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Board of Governors
Administrative Officers
The Faculty of Graduate Studies
The Board of Graduate Studies
The Office of Graduate Program Services
Graduate Students' Association


Board of Governors

The Chancellor of the University
The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander

The President and Vice-Chancellor
Mordechai Rozanski

Simon F. Cooper

F. Michael Walsh

Betsy Allan

H. Anthony Arrell, Lynda H. Bowles, Rita Burak, Douglas L. Derry , Jason Deveau, Mary-Elizabeth Flynn, David Hornsby, Warren Jestin, Gail S. Kilgour, Michael Mandeville, Jill McCutcheon, Chris McKenna, Ken Morrison, Robin-Lee Norris, Huib Quist, Gabriel T. Tsampalieros, Glen Van Der Kraak, Hank Vander Pol, Ron A. Zelonka

Administrative Officers

L. Alexander BA McMaster, LLB Toronto, LLD Toronto, McMaster, Western, York, RMC

President and Vice-Chancellor
M. Rozanski BA McGill, PhD Columbia, New Asia College, Pennsylvania

Executive Assistant to the President
V. Hodgkinson BA York (Can.)

Provost and Vice-President Academic
A.J.S. Summerlee BSc, BVSc, PhD Bristol, MRCVS

Vice-President Finance and Administration
N. Sullivan BA McGill

Vice-President Research
A.G. Wildeman BSc, MSc Saskatchewan, PhD Guelph

Acting Vice-President for Development and Public Affairs
R.J. McLaughlin BSc(Agr), PhD Guelph

Associate Vice-President Academic
M. Mancuso, BA McMaster, MA Carleton, DPhil Oxford

Associate Vice-President Research
J. Core, BSc, MSc Guelph

Associate Vice-President Student Affairs
B. Whiteside BA, MA Guelph

Assistant Vice-President Financial Services
J. Miles BA Waterloo, CMA

Assistant Vice-President, Human Resources
V. Reimer BA, MSc Guelph

Secretary of Senate
I. Birrell BA, TESL Toronto

Acting Registrar
B. Pettigrew BA Guelph, MSW Wilfrid Laurier


College of Arts
Dean - J. Murray BA British Columbia, MA, PhD Toronto

College of Biological Science
Acting Dean - A. Clarke MSc, PhD Waterloo

College of Physical and Engineering Science
Dean - P. Tremaine BSc Waterloo, PhD Alberta

College of Social and Applied Human Science
Dean - A. Joseph MA Queen's, PhD McMaster

Ontario Agricultural College
Dean - C. Pearson BSc Western Australia, MSc Guelph, PhD Macquarie

Ontario Veterinary College
Dean - A.H. Meek DVM, MSc Guelph, PhD Melbourne

The Faculty of Graduate Studies

Dean - I. Heathcote BSc Toronto, MS, PhD Yale
Associate Dean - J. Norris BA, MA, PhD Waterloo
    Members of regular graduate faculty are appointed from among the faculty members of the university, on recommendation of their department chair or director of a school to the Board of Graduate Studies. Membership is contingent upon continuing participation in the graduate program of the university and is subject to annual review. Faculty members in departments without graduate programs may be appointed as graduate faculty in another department. Members of associated graduate faculty are appointed from among other than faculty members of the university on the recommendation of the department chair or director of a school. Membership is contingent upon continuing participation in the graduate program of the university and is subject to review. Associated graduate faculty may participate as co-advisors, serve on advisory committees, participate in graduate examinations and teach graduate courses. Individuals appointed by the university to teach a graduate course on a limited basis, serve as co-advisors, serve on examining committees or are appointed to an advisory committee for a limited time are designated as special graduate faculty. The term of appointment is defined at the time of appointment.

The Board of Graduate Studies

A. Sullivan BSc, MSc, PhD Guelph

P.M. Bordignon

The President
The Vice-President Academic
The Vice-President Research
The Associate Vice-President Academic
The Chief Librarian
The Dean of Graduate Studies
The Associate Dean of Graduate Studies

Six faculty members
Four graduate student senators

The Office of Graduate Program Services

Executive Secretary
P. Bordignon

Associate Registrar
R. Darling BA, MA Guelph

Graduate Records Clerk
P. Dawkins

Graduate Admissions Clerk
J. Dupont

Graduate Admissions Officer
C. Goody

Graduate Records Officer
R. Switzer

Graduate Records Clerk
V. Walker

Graduate Students' Association

     All graduate students of the University of Guelph, including part-time students, are members of the association and are encouraged to participate in its events and activities.
     The purposes of the association are: to represent the graduate student body in all matters pertinent to its welfare; to act as a liaison between the graduate student body and faculty, the administration and the undergraduate student body; and to promote social and cultural activities.
     The Grad Lounge is a licensed lounge facility and common area. It is located on Level 5, of the University Centre, Ext. 8117. These facilities provide a focal point for social and cultural activities of graduate students.
     The GSA administers the Dental Plan and sets guidelines and policies on the Health Plan for all full-time graduate students.
     The office for the Graduate Students' Association is beside the Graduate Student Lounge, University Centre, Level 5 (North) Ext. 6685.
     Elections are held in February for the following executive positions (term effective May 1 to April 30 of each year):
  • President
  • Vice-President Internal
  • Vice-President External
  • Vice-President Finance
  • Vice-President Activities
     The governing body of the Association is the Board of Directors, consisting of the executive officers and departmental representatives. For a current listing of monthly meeting dates, please call the GSA office at Ext. 6685. All graduate students are welcome to attend.


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