MSc Program
Phd Program
Chair and graduate co-ordinator Nigel J. Bunce (167 Chemistry and Microbiology, Ext. 3962)
Graduate secretary OVC Services Assistant (OVC Dean's Office, Ext. 4401)
Graduate Faculty
William D. Black Professor, Biomedical Sciences
Herman J. Boermans Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences
Manfred Brauer Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Nigel J. Bunce Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
David H. Evans Associate Professor, Molecular Biology and Genetics
Lesley J. Evans Professor, Land Resource Science
Beverley Hale Associate Professor, Land Resource Science
M. Anthony Hayes Professor, Pathobiology
John J. Hubert Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
P. David Josephy Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Gordon M. Kirby Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences
James B. Kirkland Assistant Professor, Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences
Leonard Ritter Professor, Environmental Biology
Frances J. Sharom Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Keith R. Solomon Professor, Environmental Biology
E. James Squires Professor, Animal and Poultry Science
Gerald R. Stephenson Professor, Environmental Biology
Glen J. Van Der Kraak Associate Professor, Zoology
Associated Graduate Faculty Ronald W. Brecher BSc Carleton, PhD Sussex, Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology - GlobalTox International Consultants, Guelph
Mark T. Goldberg BSc Western Ontario, PhD Memorial, Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology - GlobalTox International Consultants, Guelph
The interdepartmental collaborative program is the focal point for graduate teaching and research in toxicology. Students wishing to undertake graduate studies at the MSc or PhD level with emphasis on toxicology will be admitted by participating department and will register in both the participating department and in the collaborative program. The participating academic units include the Departments of Animal and Poultry Science, Biomedical Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Environmental Biology, Horticultural Science, Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences, Land Resource Science, Mathematics and Statistics, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Pathobiology, and Zoology.
MSc Program
Admission Requirements
MSc students in the collaborative program in toxicology must meet the MSc admission requirements of the participating department in which they are enrolled.
Degree Requirements
MSc students in the collaborative program in toxicology must complete a minimum of 1.5 graduate credits, which must include the toxicology courses TOX*6000 and TOX*6200 and courses required by the participating department in which they are enrolled. TOX*6000 may be waived for students whose undergraduate degree included significant training in toxicology.
PhD Program
Admission Requirements
PhD students in the collaborative program in toxicology must meet the PhD admission requirements of the participating department in which they are enrolled.
Degree Requirements
PhD students in the collaborative program in toxicology must meet all the academic requirements specified by the participating department in which they are enrolled. They must also complete the courses TOX*6000 and TOX*6200 if they, or equivalent courses, were not taken as part of an MSc program.
Course/(Credit Value) |
Term |
Course Description |
TOX*6000 Toxicology (0.5) | S |
An intensive course in the principles of modern aspects of toxicology, taught in a lecture/case study format. |
TOX*6200 Advanced Topics in Toxicology (0.5) | W |
Advanced topics in toxicology will include oral presentations by students, faculty members, and guest lecturers. The emphasis will be on advanced concepts and techniques in toxicology research with particular relevance to mechanistic, molecular and interpretive toxicology. |
TOX*6530 (or ENVB*6530) Ecotoxicological Risk Characterization (0.5) | W |
A biologically based advanced course that will give students working knowledge of current procedures and techniques for ecotoxicological risk characterization. The course material will cover the topics: problem definition, dose response characterization, exposure characterization, and risk assessment and risk-management decision making. (Credit may be obtained for only one of TOX6530, ENVB6530 and TOX4550.) Department of Environmental Biology |
TOX*6590 Biochemical Toxicology (0.5) | F |
The molecular mechanisms of action of carcinogens and other toxic compounds. Enzymes of biotransformation, including a detailed study of cytochrome P-450. Interactions of reactive
species with DNA and other macromolecules. (Credit may be obtained for only one of TOX4590 and 9406590.) Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry |
CHEM*7310-CHEM*7330, CHEM*7600-CHEM*7630 Selected Topics in Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry (0.5) | |
From time to time the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers relevant selected topics courses with toxicological subjects which may be taken with permission. Department of
Chemistry and Biochemistry |
ENVB*6180 Physiology and Biochemistry of Herbicides (0.5) | W | Chemical and biological fate of herbicides in soil. Physical, morphological and physiological factors influencing herbicidal selectivity and mode of action. (Offered in alternate years.) Department of Environmental Biology |
BIOM*6440 Biomedical Toxicology (0.5) | |
The course will examine chemical compounds injurious to animals and man, toxicity testing, teratogens, carcinogens, factors influencing toxicity and toxic drug interactions. The mechanism of action, metabolism, and principles of antidotal treatment will also be studied. Department of Biomedical Sciences |
BIOM*6480 Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics (0.5) | | This course will describe drug absorption, distribution, biotransformation and elimination in animals and human beings, and emphasize factors which modify drug behaviour. It will integrate molecular mechanisms with physiological processes and highlight the importance of receptors and second messengers in cellular responses to pharmacologic agents. Department of
Biomedical Sciences |
BIOM*6720 Special Topics in Pharmacology-Toxicology (0.25 or 0.5) | | This course will comprise a combination of an experimental procedure (or project), seminars, selected reading or a literature review outside the thesis subject, developed based on the student's requirements. Topics could include clinical pharmacology/toxicology,
pharmaco-epidemiology/economics, gerontological or perinatal pharmacology and
toxicokinetics. Department of Biomedical Sciences |
The Office of Graduate Studies has attempted to ensure the accuracy of this
on-line Graduate Calendar. However, the publication of information in this document does not
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listed herein. Other limitations apply.