School of Rural Extension Studies
MSc Program
Interdepartmental Programs
Director Douglas Pletsch (109 Johnston, Ext. 3408) (E-mail: dpletsch@res.uoguelph.ca)
Graduate co-ordinator Jana Janakiram (114 Johnston, Ext. 2241) (E-mail: janakira@uoguelph.ca)
Graduate secretary Sally Stoddart (122 Johnston, Ext. 6780)
Graduate Faculty
Tom Carey BA Windsor, MMath, PhD. Waterloo - Professor
Glen C. Filson BA, BEd, MEd Saskatchewan, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Jana D. Janakiram BSc Madras, MSc Indian Agricultural Research Institute (New
Delhi), PhD Western Australia - Associate Professor
Allan C. Lauzon BA, MSc Guelph, EdD Toronto - Associate Professor
James P. Mahone BSc U.S. Coast Guard Academy (Connecticut), PhD Michigan State - Special Assistant to the Dean
Jorge Nef Lic Chile PhD California - Professor
Wayne Pfeiffer BS, PhD Nebraska - Associate Professor
Douglas H. Pletsch BSA Toronto, MSc, PhD Ohio State - Professor
James C.M. Shute BA Queen's, MA, PhD Michigan State - Professor
Mark W. Waldron BSc (Agr) McGill, MSc, PhD Wisconsin - Professor
From the Department of Sociology and Anthropology:
Nora Cebotarev BSHE West Virginia, MSc, PhD Pennsylvania State - University
Professor Emerita
Associated Graduate Faculty
Donald J. Blackburn BSA Saskatchewan, MSc, PhD Wisconsin - Retired
Janice L.S. Jiggins BA Bristol, PhD Vidyodaya/Peradeniya - University of Agricultural
Services, Sweden
G. Ab B. Moore BA Western Ontario, BD Victoria, MA, PhD Syracuse - Retired
Donald Richardson BA, MA Guelph, PhD McMaster - TeleCommons Development Group
Niels G. R”ling MSc Wageningen Agricultural, PhD Michigan State - Group Communication & Innovation Studies, Wageningen
John Wibberley BSc, MSc, PhD Reading - Independent consultant
Special Graduate Faculty
Darlene E. Clover BA Toronto, MES York, PhD Toronto (OISE) - Adjunct Professor, Women's Studies, University of Toronto, and Evaluator, Cultural Animation Project, Laidlaw Foundation, Toronto
Bala Hyma BA, MSc Madras, MA Sheffield, PhD Pittsburg - Associate Professor, Georgraphy Department, University of Waterloo
Vasantha T. Kumaran BA Madras, PhD Mysore - Dept. of Geography, University of Madras
Owen Roberts BA Windsor, MSc (in progress) Guelph - Director, Research Communications, University of Guelph
The School of Rural Extension Studies offers programs of study leading to the MSc
degree. Faculty strengths and academic resources provide for two areas of concentration
- rural extension processes and communication technology .
MSc Program
The School of Rural Extension Studies offers a professionally oriented program
leading to the MSc degree in rural extension studies. The program covers a broad range
of topics including rural extension systems and teaching techniques, interpersonal
communication, technology transfer approaches, communication technologies and
international extension programs. A variety of learning formats are offered by the program
including independent study, distance education, seminars, a practicum, international
courses and research colloquia.
Graduate students focus on one of the two areas of concentration, namely rural
extension processes or communication technology as related to rural and remote regions.
The department offers four core courses and fifteen other courses. Other courses of
interest are available in other academic units including the School of Landscape
Architecture, School of Rural Planning and Development, and the Departments
of Agricultural Economics and Business, Geography, History, and Sociology and
Admission Requirements
The program is open to qualified graduates from a wide variety of disciplines including
agriculture, home economics, sociology, communication, education, health and medicine,
history, and economics. A four-year honours degree is considered as the normal and
basic admission requirement. All incoming students are expected to have completed at
least one third- or fourth-year-level undergraduate statistics course. Work experience in a
rural area or non-urban community is considered especially useful in applying theory to
practice and in identifying research needs and topics.
Students in the School of Rural Extension Studies have employment backgrounds
in areas such as agricultural extension, rural and volunteer organizations, community
development, education, family and consumer studies, social work, communication
technology, health, international project management, and technology transfer.
Degree Requirements
A minimum of two full-time semesters of course work, or the equivalent, must be
completed. Thesis and major paper options are available. For the thesis option, 4.0 credits
plus a research thesis are required; for the major paper option, 5.0 credits plus the Major
Research Paper are required. All students must complete the core courses (described in
the course list for this program).
All students take a comprehensive exam near the end of the course work. Students
select an adviser and a research committee who will assist them in course selection,
research and thesis development.
All students will be required to complete a thesis or major research paper. Normally a
supervised practicum or internship will be required, unless the student has substantial
relevant experience.
Interdepartmental Programs
International Development Studies Collaborative Program The School of Rural Extension Studies participates in the collaborative international
development studies (CIDS) program. Students take a minimum of 2.5 course credits in
the school and a minimum of 2.5 credits in international development studies. The
MSc degree for students in this program will have the specialist designation rural
extension studies: international development studies. Please consult the International
Development Studies listing for a detailed description of the collaborative program
including the special additional requirements for each of the participating departments.
School of Rural Planning and Development Shared MSc Program The School offers a shared program with the School of Rural Planning
and Development (SRP&D). The option is available to students with either a Canadian or
international focus. The options differ by SRP&D core course requirements. The MSc
degree is granted from the School of Rural Extension Studies but will indicate a focus
on rural planning and development issues.
The shared program will include:
Three core courses from the School of Rural Extension Studies
- REXT*6070 Foundations of Rural Extension
- REXT*6230 Program Planning and Evaluation in Rural Extension
- REXT*6060 Adult Learning and Development
Three core courses from the School of Rural Planning and Development
- RPD*6240 Planning and Development Theory
- RPD*6280 Rural Planning Methods
RPD*6030 International Rural Development Planning: Principles and
- RPD*6300 Rural Planning Synthesis
RPD*6400 Synthesis: Seminar in Integrated Rural Development Planning
ALL students in the shared program take a research methods course from either school:
- REXT*6260 Research Design in Rural Extension Studies
RPD*6170 Philosophy and Methods in Rural Planning and Development
Both thesis and major paper options are offered. The thesis option requires an
additional three elective courses. The major paper option requires five additional
electives, the majority of which must be taken from the School of Rural Extension
Students in the shared program will have a research adviser from each school.
Rural Studies PhD Program
The School of Rural Extension Studies is a major participant in the PhD in rural
studies in the field of sustainable rural communities. Included in the graduate faculty for this
program are G.C. Filson, J. Janakiram, A. Lauzon, J. Mahone, D.H. Pletsch, J.C.M. Shute and M.W. Waldron. This PhD program provides opportunities for students to be advised by faculty in this school. PhD students will enroll in the interdepartmental Rural Studies program.
Course/(Credit Value) |
Term |
Course Description |
Disciplinary Core |
REXT*6060 Adult Learning and Development (0.5) | |
Adult development through life stages; profile of adult learners; learning abilities and
difficulties; learning theory as applied to adults; sociological contexts for adult
learning; participation levels and barriers to participation. |
REXT*6070 Foundations of Rural Extension (0.5) | |
Historical, philosophical and sociological foundations of rural extension and
nonformal education. Investigation of changing rural community structure. Past,
present and future institutional support for nonformal and extension education: the
issues of access and professionalism. Significant leadership by individuals and
groups. Critical appraisal of philosophical assumptions and social functions of
nonformal and extension education. |
REXT*6230 Program Planning and Evaluation in Rural Extension (0.5) | |
This course will focus on concepts and processes of program planning and the
evaluation in rural extension. Programs designed with client involvement in
situational analyses and priority settings will receive particular attention. |
REXT*6260 Research Design in Rural Extension Studies (0.5) | |
This course acquaints participants with a series of fundamental and operational
decisions that must be made to produce a coherent research design. Alternative
research philosophies, functions and formats are examined prior to data
consideration. |
Rural Extension Processes |
REXT*6130 International Extension Studies (0.5) | |
An analysis of extension and human resource development programs around the
world, with emphasis on developing nations. |
REXT*6190 Communication and Interpersonal Relations (0.5) | |
The role of communication in interpersonal relations in informal and formal
structures. Case studies and selected readings. |
REXT*6311 Extension Methods (0.5) | |
Theories, principles and practices associated with effective instruction in extension
are taught. Emphasis is given to nonformal teaching-learning situations; importance
of socio- economic and cultural environment; communication skills using creative
and appropriate technology in the transfer of information. |
REXT*6320 Capacity Building for Sustainable Development (0.5) | |
An interdisciplinary approach to the study of institutional and behavioural change with emphasis on the role of education in the planning and management of development programs. |
REXT*6330 Leadership, Gender, Power and Advocacy (0.5) | |
Major theories of leadership, gender, power and advocacy will be explored. Emphasis will be on both the theoretical aspects, as well as skills and practice related to influencing social outcomes. Particular emphasis will be on empowerment of marginalized individuals and groups. |
REXT*6390 Management Theory and Practice in Rural Extension (0.5) | |
Managers and management in the rural-extension context; planning, organizing,
leading, controlling and appraising; time management; meeting management;
managing volunteers; developing long-range plans and objectives; relating needed
management skills to the extension function. |
REXT*6430 Marketing of Extension Programs (0.5) | |
This course features discussions of the following topics for extension programs:
marketing the non-profit organization; basics of a marketing plan; marketing
research; developing new markets for programs; advertising strategies; principles of
copyrighting; achieving creative excellence; comparing and evaluating different
media types; the use of media. |
Communication Technology |
REXT*6110 Issues in Societal Communication (0.5) | |
This course addresses the scope and definition of the Information Age with its
implications for communication, leadership and non-formal education in a variety of
societal contexts. The course raises issues related to the cultural processes of
knowledge creation and the roles of the individual in an information society. |
REXT*6420 Communication Technology: Principles and Practice (0.5) | |
This course examines the principles of communication technology emerging from
contrasting bases in the physical and social sciences. These principles are
investigated in case- study applications in a variety of nonformal educational and
remote contexts. |
REXT*6450 Distance Education: Theory and Application (0.5) | |
This course deals with the newly emerging field of distance education: that is,
education that is not taught in the traditional face-to-face formats. Associated with
this field are new approaches to curriculum development, delivery technologies and
new forms of counselling and student-support services. |
Other (May be applicable in either or both of the above fields) |
REXT*6290 Special Topics (0.5) | |
Selected study topics which may be pursued in accordance with the special needs
of students in the program. |
REXT*6300 Student Research Seminar (0.5) | |
This course is designed around a seminar (rather than lecture) format and is
intended for all MSc candidates in rural extension studies irrespective of their length
of enrolment in the program. Seminar topics include philosophy of science,
academic writing, thesis design, the research process and others which students
suggest as appropriate. It also provides graduate students with the opportunity to
develop and present their research intentions for peer appraisal. |
REXT*6410 Readings in Rural Extension Studies (0.5) | |
A program of supervised independent study related to the student's area of
concentration. |
REXT*6500 Practicum (0.5) | |
Designed to provide practical experience for students, this practicum offers
students an opportunity for a short-term work placement in a public, private or
voluntary agency concerned with adult education, information technology and
related applications of learning and communication theory. |
REXT*6730 The Politics of Development and Underdevelopment (0.5) | |
This course, for MA students specializing in international and comparative development, has a primarily theoretical orientation, focusing on the main paradigms that have evolved to explain central problems and issues of development and underdevelopment, particularly modernization, dependency, world systems and Marxist state theories. |
REXT*6900 Major Research Paper (1.0) | |
Students select a topic and write a paper that does not necessarily include original
data but is an analysis and synthesis of materials dealing with the topic selected. |
The Office of Graduate Studies has attempted to ensure the accuracy of this
on-line Graduate Calendar. However, the publication of information in this document does not
bind the university to the provision of courses, programs, schedules of studies, fees, or facilities as
listed herein. Other limitations apply.