Associate Professor
Benjamin H. Gottlieb AB, MSW, PhD Michigan - Professor
Michael P. Grand BA Toronto, PhD SUNY at Stony Brook - Professor
Peter Hausdorf BSc McMaster, MA Guelph, PhD McMaster - Assistant Professor
Thomas F. Herrmann BS State U. of New York, PhD Tennessee - Professor
Mary M. Konstantareas BA, MA, PhD Toronto - Professor
Karen S. Korabik AB, MS, PhD Saint Louis - Professor
Ian R. Lubek BA Toronto, PhD State U. of New York - Professor
Harvey H.C. Marmurek BA Toronto, MA, PhD Ohio State - Professor
Michael L. Matthews BA, PhD Nottingham - Professor
Barbara A. Morrongiello BA Douglass College (Rutgers), MS, PhD Massachusetts - Professor
James L. Mottin BS Kansas State, MA, PhD York - Associate Professor
Michael H. Peters BSc Alberta, MSc Calgary, PhD Western Ontario - Professor
Andrew S. Winston BA Northwestern, MA, PhD Illinois - Professor
Linda A. Wood BA Toronto, MA Michigan, PhD York - Professor
A. Daniel Yarmey BA, MA, PhD Western Ontario - Professor
From the Department of Family Studies:
Leon Kuczynski BSc, MA, PhD Toronto - Professor
Donna Lero BA State U. of New York, MS, PhD Purdue - Associate Professor
Susan P. Lollis BSc, MSc California, PhD Waterloo - Associate Professor
Bruce A. Ryan BA, MEd, PhD Alberta - Professor
Associated Graduate Faculty
John D. Hundleby MA Edinburgh, PhD Pennsylvania State - Professor Emeritus
C. Gail Hepburn BSc Trent, MA, PhD Queen's - Associate Scientist, Workplace Studies, Institute for Work and Health, Toronto
Brenda Kenyon BA Waterloo, MA Guelph, Ph.D Concordia - Director, Centre for Psychological Services
Graduate Practicum Supervisors
Maru Barrera PhD Waterloo - Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto
P. Birch MA Waterloo - Waterloo County Board of Education
Linda Bream PhD Waterloo - Community Mental Health Clinic, Guelph
Mary Sue Crawford - Upper Grand Board of Education, Orangeville
C. Cunningham PhD American University - Chedoke McMaster Hospital, Hamilton
Eileen Gross MSc Adelphi - Centre for Psychological Services, University of Guelph
Brenda Kenyon PhD Concordia - Centre for Psychological Services, University of Guelph
Alexandra Urbanowicz PhD Waterloo - Children's Assessment and Treatment Centre, Burlington
The Department of Psychology offers graduate programs leading to a doctor of philosophy (PhD) in the areas of applied developmental/applied social (AD/AS) and industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology, and a master of arts (MA) in applied developmental, applied social, industrial organization and general experimental psychology. Typically students wishing to enter the PhD program are admitted first to the MA program for predoctoral studies, and are admitted to the doctoral program contingent on performance in the MA program.
MA Program
The MA programs in applied developmental and applied social psychology provide training in both research and professional skills, as well as a firm grounding in theory and research findings in relevant content areas. Students specialize in either applied developmental or applied social psychology to gain a strong background for doctoral studies. These programs also prepare students to work in a variety of settings employing researchers and mental-health professionals.
The MA program in industrial/organizational psychology deals with both theory and practice of I/O
psychology. Students are educated and trained primarily to assume positions in personnel and applied research
positions within Canadian organizations or to seek admission to doctoral programs in I/O psychology. Areas
covered include personnel selection, performance appraisal, work attitudes, organizational development,
personnel training, organizational psychology, and human factors.
The department also offers a terminal MA in general experimental psychology which is structured to the needs of interested students. The major areas of specialization are perception, cognition and biological psychology. Human Factors/Ergonomics is also a specialization of this program. The primary aim of the general experimental program is the development of competence in conducting and evaluating psychological research. Typically, students in the program follow an apprenticeship model and work closely with their advisor in his/her specific research area.
Admission Requirements
Consideration for admission to the MA program will be given to students with an honours BA in psychology or its equivalent and a minimum of a 'B+' standing. Students are normally expected to have taken courses across the breadth of psychology with some courses in the area to which they are applying. A strong
background in methodology and statistics is expected. As well, applicants must have undertaken an honours
thesis or senior research equivalent.
Degree Requirements
Applied Developmental
For students specializing in the applied developmental stream, the degree requirements include satisfactory
completion of the following: Developmental Psychopathology (PSYC*6000), Learning Disorders:Research and Clinical Practice (PSYC*6010), Models of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy (PSYC*6580), Developmental Psychology (PSYC*6630), Cognitive Assessment of Children and Adolescents (PSYC*6690), Personality and Social Assessment of Children and Adolescents (PSYC*6700), Practicum I (PSYC*6471), Ethical Issues in Psychology (PSYC*6880), Research Design and Statistics (PSYC*6060), and a thesis. Completion of this program of study normally takes six full-time semesters.
Applied Social
Students specializing in the applied social stream must successfully complete the following eight courses: Foundations of Applied Social Psychology (PSYC*6640), Applied Social Psychology (PSYC*6830), Social and Community Intervention (PSYC*6590), Program Evaluation (PSYC*6840), Ethical Issues in Psychology (PSYC*6880), Research Design and Statistics (PSYC*6060), Research Methods (PSYC*6670), and one elective course. Students must also complete Practicum I (PSYC*6471), and a thesis. Completion of the program of study normally takes six full-time semesters.
The degree requirements for an MA in the industrial/organizational stream include satisfactory completion of statistics (PSYC*6060 and PSYC*6380), research methods (PSYC*6670), seven content courses, a practicum and a thesis or research project. The duration is normally six semesters.
General Experimental
The degree requirements for the general experimental stream are normally completed in three semesters of full-time study. These requirements include submission of a satisfactory thesis and satisfactory completion of
Research Design and Statistics (PSYC*6060). Three other courses must be completed as following: either Learning and Physiology (PSYC*6800) or Neuropsychology (PSYC*6810); either Perception and Information Processing (PSYC*6780) or Memory and Cognition (PSYC*6790); and, an elective course to be determined in consultation with the student's advisor.
- Biological Psychology: The curriculum for this emphasis stresses mastery of content and research
competency in broadly defined learning and neuropsychological areas.
- Perception and Cognition: The curriculum emphasizes basic and applied research skills in perception,
memory, eyewitness testimony, and psycholinguistics.
- Human Factors/Ergonomics: In addition to satisfying the requirements of the General Experimental program, students must complete Human Factors (PSYC*6870), Applied Ergonomics (HBNS*6030), and a practicum in an organizational/industrial setting that stresses ergonomic principles. Students without an
appropriate background in human factors will be required to take additional undergraduate courses in this
area. This specialization requires five semesters of full-time study.
PhD Program
The Department of Psychology offers a PhD in applied developmental/applied social and in
industrial/organizational psychology. In these fields, the program follows a scientist-practitioner model in
educating students.
The course of studies in applied developmental/applied social prepares graduates for teaching, research, policy analysis, and intervention and consulting roles in mental-health centres, hospitals, schools, social-planning councils and government agencies. Graduates are also eligible for registration as a psychologist with provincial licensing boards. The applied developmental program differs from traditional clinical programs in a number of ways. First, there is an emphasis on normative aspects of development as opposed to psychopathology. Second, the program focuses on risk and protective factors among children, youth, and adults in varied social environments. Finally, research is geared toward programs, policies and practices affecting the wellbeing of children and families. Potential areas for dissertation research include aspects of normative and atypical cognitive, social and personality development, influences of family system variables, social support and health, psychology of law, conflict resolution, educational issues, and social interaction.
The department also offers a PhD in industrial/organizational psychology. The objective of the course of
studies is to educate and train students through a scientist-practitioner model to a high level of proficiency in the core areas of industrial/organizational psychology, such as personnel selection, organizational behaviour/
development and measurement of individual differences, following the guidelines of the Canadian Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology (organization of the CPA). Graduates may seek positions in a wide
range of private and public sector organizations, including universities, consulting firms, industries and
government agencies.
Admission Requirements
Students must have completed MA requirements in the appropriate stream (applied developmental, applied
social or industrial/organizational) with a minimum 'A-' standing to be eligible for admission to the PhD program. These MA requirements are normally met within the department in a two-year course of studies comprising specified coursework and a thesis.
Degree Requirements
Applied Developmental/Applied Social Psychology
Students enrolled in their MA and PhD years will complete required courses emphasizing the research literatures of the respective area (applied social or applied developmental); research methods including experimental, quasi-experimental, qualitative and multivariate analyses; history and philosophy of psychology as a science; and social-policy issues affecting children, families and special-needs groups within communities. They will also complete courses focused on ethics, and professional skills in assessment, intervention and/or program evaluation. Students also complete a minimum of 600 and 400 hours of supervised practica in the applied developmental and applied social streams respectively. Students who enter the program with an honours BA degree will satisfy the course and thesis requirements for the MA degree during the first two years of the program, and typically take three more years to complete coursework, qualifying examinations and a dissertation for the PhD degree.
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
The degree requirements for the PhD in I/O psychology include academic preparation in 15 content areas of
I/O psychology, and satisfactory completion of both qualifying exams and dissertation research. Normally,
students will have completed academic preparation in 10 content areas at the MA level. Typically, all degree
requirements are completed within three years (nine semesters) of obtaining the MA degree.
General Admission Requirements for All Programs
To apply for admission, applicants should write to the Graduate Secretary, Department of Psychology,
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1, requesting an application package. This package includes an
application form, departmental questionnaire, transcript and letter of recommendation forms. These along with
the application fee (made payable to the University of Guelph) should be returned to the Department before
January 21. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores for the verbal, quantitative, analytical, and advanced
psychology are also required by the department. Applicants should request their scores be sent directly to the
department by the January 21st deadline. For any additional information, contact the graduate secretary,
Department of Psychology.
NOTE: Students interested in the General Experimental program should contact the area representative
(available from the graduate secretary) before sending in their application form.
Course/(Credit Value) |
Term |
Course Description |
Departmental Core Courses |
PSYC*6060 Research Design and Statistics (0.5) | |
This course covers non-parametric and parametric hypothesis testing and estimation, analysis of variance and covariance, and multiple correlation and multiple regression. Current controversial issues are presented. |
PSYC*6190 Research Project (1.0) | |
This course is an option for students in the applied streams of MA studies who do not plan on
proceeding to a PhD program. Under the supervision of a faculty member, students will design and
conduct an empirical investigation in their area of emphasis. |
PSYC*6380 Psychological Applications of Multivariate Analysis (0.5) | |
This course emphasizes the use of multivariate techniques in psychological research. Both predictive (e.g., regression, canonical correlation, discriminant analysis, MANOVA) and reduction (e.g., factor analysis, multidimensional scaling, cluster analysis) techniques are considered in addition to the use of both observed and latent variable structural models. |
PSYC*6471 Practicum I (0.5) | |
Students will gain 2-3 days per week of supervised experience in a setting related to their field of specialization. For applied developmental students, registration is dependent on permission of the instructor and the successful completion (passing grade and satisfactory rating on the practical component) of PSYC*6010, PSYC*6690 and PSYC*6700. |
PSYC*6472 Practicum II (1.0) | |
See PSYC*6471 above. Students work four to five days a week in the selected setting. |
PSYC*6473 Practicum III (0.25) | |
See PSYC*6471 above. This course is intended for students who wish to gain additional practicum
experience after completing the requirements for PSYC*6471/2. Students work one day a week in the
selected setting. |
PSYC*6401 Reading Course I (0.25) | |
An independent in-depth study of current theoretical and empirical issues in the student's area of
specialization. |
PSYC*6402 Reading Course II (0.5) | |
An independent in-depth study of current theoretical and empirical issues in the student's area of
specialization. |
PSYC*6411 Special Problems in Psychology I (0.25) | |
A critical examination of current problems relating to conceptual and methodological developments in an area of psychology. |
PSYC*6412 Special Problems in Psychology II (0.5) | |
A critical examination of current problems relating to conceptual and methodological developments in an area of psychology. |
PSYC*6521 Research Seminar I (0.25) | |
An in-depth review of current theoretical and empirical developments in topic areas related to the
student's area of specialization. |
PSYC*6522 Research Seminar II (0.5) | |
An in-depth review of current theoretical and empirical developments in topic areas related to the
student's area of specialization. The course requirements may include the completion of an empirical
research project. |
PSYC*6670 Research Methods (0.5) | |
This course emphasizes those techniques most frequently used in applied and field settings. These include: quasi-experimental designs, survey research, interviewing, questionnaire design, observational techniques, and other more qualitative methods. |
PSYC*6880 Ethical Issues in Psychology (0.25) | |
Relevant issues in the application of professional ethical standards to the practice of psychology, including consultation, field research, intervention, and decision-making models are discussed in this half course. Depending on the particular faculty and students involved, discussion emphasizes specific applications to either I/O or applied developmental/social psychology. |
PSYC*6900 Philosophy and History of Psychology as a Science (0.5) | |
This doctoral course examines the philosophical and metatheoretical issues involved in the scientific
analysis of human experience. Both the historical context of these issues and the status of current
metatheoretical debates are covered. |
Applied Developmental |
PSYC*6000 Developmental Psychopathology: Etiology and Assessment (0.5) | |
The interaction of neurobiological, physiological, familial and social factors to an understanding of developmental psychopathology is the focus of this course. Emphasis is given to etiology and clinical assessment issues. |
PSYC*6010 Learning Disorders: Research and Clinical Practice (0.5) | |
This course examines various cognitive, social, and educational components of learning and language
disorders and accompanying clinical methods of diagnosis and remediation. |
PSYC*6270 Issues in Family-Related Social Policy (0.5) | |
This doctoral course examines historical developments and selected contemporary policy domains in
Canada. Topics may include policies affecting children, families, the elderly, First Nations people, the
mentally and physically disabled, and one parent families. The course also addresses the interplay
between social and psychological research and policy formation, as well as the use of social policy as an instrument of social change. |
PSYC*6580 Models of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy (0.5) | |
This course introduces a variety of therapeutic models for addressing problems of atypical development. |
PSYC*6630 Developmental Psychology (0.5) | |
This course examines issues in the areas of cognitive, social, and emotional development. Specific
research topics and theoretical issues concerning the nature of development are discussed. |
PSYC*6690 Cognitive Assessment of Children and Adolescents (0.5) | |
This course considers standards, ethics, uses and interpretation of selected intelligence and other cognitive tests. Students administer tests, score, interpret and write reports under supervision. Restricted to applied developmental students. As a prerequisite for PSYC*6471, a passing grade and a satisfactory rating on the practical component must be achieved. |
PSYC*6700 Personality and Social Assessment of Children and Adolescents (0.5) | |
This course considers projectives, questionnaires, observations and interviews for assessing children's personality and behaviour. Students administer tests, score, interpret and write reports under supervision. Restricted to applied developmental students. As a prerequisite for PSYC*6471, a passing grade and a satisfactory rating on the practical component must be achieved. |
Applied Social |
PSYC*6270 Issues in Family-Related Social Policy | | (See above) |
PSYC*6590 Social and Community Intervention (0.5) | |
Discussion focuses on strategies of preventing mental illness and promoting mental health and social
competence. Stressful life event theory, social support, coping, and the epidemiology of mental illness are reviewed. |
PSYC*6640 Foundations of Applied Social Psychology (0.5) | |
This course examines theory and research in social psychology, particularly in those areas most relevant to applied concerns. Topics may include attribution, attitudes, social relationships, language and communication, and self and identity. |
PSYC*6830 Applied Social Psychology (0.5) | |
This course reviews selected theories, methods and problem areas in applied social psychology. Issues
involved in the conduct and application of social research, as well as alternative paradigms for such
research, are discussed. |
PSYC*6840 Program Evaluation (0.5) | |
This course provides an introduction to a variety of methods of social program evaluation and to the
process of consultation with program staff. Prerequisite: PSYC*6670 Research Methods. |
Industrial/Organizational |
PSYC*6472 Practicum II (1.0) | |
Students are assigned to a practicum setting to further develop practical skills taught in coursework.
Practicum settings include industry, consulting, and government. |
PSYC*7010 Personnel I: Foundations of Personnel Decisions (0.5) | |
Basic personnel functions are discussed, including job analysis, job evaluation, human resource planning, and criterion development, as well as the economic and legal environment in which these activities take place. |
PSYC*7020 Personnel II: Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (0.5) | |
An examination of theory, research, and practice in the area of personnel selection. |
PSYC*7030 Organizational Psychology I: Micro and Macro Influences (0.5) | |
This course examines micro- and, to a lesser extent, macro-level influences on organizational behaviour. Topics include absenteeism, turnover, work attitudes, stress, occupational health and safety, and unionization. |
PSYC*7040 Organizational Psychology II: Group and Intergroup Processes (0.5) | |
This course examines theories, research, and application of group and intergroup processes within the
organizational context. Topics include basic group dynamics, leadership and supervision, conflict, and
industrial relations as well as gender, minority, and cross-cultural issues. |
PSYC*7060 Organization Development Consulting (0.5) | |
An introduction to the theories and consultation techniques for improving organizational effectiveness. |
PSYC*7070 Psychological Measurement (0.5) | |
Concepts and applications of classical measurement theory, especially reliability and validity of tests and measurements used in applied psychology. Principles of test construction, standardization, norming, administration, and interpretation are discussed, as well as integration of test information and its use in decision making. |
PSYC*7080 Organizational Interventions (0.5) | |
This course examines various modes of organizational intervention from the standpoint of both theory and practice. Areas typically covered include training and development, organizational development and change, individual coaching, and consulting skills development. Pre-Requisite: Registration in the graduate IO psychology program and permission of the Instructor. |
PSYC*7090-7140 Special Topics in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (0.5) | |
These doctoral seminars focus on faculty members' areas of specialization in industrial and
organizational psychology. |
PSYC*7160 Applications of Industrial/Organizational Psychology (0.25) | |
This half course provides the opportunity for the integration of material covered throughout the graduate program. Students will design specific interventions that integrate technical, organizational, and ethical issues in response to various organizational problems. |
General Experimental |
PSYC*6780 Perception and Information Processing (0.5) | |
This course focuses on the analysis of contemporary theory and research in several areas of perception
and information processing. Topics include models of the mind, attention, cerebral specialization, and
language. |
PSYC*6790 Memory and Cognition (0.5) | |
This course reviews the major theories, issues and methodologies guiding contemporary research in
human memory and related aspects of human cognition. Topics include the encoding and retrieval of
information, the nature of representations in memory, classifications of memory, and applications to
reading and eyewitness testimony. |
PSYC*6800 Learning and Physiology (0.5) | |
This course reviews the major theories, issues, and methodologies guiding contemporary research in
learning, comparative, and physiological psychology. |
PSYC*6810 Neuropsychology (0.5) | |
This course focuses on current developments in neuropsychology. Particular emphasis is placed on the
aphasias, apraxias, memory disorders, and disorders of movement. |
PSYC*6870 Human Factors (0.5) | |
This course provides an overview of contemporary theory and research in human factors/ergonomics.
Topics may include visual performance, information processing, human error, decision-making, mental
workload, process control and automation, attention and time sharing, human factors in specific
occupational environments, monitoring and supervisory control. |
HBNS*6030 Applied Ergonomics (0.5) | |
This course is a graduate course offering in the Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences. The course reviews selected topics in ergonomics from a multi-disciplinary perspective with special reference to understanding the scientific basis of associated data gathering techniques and practising the necessary skills. |
The Office of Graduate Studies has attempted to ensure the accuracy of this
on-line Graduate Calendar. However, the publication of information in this document does not
bind the university to the provision of courses, programs, schedules of studies, fees, or facilities as
listed herein. Other limitations apply.