Mark D. Baker
Laurentian, MSc, PhD Waterloo - Associate Professor*
Ian K. Barker
DVM, MSc Guelph, PhD Melbourne -
John R. Barta
BSc, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Dorothee Bienzle
DVM, MSc Guelph, PhD
McMaster, Dip ACVP - Assistant Professor
Jeff Caswell
DVM, DVSc Guelph, PhD Saskatchewen, Dip ACVP
-Assistant Professor
Hugh W. Ferguson
BVM&S Edinburgh, PhD Stirling, Dip ACVP, MRCVS - Professor
Robert A. Foster
BVSc Queensland, PhD James Cook University of North Queensland, MRCVS, Dip ACVP -Assistant Professor
Carlton L. Gyles
DVM Toronto, MSc, PhD Guelph - Professor
M. Anthony Hayes
Melbourne, PhD Saskatchewan, Dip ACVP - Professor
D. Bruce Hunter
DVM, MSc Saskatchewan - Associate
Robert M. Jacobs
BSc Toronto, DVM, PhD Guelph, Dip ACVP - Professor
Azad Kaushik
MVSc Haryana, DSc Inst. Pasteur - Assistant Professor
J.H. (Tim) Lumsden
DVM, MSc, Dip. Vet. Med. Guelph,
Dip ACVP - Professor
Janet I. MacInnes
BSc Victoria, PhD Western Ontario - Associate Professor
Bonnie A.
BSc, MSc, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
L. Jill McCutcheon
BSc, DVM Guelph, PhD Washington
State - Associate Professor
Éva Nagy
DVM, Cand. Deg. Vet. Sci. Budapest - Associate Professor
Andrew S.
BVMS (Hons.), PhD, DVM Glasgow - Associate Professor
John F. Prescott
MA, VetMB, PhD Cambridge - Professor
Shayan Sharif
DVM Tehran, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Patricia E. Shewen
BSc, DVM, MSc, PhD Guelph - Professor and Chair
Dale A. Smith
DVM, DVSc Guelph - Associate Professor
Brian P. Wilcock
BA Montreal, DVM Guelph, MS, PhD Purdue -
Bruce N. Wilkie
DVM Guelph, PhD Cornell - Professor
Julie A. Yager
BVSc, PhD Sydney - Professor
Dongwan Yoo
DVM, MSc Seoul, PhD Ottawa - Assistant Professor
* Joint appointment with Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Associated Graduate Faculty
Mudher A. Albassam
Baghdad, MSc Guelph, PhD Purdue, Dip ACVP - Parke-Davis Research Institute, Mississauga
Marie Archambault
DVM, MSc, PhD Montreal - Animal Health Laboratory
Donald A.
DVM, DVSc Toronto - Professor Emeritus
John R. Bend
BSc, MSc Manitoba, PhD Sydney - University
of Western Ontario
G. Douglas Campbell
BA Carleton, BA Lakehead, BSc Guelph, MPl Queen's, DVM, DVSc
Guelph - Canadian Co-operative Wildlife Health Centre, Ontario Region, Guelph
P. Suzanne Carman
Guelph, Animal Health Laboratory, University of Guelph
Ronald F. Carter
BSc, MSc Toronto, DVM, PhD
Guelph - McMaster University
R. Voon-Loong Chang
BSc Melbourne, MSc, PhD Western Ontario - University of Toronto
Robert Clarke
BSc Carleton, DVM, PhD Guelph - Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Ottawa
Graham J.
MS California (Davis), B. Vet. Med. London - Toronto Zoo
Harry D. Danforth
Illinois, MS, PhD Utah State - Protozoan Diseases Laboratory, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland
J. Brian Derbyshire
BSc, MRCVS, PhD London - Professor Emeritus
Ian D. Dube
BSc, MSc, PhD British Columbia - University of
M. Agnes Fernando
MB, BS Ceylon, PhD Singapore - Professor Emerita
Piotr Gazdzinski
Warsaw, DVSc Veterinary Research Institute, Dip. University of Guelph - Cuddy Foods
Yousef Haj-Ahmad
BSc, MSc Brock, PhD McMaster -
Brock University
Roger P. Johnson
BVSc, MVSc Sydney, PhD Guelph - Agriculture Canada, Guelph
Richard J. Julian
DVM Toronto, Dip. Vet. Med.
Guelph - Professor Emeritus
Mohamed A. Karmali
MB, ChB Glasgow, MRCP, FRCP - The Laboratory of Foodborne Zoonoses, Health Canada, Guelph
Douglas W. Key
DVM, MSC, DVSc Guelph - Animal Health Laboratory, Guelph
Richard Latt
DVM Guelph, Dip ACLAM - McGill University
Leonard E. Lillie
Guelph, PhD Purdue, Dip ACVP - Parke-Davis Research Institute, Mississauga
Peter B. Little
DVM Toronto,
MS, PhD Minnesota, Dip ACVP - Professor Emeritus
Donald E. Low
BSc, MD Manitoba, FRCPC - Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto
M. Grant Maxie
DVM Saskatchewan, PhD Guelph, Dip. ACVP -
Animal Health Laboratory, University of Guelph
Colin McKerlie
DVM, MRCVS, DVSC Guelph - Sunnybrook and Women's college Heath Sciences Centre, Toronto
Kay G. Mehren
BVSc, DVM California, Dip. ACZM - Toronto Zoo
Richard B. Miller
BSc (Agric)
Alberta, DVM Toronto, PhD Cornell, Dip ACVP - Professor Emeritus
Susan Nadin-Davis
BA Cambridge, MSc Dalhousie, PhD Ottawa - Animal Diseases Research Institute, Nepean
Klaus H. Nielsen
BSc(Agr), MSc Guelph, PhD Glasgow - Animal Diseases Research Institute, Nepean
Dean H. Percy
DVM Toronto, MSc Guelph, PhD Cornell, Dip ACVP - Professor Emeritus
DVM Utrecht, MSc, PhD Guelph - Health Canada
Susan C. Read
DVM, MSc Guelph - Health Canada, Guelph
Richard C. Renlund
BSc, DVM Guelph, MSc
Toronto - University of Toronto
S.V. Primal S. Silva
BVSc Peradeniya (Sri Lanka), PhD Sydney - Health Canada, Ottawa
David J. St. Aubin
BSc Michigan, MSc, PhD Guelph - Mystic
J. Owen D. Slocombe
DICTA West Indies, DVM Toronto, PhD Cornell - Professor Emeritus
T.G. Smith
BA, MSc Bishop's, PhD
McGill - Department of Fisheries & Oceans
Paul Thorner
PhD Toronto - Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
Ron Usborne
BS Cornell, MS Illinois, PhD Kentucky - Caravelle Foods, Brampton
V.E.O. Valli
DVM Toronto,
MSc, PhD Guelph, Dip. ACVP - University of Illinois
Anthony A. van Dreumel
DVM Toronto, MSc Manitoba,
Dip. ACVP - Animal Health Laboratory, University of Guelph
Alexander I. Wandeler
Baccalauréat Lycée de Berne, MSc, PhD Berne - Animal Diseases Research Institute, Nepean
Cecelia A. Whetstone
BS, PhD Iowa State -
National Animal Disease Center, Iowa
Elizabeth S. Williams
BS Maryland, DVM Purdue, PhD Colorado State -
University of Wyoming
Special Graduate Faculty
Denna Benn
BSc, DVM, Dip Vet Med, MSc Guelph -
University of Guelph
Philip J. Byrne
BSc, MSc, DVM, PhD (in progress) - Assistant Professor
Jennifer Conlon
DVM, MSc, PhD Guelph - Merial, Athens, Georgia
Dirk Deregt
Simon Fraser, DVM, PhD Saskatchewan - Animal Diseases Research Institute, Lethbridge
Andrew Fletch
MSc Guelph - McMaster University
Marilyn A. Keaney
BA Ottawa, BSc Carleton, DVM Guelph, PhD Ottawa -
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa
Michael Miller
BSc, DVM, PhD Colorado State - Colorado
Division of Wildlife, Fort Collins, Colorado
Joseph A. Odumeru
BSc Western Ontario, MSc, PhD Manitoba - Laboratory Services Division, University of Guelph
Vaughn E. Ostland
BSc, MSc, PhD Guelph - Kent Seatech Corp,
Mecca, CA
Dragan R. Rogan
Belgrade - Vetrepharm Inc.
Shayan Sharif
DVM Tehran, PhD Guelph - Robarts Research Institute
DVM, Dip., PhD Guelph - Vita-Tech, Uxbridge
Judith Taylor
DVM DVSc Guelph - University of
Thomas Waddell
BSc, MSc Toronto, PhD Guelph - Health Canada, Guelph
Datlaf V. Weseloh
BA Gustavus Adolphus College(Minnesota), MSc Michigan Technological Univ., PhD Calgary --
Wildlife Biologist, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada,Downsview, Ont.